The Villain's Story

Chapter 301 [301] Failed Tiger.

[White Tiger District]


Adam questioned.


"...I'm....afraid? Even after having my power increased?'

Adam refused to listen to his heart. His heart was afraid, and His body was afraid.

As he gazed at the Magnificent figure of the Draconian descending into the battlefield.

He still remembered the Blue glow Vividly, The Glow which illuminated the entire city.


He muttered, His power activated.

The Bloodline of one of the Four Celestial Beasts Flowed through his veins! The Bloodline of the WHITE TIGER!



His body shifted, His height increased and hair as strong as steel started to emerge on his body.



"Shut the fuck Up."

Alan interrupted his transformation by punching him in the face. Adam went flying as a result. He wasn't stupid or prideful enough to let his enemy complete his Transformation that would increase their power. What kind of Idiot would wait for that?

"Like Im gonna let you complete your transformation."

Alan unfurled his wings, He quickly flew to Adam and was about to attack him when.

His instincts reacted and he quickly caught a bladed limb of a Flesh Amalgamation aimed at his head.


He pulled it close to him and Punched its face. His fist went through the Flesh Amalgamations body and killed it instantly.

Alan was immediately ambushed by the Dozens of other Flesh Amalgamations. Adam retreated the moment he saw Alan being raided by the Flesh Amalgamations.

His jaw was blown off. Blood oozed out continuously. And to make matters worse it wasn't even regenerating.

Adam continued his transformation. He just needed some time...Just a little bit of time...But Alas. He was blown away by a Dragon Breath Alan fired whilst Dealing with the Flesh Amalgamations.



Adam struggled to stand up... He had now transformed into his Half-Human half-Tiger form but he was injured. And his injuries were not healing.

He strained himself to look up at Alan. His eyes widened in Shock and Horror as he saw multiple of the Flesh Amalgamations already dead. Either Ripped apart or frozen. Some even had holes in them as big as entire human bodies.

He saw Alan's figure grab one and fire dragon Breath right at it, incinerating it. Moreover, Alan did this whilst unfazed at the other attacks of the Flesh Amalgamations. Dozens were still left alive. They attacked him together but to no avail.


Adam refused to believe it. He still chose to live in his delusion and refused to accept Reality.


He charged at Alan on all fours. Alan saw him and was getting ready to attack him but a flesh Amalgamations appeared from behind and covered his face with its body. It clawed at his face with its metallic blades but nothing happened to Alan. His scales were strong. Strong enough that this was nothing.

Just as He was about to fire a breath at it and get it off his face, he was tackled By Adam. Adam quickly got on top of him and his claws glowed with a white glow. The Flesh Amalgamations held Alan down.


He clawed at Alan's face, With all his Strength.


Again, And Again. He didnt even notice his bleeding fingers.


The Flesh Amalgamations rushed to attack Him together with Adam, But Adam ordered them not to.

He was deluded. He wanted to Beat Alan himself...with his own strength. He wanted to prove himself.


His screams rippled through the Air. His source of motivation, the reason for his Strength and perseverance.


Finally, he stopped. In his rage he didnt even realize that his hands had been pulverized long ago, It was his flesh and Bone that he was attacking Alan with.I think you should take a look at


He gasped for breath, His hands slowly regenerated.

As he looked down, once the Dust settled...His body froze.

He saw Alan's unharmed Face, And A wide-open Maw that was glowing white.


He couldn't complete his sentence. A Dragon breath was fired at Point Blank range.

Thankfully, his beastly instincts kicked in and he barely managed to dodge, However, the entire left side of his body was gone, reduced to atoms.

The flesh Amalgamations swarmed in to buy him time to recover. Adam retreated as he suffered from the pain of having half his body blown away.

"Not like this...Not Like this...."

He pleaded, He pleaded for it. Don't let his story end like this. Not such a pitiful ending.

The Flesh Amalgamations swarmed Alan like ants. They covered him up like a mountain, Laying attack after attack.

A Large, Magic circle in the form of a SnowFlake appeared on the ground. Adam's eyes widened as he felt a great amount of Mana within the Circle.

He tried to run, even with his injured body but he could not. He was far too slow, and late.

"Glacial collapse."

An Icy Hell ran loose as soon as Alan muttered those words. The Signature skill of his magic mentor, Elena Frost erupted forth and drowned the area in a frozen hell.

The Flesh amalgamations were all dead, Alan walked undisturbed through the Frozen Hell. To Adam, who was now entrapped in ice, only his upper body was free. Regardless, he couldn't do anything.

How pitiful, He couldn't even transform into his full White Tiger form. Well, not that it would have changed anything.

"...the Ame No Sakahoko..."

He muttered, Alan stopped in front of him.

"Do it with that...please."

He begged. A broken man begged. He begged for at least his death to be significant, to be...amazing.

Killed by the Legendary Spear of righteousness, The Spear that had brought an end to a Duke....wouldn't such an end be...worth something.

"You don't deserve it."

Alan mocked him coldly. Alan was severely underestimating himself. He was afraid when the name of the Marquis had appeared. It was an SS-rank demon after all...But then he realized.

In the Grand scheme of things, A marquis is nothing. Nothing...not even an ant compared to the beings he faced.

Hah...there he went. Comparing himself with Aranus again.

"...So it's deserved for the strong? For the Talented? Like you?"


Alan stayed quiet as he listened to Adam's words. His woes. the Sky turned bright orange, and the other beacons disappeared but Alan's gaze never left Adam's pitiful face. he even heard roars and other sounds of destruction but ignored them all.

This man felt alive now, It wasn't like a corpse now.

"Fuck you....fuck you, talented people."


"fuck you lot who were given everything...who was given the talent to be the strongest but never fucking tried...Fuck you."

Alan looked at the tears flowing down Adam's face. Adam was talented, he was able to reach B-rank. But that was it. there were levels of Talent.

How much had he suffered? How much had he tried? How many tears had he shed? How much blood had he bled?

Unfortunately, He was dealt with the wrong cards. And he met the wrong beings.

Maybe, he would have been someone great...but that hope was long gone.

The man, who was as large as Alan cried, He would've already died of blood loss had the ice not been covering his body.

"Fuck you...bastards...."


Alan beheaded him. And Thus, Adam White, the guildmaster of White Tiger, Once a Sworn brother, a Good man turned evil by the world. A man who tried his hardest.

But it was not over, A white soul, tainted by chaos escaped Adam's body and entered the beacon behind him. It was absorbed by th

Alan fired of a large ice spike at the altar, destroying it. The Main beacon fell.

But something was wrong. Alan looked at the Skies of Aror. No beacon was present now.

But the Notification of the quest being completed had not arrived.

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