The Villain's Story

Chapter 276 [276] Attack!

A hooded man walked on the streets of Aror, heading to his destination. He had a large build, taller and bulkier than most people. And most people avoided him due to the aura he emitted.

It was late in the night, and because of him even the small number of people that were originally present were heading home. It was just...

The aura the man exuded from him. it was like that of a Tiger. The aura of a Predator.

Very soon, the streets were empty. And He was left alone.

His steps were silent as if the ground beneath him was void. His presence itself was silent now. Before it was that of a predator, but now It was relatively quiet. Like of a hunter.

He stopped outside of a shop, However, he did not enter. He just stood at the entrance.

And then, as if to announce himself he exuded his aura once again.

And then in an instant, the man he wanted to meet was in front of him.

A man with a similar build, Fiery red hair, and scarlet eyes.

Those Scarlet eyes stared fearlessly into the eyes of a beast.

"What are you doing here Adam?"

Micheal Ardor, the Father of Elijah Ardor asked.

Adam White, The guildmaster of White Tiger answered.

"Im here to meet an old friend."

His voice was rough, very rough. When he opened his mouth Canines could be seen. Fangs that did not belong to a Human.

"...Come in."

Micheal said, his voice filled with suspicion. But because of their past, he decided to let him in.

"The shop is empty."

Said Adam, surveying the interior. He found no one inside. Although it was late this place would still be filled with customers. He himself was extremely fond of this place's chicken.

It was a sort of peace, a sort of escape for him.

"We closed early today."

Explained Micheal, as he took a seat at the center table and gestured for Adam to sit opposite him.

Adam took a seat and took off his hood. His appearance was still the it was almost the same. His white hair, his rough face...all of them were the same.

There was just one difference. The eyes had changed. Instead of those of a human. They were now of A tigers.

"I guess you don't serve guests anymore? Or have you really forgotten this old friend of yours?"

Adam said. Micheal grunted before saying.


"That I can do."

"What are you here for?"

Asked Micheal. But Adam's response was still the same.

"To meet an old friend."

However, Micheal did not believe it.


He refused to believe what Adam was saying. His friend had changed. He had changed very much.

Adam was competitive, and a diligent worker. He never was like this. He exuded a friendly aura before...but now it was different.

Except for his appearance, everything had changed. Micheal was now wary of this 'Adam'.

"Haha...Guess I can't fool you."

Adam let out a dry laugh. But somehow that laugh seemed hollow.

Micheal wondered if he was staring at a soulless body. A Corpse? Even though Adam looked quite healthy and alive...something felt wrong.

"Remember our promise?"

Asked Adam, his eyes seemed as if he wanted, he yearned for Micheal to remember it.


Thankfully, Micheal did.

"We are not kids anymore, Adam. That was long ago."

Micheal said, and Adam smiled as he looked at his dear friend, One of his 'rivals.'

"Is it wrong for a man to dream?"

He asked, his voice changing to something that was more Human.


Micheal stayed silent, and soon Maria stepped out of the kitchen. Holding a tray full of Fried Chicken.

She set it down on the table along with water.

"Long time no see Maria, You've gotten more beautiful."

"Thank you, Adam."

"My Pleasure."

Maria's visit was short-lived. She left as soon as she arrived.

"I heard your son, Elijah got into Shield..."

His voice became more alive...Micheal felt more and more concerned with the change in Adam's tone. From Soulles, emotionless to now feeling a little lively. What was happening?

Nevertheless, he responded.

"Yes. He got in through a ScholarShip."

"That's nice. We dreamed of going into Shield once...Didnt we? I'm happy for you."

Adam said. He picked up a few pieces of chicken and ate them whole, even eating the bones.

Micheal stayed Silent, Waiting for Adam to say something. He felt Eery. Something...was wrong.

Adam...looked like he was alive but felt hollow. It was like Micheal was talking to a nearly dead man. A Walking corpse.

"Do you want to dream again, Micheal?"

Micheal was taken aback by Adam's question. Adam's face changed.

Micheal did not respond. He just observed Adam. Adam continued.

"Don't you want to fulfill the dream we had since Childhood? Of reaching the top? Of becoming the strongest heroes?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Come on Micheal. You know. We dreamed to become the strongest. It was our Ambition! Don't you want it? Don't you want your...our dreams to come true? Ju-"


Micheal interrupted Adam with a firm denial. Adam questioned it.


"Because my ambition now is to live a happy life with my family."

Adam was silent at Micheal's words. But then he asked one again. A desperate plea

"Didnt you want to become stronger? To surpass Alfred and Anna? Don't you want to escape? Just join me! Me and you together! Sworn brothers side by side. Who could stop us then."

"Adam. No. I just want to live a peaceful life."

Adam's face became emotionless once again. His lively demeanor disappeared. And then after a while 'Adam' said.

"You will regret it."

The temperature increased, and The water in the glasses evaporated in an instant. Adam's tone had been offensive, It was threatening.


Micheal said Adamantly. His mana rising. This was 'Elijah's' Father. He was no pushover.

Adam stood up and spoke. His voice was hollow once again. And Micheal knew now. Adam was not here. This was just a corpse. A walking corpse.

"You. Will. Regret it."

He left, and Micheal's mana relaxed when he was gone.


Micheal stared at the door silently. For quite a while...just thinking while staring at that door.


Adam walked out of the Shop. Unfortunately, his best friend did not join him.

He felt hollow, even more, hollower than before. He had hoped, he had wished so dearly for his one friend to accompany him...alas it was just a foolish dream.


Suddenly, as he was making his way to the Guild Headquarters. His watch rang. he picked up the call.

Before he could even talk. Screams of despair and anguish were heard from the other side.

[GuildMaster! The black market is under attack!]

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