The Villain's Story

Chapter 306 [306] Sage.

"It's quite serious."

Oliver commented when he looked at Alan's body.

The sheer amount of Chaos energy present In Alan was shocking. It was as if there was an entire sea of it.

[Chaos is dormant within him.]

An Owl on his shoulder commented This owl was his spirit.

"What do you mean?"

[The power of Chaos lies dormant within him, Deeper than even the power of the Marquis...Stronger as well.]


Oliver stood shocked. The others left the Hospital room earlier.

Oliver stood there in a daze, gazing at Alan's mangled body.

"Alan has an affinity to Chaos?"

He asked. In his heart he wanted that to not be true.

He wished for it deeply, to not be true. to be False.

But his Owl was even wiser than him...

[Yes, he possesses a strong Affinity for the element of Chaos. Otherwise, the chaotic energy within him would be akin to a savage sea of storms. But it is Tranquil.]


The outcome he did not want had just been declared.

[But he has not used it, He has abstained.]

However, a dim light of hope still shone.

[Alan Peccator has refused to use the affinity of Chaos he was gifted with. The calmness of the Chaos within him proves it. If he had used it, even once it would not be obstructing our efforts to heal him. It is still unfamiliar with his soul, but familiar with his body.]

"Thank God..."

Oliver sighed. He was relieved.

[It takes quite a lot of self-control. An immense amount even.]

"What do you mean?"

[Alan Peccator's affinity for Chaos is several times greater than his affinity for the Elements of Ice and Space combined. Much Greater.]

[Even despite this, He still didnt use it at all and still got so far at such a young age.]

Argenti said.

[The Supreme Dragon of Ice, Lanesha, And the King of Chaos dragons, Suleras.]

Argenti muttered the name of Lanesha and Suleras, the Supreme dragons that had blessed by.

[The Queen Of the Artic, Lanesha herself, And the Unknown Dragon King.]

"Unknown Dragon king?"

Oliver asked, this was the first time he had heard of the Unknown Dragon King. He knew of the existence of Lanesha, The queen of frost but this was the first time he was hearing about Suleras and this Unknown Dragon King.

[That is just one of the Titles of the Supreme Dragon of Chaos, Suleras. It was given to him because of his immense strength. Among the Supreme Dragons, Only he is equal to the Supreme Dragon of Fate and Light, Aloaris, The current king of Dragons. But he is a king without a Kingdom, no subjects. This is why the Supreme Dragon of Chaos Suleras is also known as the Lone King, The Only Chaos dragon not to be tempted by the element of Chaos. The one 'Sane' Chaos Dragon.]


Such an existence existed?

'Then why has he himself not gotten rid of the chaos within Alan?'

[Because the laws of casualty forbid it]

Argenti said. It was as if he read his partner's mind.

[Earth is far too weak. If the Supreme Dragons exerted their influence here...This planet would be blown to smithereens. Even if they only exerted a fraction.]

Oliver was amazed. The scope of the Supreme dragons was much much larger than anticipated.

They were beings who ruled entire galaxies...even beyond. It was supposed to be expected.

"Well...let's get into healing this lad."

Oliver laughed, as his magic activated. Everyone in the Twilight headquarters felt it. The sheer power of one of the Golden Trio. The Sage Oliver Olsfer.


I can't see anything, I can't hear anything...I can't feel anything.

It's dark...Am I Dead?

I asked myself.

So this is death?.. Empty as fuck.

Eternal darkness for me to rot in. How amusing...hah.

But even here, I still asked myself.

'Is my Sister okay? Is the city ok? How about my grandparents?'

...Now that I'm gone who would take care of them?


Yeah, he's a good man. He won't abandon them.

'IS the Marquis gone? Was he defeated?'I think you should take a look at

I don't know, After I fired my breath I don't remember anything.

The extent of my injuries was maybe too severe. My entire lower body had been blasted to bits and my heart was literally dangling outside my body. And my jaw had also been blown off by my own breath attack. Maybe I pushed myself a little hard this time.

It made sense that I was dead.

'I don't wanna die.'

In the end...I still didnt want to die. I wanted to live. I wanted to live.

I wanted to live.

I wanna see Samantha and Sabrina again.

I wanna train again.

I don't want to die like this.

I need to cure Samantha, I need to tell Sabrina I actually like her, I wanna live with my grandparents, I wanna train with Master again.

Somehow, the regrets had piled up just now.

When it was just me, In this endless darkness.

When It was just me...and only me.


Why Am I laughing at this? I wonder. Has Jame's twisted personality mixed with me?

"Haha...maybe it fucking has."

Fuck You, James. I cursed that son of a bitch.

Fuck you, James.

Again, It's fun kek.

Oh well...

In the end, I accepted it after cursing him for about 10 minutes.

I guess I will just rot here. In this eternal darkness.

that was what I thought.

But the next thing I saw was an Old but wise face. A face with a well-trimmed beard!

Oh, It's Headmaster Oliver.


I said.

Wait why the fuck did I say that?


[In the room]


Oliver let out a chuckle, the last thing he expected was a "Yp" From a man who literally just escaped the clutches of Death.

"Are you still under Anesthesia?"

"I don't know."

Maybe Alan was, Seeing as how he calmly woke up and had a carefree but dumb look on his face.

Oliver laughed, whilst Argenti was dumbfounded.

[Two Supreme Dragons blessed him?]


Oliver was not given any rest by both Argenti or Alan. The two continued to make him laugh without rest.

"Haa...Are you alright?'

Oliver asked Alan. He was healing Healing Alan for two days straight.

"I think so."

Alan stated after he took a look at his body, completely healed without even any scars.


Suddenly, the Atmosphere got serious.

Oliver stood up and took out special items, A Necklace and a bracelet from his spatial storage.

He made Alan wear them both before saying in a Serious voice.

"Alan, Your efforts have been commendable so far."

His voice...was odd. It was like he was making a request.

"Please, refrain from using the element of Chaos."

Alan's face turned serious as soon as he heard that.


He thought.

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