The Villain's Story

Chapter 294 [294] Pride Of A Golden Lion!

Elijah wandered through the Golde Lion district, Fighting against the demonic humans who stopped his path.

[Supreme Dragon of Fire Agri tells you that something is odd.]

"I know."


Elijah answered Agri as he burnt a few more demonic humans to ash.

"Dead. They're all corpses."

Elijah knew it. he had felt weird the moment he fought the first demonic human.

Whatever he was fighting...were just corpses being moved by who knows what.

They didnt feel alive, there was no sensation of his sword slashing through live flesh. Through blood.


Elijah wondered why?

Why is this happening?

Why did you sell your bodies to a demon?


Just why? Have you not heard of the warnings, of the various news that tells you that signing a contract with a demon is suicide?


Elijah was left speechless. He wondered what would have forced them to do this. What would have forced the Guildmasters, their leaders to commit such an act?

He was too naive, too innocent.

He. who was naturally extremely talented would never have known what they had felt like.

Even though he had known of it yet, He was...The only one. The Only being in the Universe who could go toe to toe against 'him.'

He was extremely talented. And the Talented did not know of the woes of the Untalented.

[Supreme Dragon Of Fire Agri says temptation and empty promises are the Demon's specialties.]



The sounds of Elijah's footsteps rang throughout the desolate area.

No demonic Humans came now...the Beacon was in his sights now.

So close...But yet so suspicious.

The entire area was so desolate that Elijah was getting suspicious.

There was nothing, no screams, no monsters.

Not even Chaos Energy.

[Supreme Dragon of Fire Agri advises you to be wary.]

Elijah spotted something. A bloody teddy.

And the arm of a little child...the rest of the body under rubble.


Elijah was silent at the sight. He carefully lifted the boulder but...

he had expected it...but was still mortified.


He walked away from the sight. It couldn't even be explained in words the state of the child's body...


Elijah walked further whilst he was on guard...And then He saw why the entire area was desolate.

In front of the Altar, was a monster of a man sitting on a throne made of corpses, Devouring an entire Human body.



The man noticed Elijah's Presence.


Something was not right. Elijah stared at the man who was becoming angry.

"How dare they...?! How dare they just send one man here?!"

It seems the man was insulted as he saw Elijah. He had seen only one person come here.

"Damn...Hey is your name Alan Peccator by any chance."

Asked the man as he stood up from his throne, covered in the blood of all he had killed to make it.

But Elijah didnt respond and only drew his sword with a cold face.

"Fuck. Alan Peccator has white hair and is a spearman...Of course, you aren't him."

The man lamented his luck. His gold hair in the form of Lion's mane started to glow.

"They dare to send only one person to deal with me...A King..."

It seems the man was stuck in his own Delusion.

"I'm gonna make a fucking sculpture out of you."

The pressure in the surroundings increased. The Pressure released by the man was terrifying. His golden hair glowed brightly. And A malicious smile was present on his face.

Slowly, his body transformed as the pressure in the area increased.

His bones grew, his muscles grew...and then he was a Beast 5 meters tall. A Bipedal Lion Hybrid. His golden mane fluttered under the light of the red beacon behind him.

"Huh? Your still standing?"

The Lion was stupefied as he saw Elijah standing Unfazed despite the enormous pressure in the area.

"Oh Good! It seems they actually sent someone worthy enough for me!"

For Some reason, he was feeling joy. Immense Joy.

This man was the Guildmaster of the Golden lion guild. And He was an odd man. He always lived in his own world. A World in which he was a king to be respected. He was a king in his own eyes. And His Bloodline only worsened the Delusion he trapped himself in.

"It seems that you are mute?"


the man said as he devoured a child's body. The 'crunch' sound was unsettling.

"...Why do you do this?"

Elijah's face was cold. He still wanted to understand why someone would do this...Why Would someone go this far...This Inhumane?


The Golden Lion was confused as to why Elijah was asking such a simple question.

To him, all that was below him in strength was fucking trash. Trash that didnt deserve to live.

The only one he respected was Adam, He was the only one in Aror who could beat him.

"Why not?"

He answered with a smile on his face. A smile that wasn't human. Elijah's face darkened as he saw the bits of human flesh between his teeth.

"Why not?"

He repeated. Elijah stared at him. His eyes were cold.

"What use do those things have? to live when they are weaker?"

"It is my right to expel them from this world...They don't even have the right to breathe i my presence...The Presence of a king!"

He exclaimed with joy, The man truly lived in his own world.

He raised his hand and pointed towards Elijah.

"I know it, you are strong as well...You should feel the same as me! People that are weak are just ants...They disgust you as well...right?"

·ƈθm He asked, his face was beaming with pride and there was confidence in his voice. Pure confidence.

He truly believed in his twisted ideals.

"Look at this..."

He picked up a corpse from the ground. A corpse of a hunter in his own guild...

"You see him? He was an E Rank hunter who didnt rise in rank even after a decade. He went into dungeons regularly despite his injuries so he could provide for his family...What a pathetic piece of shit."


What is this feeling flowing inside me...? Elijah thought. He was disgusted just by hearing his words.

"This pathetic piece of shit went into dungeons for 10 years...But still couldn't rank up. He had a wife and daughter who loved teddy bears for some fucking reason. And his whole motivation was her."

Elijah felt a jolt in his head as he heard the lion's words.

"10 whole years of being in my guild....but he still couldn't rank up. You are young and are that strong...that is commendable."


Elijah's eyes widened as he ripped the corpse apart...The light in his eyes dulled.

His blood...was boiling.

"Time should only be given to those who prove their continuously...Do you not think so?"

The Lion laughed pompously. Elijah stood there silently...As his blood boiled...

"Isn't he still more honorable than you...?"

Elijah asked, his mind grasping to its last straws...To the last strings of sanity, it had left.


The lion was confused by Elijah's question.

"Isn't it still more honorable than your despicable methods? He had a family he devoted himself to...The sole motivation he had for risking his life every day was his family...So What if he couldn't rank up?"

Questioned Elijah. It seemed as if his voice was breaking.


The lion laughed. HE rubbed his eyes as he snickered.

"Ah... you're a good jester."

"Isn't it more honorable than you who sold his soul to a demon?"

That was it. That laugh had broken it. It had broken the last strings of Sympathy, of Humanity Elijah had left for this man.

"Watch your tongue in front of a king Child...If you beg for mercy maybe I will make you my jester..."

Declared the lion...But Elijah wasn't listening to him. He deemed it no use listening to this piece of trash.


He unsheathed the Sword of Sundering Flame...and Said.

"Things weaker than you...don't deserve to exist right?"

He asked...

"Yes! You are finally getting it! Hand me your sword and I will kni-"

Elijah interrupted the Lion in the middle of his sentence by unleashing his mana pressure. The temperature of the surrounding area melted.

"...You dare fight me? A child like you dares to go against a king."

Elijah smirked...His cold eyes stared at the Lion.

"You...A King? You have no right to be a king."


The lion charged at Elijah, who calmly stood in place.

'It' came closer and closer was just about to attack Elijah with its gigantic claws.

[Ultimate Skill of the Sword Of Sundering Hellfire: Glimpse of Hell has been ACTIVATED.]

"You don't deserve to live."

His mouth bled, not because of the 'thing' he was facing. But because of the anger, he was containing by gritting his own teeth.

The entire world became silent as the Skill was fully unleashed...A portal to Hell opened for e brief second. A Portal to a realm of pure fire.

The Beacon of Demonic energy vanished and was replaced by a pillar of fire that illuminated the city...

And Just like that, another beacon fell.

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