The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 471 444 Stories Sol's Truth

Since we were to bring Mr. Etchey from the captain's house, Mr. Ginal and I broke up once in front of Mr. Gilmouth's house.

"Are you all right? Mr. Etcher will stand out when he gets here."

It's famous that she works at the captain's house, so when someone like that comes to Mr. Gilmouth's house, it's bound to stand out.

"It's okay, 'cause I just hope I don't get it with her. I'll take care of it."

Tilt your neck to Mr. Ginal's words.

What do you mean, "I hope you don't understand"?

I'll see you later.

Drop off Mr. Ginal, who's gone, and then unlock Mr. Gilmouth's house.

"Ivy, let's wrap up a little talk. Well, it looks like we were in surgery before we even knew it."


I thought it was okay because Sol solved the surgery, but that means it wasn't, right?

However, Sol had decided that it was "okay" when he worried about going through surgery again after he had solved the surgery.

I've been thinking a lot about what happened, but I didn't know because I had too little information.

As soon as we enter Mr. Gilmouth's house, we get the Sols out of the bag.

"Sol, listen to me a lot. Are you okay?



When I enter the dining room, I sigh small.

"I'll get you some tea."

To your father's words, rush after him.

"You must be tired. You can sit down."

"I guess I'm more confused than tired"

To my words, your father nods.

Return to the room where you prepare tea and a little sweet treat to eat.

Ciel was small but he was back where he was.

Well, you were forgiven once, so it won't be a problem.


Sit down, I'm having tea and Sol comes on my desk.

And look up at me and your father.

"Today, thank you. Sol broke that stone, so I'm free of it."

Look me in the eye and thank me.

If there really wasn't Sol, what would have happened...... scary to think.


"Sol, I have a lot to ask you, okay? If yes, I want you to reply. If no, just ignore me."



In the meantime, what should I ask?

"Uh, did Sol know what effect it would have in that magic formation?

Well, if you didn't know, you wouldn't have so much to break.


"" Huh?

Sol's silent response surprises me with your father.

Don't you know?

I don't know, you mean you broke it in such a frightening atmosphere?

"Uh, you mean you don't know, right?

Ask in the sense of confirmation.


Right, didn't you know?

So why did you attack that stone so much in such a frightening atmosphere?

You heard "what impact" earlier, right?

"I don't know what effect it would have, but did you think it would have a negative impact on me and your father?


I see, that's why you changed the leopard like that.

How long have you known?

Or because if you knew, you would definitely let me know...

"Did you find out that magic formation had an impact on us when you saw the magic formation in that place?


Didn't you know until you saw the magic formation?

Yeah, let me ask you something that's been bothering me.

"Hey, Sol. You're trying to get away from me and your father, aren't you?

Sometimes, Sol stares out the window.

Seeing that vibe, I was wondering if our breakup was close...

When I look at Sol, he looks at me strangely.

Uh, my mistake?

Then I was embarrassed that I was trying so hard to think of supporting Sol because he was seriously worried about it...


The only response I have is that it was my mistake.

'Cause when I saw it from behind, I felt like I was sad... was that my fault too?

"But then why were you looking out so seriously? You feel magic or something?



Were you looking outside because you felt magic?

"Sol... how do I ask? Ah, can you feel the magic in a distant place?

Your father asks Sol while he gets lost.


"... right"

Father tilting his neck to Sol, who answered with joy for some reason.

I, too, don't know how Sol feels.

I'm interested, but now let me ask you something else that interests me.

"Sol, it fits that you solved the trick in the square, right?


"That's when you told me you couldn't do any more surgery, right?


"But it took a magic formation carved in stone, didn't it?

"... pefu"

Oh, I'm so depressed.

Does this mean Sol couldn't have predicted either?

"Was it unexpected that it took surgery?

"Pef ~"

Ah, I'm seriously depressed.

But you have to listen to me.

"I'm sorry, Sol. Don't be depressed, Sol saved my life."

"Pe ~"

Slowly stroke Sol's head.

Still can't quite revive your feelings, your eyes seem sad.


When he thought he heard Flem, Flem leaned softly against Sol as he jumped on his desk.

Sol is also sweet with a pull on the flem.


Does slime have a distinction between male and female?

When I look at your father, your father also looks at Sol and Flem with a surprised look.

Hi, I don't know.

Well, let's keep a gentle eye on the two.

"Thank you, Flem"

I'll leave Sol to Flem, what I've learned so far.

Sol could know the magic of the distance, and the magic formations engraved in stone could not even predict Sol.

That magic team is out of line, right?

Besides, considering that it was a magic formation aimed at remembering and skilling different countries.

It means that there are people who know that there are people like us.

Plus, I'm in the way.

And worst of all, I'm about to be eliminated before I know it...

I don't know, I've been trying not to get involved, but I feel centered from the start.

You can't get away with this, can you?

"Sol, did you know that magic formations were being used in this village before you came to this village?


To your father's question, Sol stares silently at your father.


Your father hurries to stroke Sol's head in Sol's cold eyes.

"Bad, Sol. Uh, it's just a confirmation."

I ask you in a suspicious way, so Sol sees you with a cold eye.

"Phew, Sol. Forgive me if I'm just crushing my doubts one by one."


Uh, to sum up what I know now about Sol.

Sol is interested in magic and can feel distant magic.

But you don't know what kind of magic it is.

"When Sol sees the magic formation, he can see if it's dangerous, can't he?


What, silent?

Is that it?

Earlier when I saw the magic formation... what if it wasn't the magic formation... magic?... Magic Formation Magic?

"With the magic of the magic formations, are you judging whether it's good or bad?


I see, are you really judging by magic alone?

Somehow, the more you listen, the stranger Sol is, isn't it?

Feel the magic of the distance, Sol staring out the window.

Sol eating magic...... hmm?

"... the magic I feel in the distance, I think it looks delicious or something"



I see.

Well, that's sad, isn't it?

Even if I feel magic, it's far away.

Oh, no - no way......

"Hey, Sol. Did you ever think about leaving us because you wanted to eat the magic you felt?


Haha, sounds like we've won more than appetite so far.

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