The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 450 432 Stories Heart Exhaustion

Is the captain's house because the gatekeeper had been busted? People came and went very hard. We went into the house from the back.

"When you're in and out like this, you don't know who's in surgery and who's not."

Mr. Nargas nods at your father's words.

"Let's go upstairs, 'cause we're not coming up to the second floor."

Upstairs, without the permission of the captain, they can't go up.

Mr. Commander, since my first day at the house, I've walked around the house quite freely, but couldn't I?

"I'll apologize to the captain later"

"Hmm? What's wrong?

Something I thought to myself was unconsciously coming out of my mouth, and I shook my neck sideways in a slight panic.

Mr. Pial looked at my face a little strangely, but stroked Pong and his head to go upstairs.

Upon going upstairs and entering the commonly used room, for some reason, I was very horrified.

"I'll tell the captain, I'll get some more tea or something."

As Mr. Pial left the room, Mr. Nargas sighed loudly and sat in the chair.

"You're tired."

Father in the chair in front of Mr. Nargas, I sit next to him.

"Excuse me."

Mr. Nargas has a slightly pitiful look at your father's words.

"If you're too worried because you're a leader, you'll fail. I know it's hard to say it's a little easier, but don't get too upset."

If you look at Mr. Nargas's face, you can see that there's a neighborhood under his eyes.

"I know, but I've never been involved in a big case so far, and I honestly don't know what to do. I have a desire to do something about it, but what should I do?"

Mr. Nargas is a top adventurer, so you're not in a good position to just follow the instructions.

"I'll tell you what, if a case like this happens, it's gonna suck."

Shit incident...... 2nd time.

I don't know, I'm gonna cry.

Could I be a very evil person or something in my last life?

With that said, my previous knowledge was useful even when organizing trafficking in human beings, right?

That knowledge floats with Pong... because you've been through it before?

... what if he's a really awesome bad guy.

"Ivy, what's up? Are you tired?

To your father's concern, I return a slightly subtle look.

"Shall we slow down already today?"

"It's okay. I've just been thinking about things I can't help."

I may be more tired than I think.

Sometimes like this, you mean bad things, or you take stupid things seriously.


"Yeah. Too many things"

Perhaps my heart is true, I'm not able to rest.

Reminds me of the last few days.

Knowing the fear of the magic formation, knowing the various problems that are attacking the village, the gatekeepers may have broken today...

I've been trying not to notice... but... you're tired.


Warm hand feel on the pong and head.

You're stroking me, I feel good.

"... oh, I forgot to get the Solas out of my bag"

"Hmm? I forgot, too. I can't afford it either."

"Phew, you're with me."

When I open the bag, everyone pops up just fine.

You fly around freely as soon as it's usual, but now you're around me and your father.

He seemed worried, and he replied with a pull when he stroked everyone's head as he said "I'm fine".

Sol looks right behind him and flies straight to Mr. Nargas.

He gave Sol a surprised look as he jumped into his arms, hugging him with immediate joy.

I notice that everyone is a little exhausted.

I wish I could fix this quickly.

"Thank you for waiting."

Mr. Pial comes into the room with tea and sweets.

"The captain said he'd be here after his current errands."

"Right. Until then, take a break."

Drink warm tea and eat sweets.

The sweetness crosses over to the body.

"Bad. You kept me waiting"

Mr. Early and the others come into the room with the captain.

The look was dark and sinking.

"First of all, thanks for the cave survey. How'd it go?

"Shami was too alert to get close, but she seemed to be returning a little bit."


"It is Adandala, to Ciel"

"Oh, I see. Adandala is superior in the world of demons. It would be one of those demons you wouldn't want to meet if you turned it into a shami."

I know, but you're uncomfortable.

See Ciel on your father's lap.

I narrow my eyes and relax if it feels good to be stroked.

The captain looked at Ciel and gave him a slightly more complicated look.

Somehow, I know how you feel.

"And I found the body in the back of the cave. Among them...... there was someone wearing the same ring that the deputy commander was wearing. And I could see who was dressed as a priest."

To Mr Nargas's words, the captain solidifies for a moment.

"... well. Thank you. Have you heard to some extent what happened here?

It was only a few moments free, but the captain speaks out as usual.

"If you're talking about the gatekeepers, what do you know?

"The limit of the technique has arrived."

In response to the captain, your father narrows his eyes.

"I heard you forgot your ego and went wild?

"... ha. You know what I mean. We don't know the details yet, but if you are violent, it is possible that someone who has undergone surgery. But keep this to yourself. I'm not sure yet."

See everyone in the room with the captain.


I mean, you could be one of our enemies, right?

I thought you checked to see if Mr. Ginal and the others were in surgery, didn't you notice?

I know it's pretty hard to mislead them like that......

"Those who have fallen will be the ones who have been put to work. I'm guessing Early and Jaggi have seen it, haven't they?

The captain calls out to two pale people.

Mr. Jaggi nods once when he looks up.

"He was awake, but he said his self could be collapsing. I couldn't talk."

The look on the faces of the two of them distorts painfully about what they have seen.

"Right. Too bad."

Two look down at the words of the captain.

I heard earlier, was there someone who took care of you in the victim?

"The Ginars are looking into the matter. I hear you're curious."

"Right. So, what time do we start freeing the technique? There won't be time."

Yes, it was.

The captain said there was a way to free him from the surgery.

Are we going to start as soon as possible, more than someone has come to the limit?

"... a few members of the vigilante are already supposed to join us"

Surprised by the strong voice of the captain, I stare at his face.

Is there something in the liberation of the surgery?

Sure, he said he would use the magic formation to help those who were hanging on to the technique... that?

Using magic formations to help?

The magic team said it would overload those who activate it and eventually, like this one, its self would collapse...

Right, does someone carry a load of magic formations?

"If I can find the magic team, I'll reduce their burden a little more..."

The magic team has not been found yet.

I wonder where it is.

Windows in colorful light.

Something comes to my mind, but I can't grasp that.

"Yes, can you find out if the church has heard from the missing person?

"Church? Oh, you found the body in the priest's clothes."

"Not sure if it's real or not, but we'll have to find out."

Your father and the captain are talking, it reaches your ear.

I don't want to touch the church, so I'll take care of it...... hmm?


Windows in colorful light...... what do you say?

Stained glass.

"Yes, stained glass! The magic formations could be where the stained glass is!

Captain of the regiment to make my expression strong in my words.

Your father also gave a slightly confused look.

Did I tell you something that wasn't good?

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