The Villain's Story

Chapter 283 [283] And So It Begins.

"What happened to you?"

The guildmaster of Silverwolf guild said as he observed Adam White, The guildmaster of White Tiger, and Laura, the owner of the Black Market.

He had come to the White Tiger guild to Talk about the Plan...but he saw something else.

"Alan Peccator."

Said Adam, as he held his left abdomen in pain, It was covered in ice that wouldn't go away no matter what.

Alan had managed to sneak in an attack just before Adam teleported away.

"Those damn brats! They destroyed everything I worked so hard for! ILL TEAR THEM LIMB FOR LIMB."

Laura raged on the side.

"So he attacked the Black Market?"

Asked Arian, the Guildmaster of Silverwolf.

"Yes, along with another guy."

"Who? The death reaper?"

Arian was perplexed. It hadn't been long since the Black market was destroyed, The news was still discussing that. Had the Reaper of Death gone to attack him that soon?

"It was some other bastard with chains! He used a mysterious green power that wasn't like mana! I will skin that son of a bitch alive!"


Arian remained quiet, He was still processing the recent events.

"Tell me everything in detail."

"Alan Peccator and someone else attacked the Black Market, The other guy used metallic chains and that strange power Laura talked about. They attacked together, I arrived just in time to take Alan Peccator on...While the other one took Laura on."

Explained Adam, Arian seemed happy.

"Good... this means that Twilight's Trump card is injured right? This should help us..."

Arian stopped talking as he saw Adam's expression when he mentioned Alan being injured.

"...How did it go?"

He inquired...he expected the worst but hoped it would not be that way...

"...We lost. Both Laura and I barely escaped."

"Even with the bloodlines...?"


...My god...

Adam and Laura lowered their truly was a shame. Experienced hunters like them had lost...?

Arian was dumbfounded... Laura was understandable, She had been away from the battle for quite a while...She was managing an entire Black market and never had been a fighter...but even Adam?

"The rumors weren't exaggerated."

Proclaimed Adam. The rumors about Alan Peccator were not exaggerated at all.

The first spatial mage, the youngest C rank in history. The True trump card of the twilight guild.

"Everything I dealt...was nothing to him. With each blow I dealt he took it on and attacked me whilst unfazed by his damaged body...And he was holding back as well. He wasn't going all out against me...He used only the frost element...not the spatial one."


Arian was shocked. To think that Adam had been hurt that much whilst Alan Peccator was holding back..?

"Unbelievable right? That blonde-haired guy with him was also very strong. My Bloodline didnt work on him at all...And he used three elements to boot. Earth, metal, And Lightning...

These talented freaks just show up and throw all our hard work down the drain..."

Laura said. She sounded dejected.

What was their hard work worth for when talented freaks Like Alan Pecccator, And Kazikato Shimoshino appeared and sank it all?

"...Wait. Did he really use three elements?"

Arian couldn't believe it... People with two elements were rare...And three were extremely rare! The number of known awakened who had three elements could be counted on one's hands!

When Laura nodded...he fell into deep thought.

"Kazikato Shimoshino saw the Monsters sent by the obelisk. He sneaked into the Silver Wolf headquarters and got into the chamber...He killed a few of them and escaped. The Obelisk cannot be contacted as well."


Arian's words shocked Adam.

"We should start it now...We may not have prepared everything but we should start now. If The Wellington's or Twilight's main forces come...Everything will be doomed."

Suggested Arian, Adam's face darkened.

"We will have to go with Plan B then..."

"It's still better than nothing."

Adam felt conflicted. He was afraid the 'Lord' would be disappointed, he had done so much for them but it felt as if they had failed to meet his expectations.

"...Adam...We need to. We need to summon the 'Lord' now or else all will be for naught."

Adam stood up with a determined face...And looked at the Ice on his abdomen...He had made up his mind.

So strong at such a young age...He will kill the 'Monster' known as Alan peccator now. And Present his body to the 'Lord'. That will make the Lord happy.

He raised his fist, and Arian and Laura did the same and said.

"For our dreams, For our wish."

"For Our dreams, For our wish."

"For our dreams, For our wish."

They chanted together, a mantra they had made for themselves, one that would motivate them to reach their goals.

Arian and Laura left, they knew what they had to do now. And Adam was left alone.

He sighed...and made his way to a secret room within the White Tiger Guild headquarters.

"...For my dreams..."

He said as he approached the middle of the room, and stood on top of a Giant Magic circle drawn with blood. Besides the ominous magic circle...there were Dozens of vats that had the Flesh Amalgamations. They numbered in the hundreds...

"For My Dream."

He stated, and slit his wrist. The blood seeped into the Circle.




"Elijah, meet Elton and Elton meet Elijah."

Serena introduced the two brothers who didnt talk with one another when they entered the room.

Elijah had been brought here by Serena, to Elton's temporary office. Elijah and Elton both had not spoken a Word since they had met each other.


Questioned Elijah, he knew how stubborn his brother was...So how did Serena convince him to actually come?

"She Thre-


"She offered me a better job."

Elton switched his sentence after Serena glared at him.

Elijah remained quiet as he saw this...

"Oh come on Eli! if it makes you happy, He promised to end his bad ways!"

Elijah's eyes widened as he heard Serena, he looked toward his brother for confirmation...and received a nod in response. He smiled and hugged Elton.

"Thank god..."

He forgot all the past they had...He knew his brother never lied to his family. He was happy...incredibly happy that Elton, the Elton he knew returned!

"Let's go inform Mom and Dad! I will vouc-"

"Not now...Elijah."

Interrupted Elton.

"We have a matter to discuss."

Elton activated a hologram that showed the recent destruction that happened in the Black Market.

"The Black market has been destroyed. "

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"Not right now...The fact that this has been destroyed means that things are now serious between The Beast Alliance and Twilight."

Elijah and Serena listened to him with attention.

"I received a request from Twilight to investigate the Aror incident, and I found multiple ties to the White Tiger guild and the Beast Alliance. Human trafficking along with several other crimes...but the most important one is that the Beastly Alliance is with the Obelisk...or demons."

Elijah's eyes widened and Serena had a deathly glare...It was the obelisk that caused her to suffer so was that damned, fucked up organization responsible for her Mother's death...and her torture.


"Yes, I'm afraid something big is going to happen in Aror, something even worse than the Aror incident."


Elijah remembered that incident vividly...those scenes of destruction...that chaos was...was engrained in his mind.

"What do we need to do, If the Obelisk is involved I can call my father and receive his help. The Association and World government will have to be in-"


Interrupting Serena was a large earthquake, A shockwave of unknown energy was felt all throughout the city as the skies turned red...and A quest Notification appeared in front of Elijah and Serena.

[Stop the descent of the Marquiss!]

[Quest Difficulty: S]

[Quest reward: Titles and items based on contribution.]

[Quest Failure penalty: A Marquiss of Chaos will descend upon Earth, Quest Difficulty will rise to SSS-.]

[Description: A Marquiss of darkness and Chaos of the 88th layer of the Abyss has tricked the Beast Alliance and has made them his slaves. He plans to descend upon Earth using unholy, demonic means in order to wreak havoc. He plans to ascend to the Duke rank with all the sacrifices procured through this incident. Stop the descent of the Demonic Marquis! Or else Chaos will befall Earth!]

[This is a forced quest to all Nondemonic awakened in Aror. You cannot deny this quest.]

[Good luck. You will need it.]

A foul energy wafted all over the city of Aror, The earthquake itself was strong enough to destroy some buildings. Serena was supported By Elijah when she almost fell over.

Elijah hurriedly left the room and went outside in a hurry...His eyes widened in horror as he saw Aror. Serena ran after him and came outside as well...only to have the same reaction.

Multiple beacons of red rose into the sky. The sky itself was dyed red and lightning attacked the city of Aror, Multiple barriers of demonic energy encompassed entire areas of the city...

And On top of them...was an immensely large barrier that Isolated Aror from the outside world.

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