The Villain's Story

Chapter 270 [270] Monster Vs Human.

The two of them ran at each other head-on. The rain poured down on their figures as they parted the water beneath them with their footsteps.

Accompanying Lucas, Were chains of metal and parts of the Earth just behind him, in the form of sharp projectiles ready to pierce his opponent. However, Alan had nothing—just pure brute force.


They collided, Alan's Ame-No-Sakahoko against the Gauntlets of Lucas. Surprisingly, Lucas held on and wasn't sent flying even though his clothing was in rags due to the explosion of mana colliding with one another.

That...was shocking. Alan was a literal beast. His strength was nothing to scoff at even if He was Injured.

The nearby water all around them disappeared as a result of their clash but it was soon replaced by the rainwater again.


Lucas let out a groan of pain as he struggled to keep a grab of Alan's Spear. He had grabbed the Shaft of the Ame-No-Sakahoko just before the collision. And that was why he was still standing. If the tip had hit him he would have died.

"What's the matter with you?! Have you lost it?!"

He said, enraged as he saw multiple of his men dead on the ground. He had spent quite a lot of time conquering the areas owned by Different gangs and just now he finally started to find some sort of order in his areas. After dealing with all the captured members. Some left while some stayed. And the people who stayed were little and even then Alan just killed some of them!


Only that single word escaped Alan's mouth, as He raised the Ame-no Sakahoko to the air and flung Lucas Around. Lucas hurriedly let go of the spear but was sent flying as a result of the sheer force.

He collided with the already terrible buildings of the slums and they collapsed on him.

Alan appeared above the Building that had collapsed On Lucas and raised his spear high up in the sky. He was planning to end this all in one strike.

However, Metal chains appeared from Under the debris and stabbed Alan, some even grabbed the spear and restricted its movement. This attack would have been very effective if it was aimed at anyone else except Alan of course.

Alan paid no heed to the metallic chains in his body and grabbed them and pulled, however to his surprise. Lucas wasn't pulled up but a piece of debris hit his face and exploded into dust. Meanwhile, Lucas appeared beside him and Punched with all of his might. And he sent Alan back a few steps. As Alan was stumbling, trying to get his balance Lucas did not give him the opportunity to. He launched Punch after Punch at Alan. His metal gauntlets...were doing severe Damage.

Alan's head split open, and blood poured out. And As Lucas was about to land a body shot, he was kicked in the stomach and sent flying.

"I don't need my spear to deal with you."

Said Alan, as he walked towards the collapsed Lucas. He put the Ame No Sakahoko inside his inventory and then walked towards Lucas, who was having trouble breathing because of the recent attack.


He stood up, he was sure a few bones were broken but he still stood up to fight.

He didnt know what happened to Alan...But he was getting seriously bad vibes from him. If he didnt fight back he knew he would be mercilessly beaten to death.

He got into a boxing stance as Alan rushed towards him.

Alan was injured...From Lucas and the monsters from before but he wasn't healing at all. If only he used the power of the Pheonix, he would be back to his original strength. However, he simply did not care. He was constantly using the entire power of the phoenix on his sister. And he would never risk her being in more pain.


Lucas blocked a punch from Alan, but the sheer force behind it was so strong he was sent flying once again. The bones in his arms crushed. He didnt even have time to respond before Alan kicked him in the chest, breaking his ribs.

He coughed up blood as he struggled to breathe.

Alan looked at him with disgust.

"Do you know the shipment being sent here?"

He couldn't speak, He looked up at Alan using all the strength he could muster but he struggled to even breathe. He...felt afraid.

Looking at Alan from below, looking at his teal-like eyes amidst the pouring rain...he was afraid.

He a demon from Lucas's point of view. A demon that would kill him...

Lucas...who's eyes were as red as blood, ribs crushed and lungs punctured stared at Alan...the last buts of his mana were gone and now he could no longer fight back...


Alan stomped on his chest with quite a bit of force and blood leaked out from every orifice in Lucas's body.

He was losing his vision...and then All he saw Was Alan leaving.


[Lucas Hiddlestone PoV]

I tried...I tried my very best.

I poured my heart and soul into everything I did. I worked tirelessly day and night to perfect my craft and hone my skills. But no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't seem to surpass matter what. It wasn't like we were always neck and neck, but no matter what I did, he was always ahead. Way Ahead. It was frustrating to watch myself fail to succeed even after everything I did to surpass him. I hated it. I hated that feeling of being left behind.

I felt like I was stuck in a never-ending battle with my own limitations. I knew I had talent and drive, but there was always something holding me back. Maybe it was fear, maybe it was lack of experience, or maybe it was just bad luck. Whatever the cause, it was a bitter pill to swallow watching my him grow more skillful and more stronger...while I was left behind.

I trained like my life depended on it. I broke my body again and again and again. Until all of the bones in my body were broken only then did I take a Potion...I just couldnt cath up no matter how hard I tried.

I thought...I was doing something...But I guess that was just a dream. I thought that maybe...Even slowly I was getting stronger...but that was just a lie I told myself...

A excuse to feel a little bit better about myself.


As I could feel the raindrops falling on me...I felt pathetic... I wasn't even able to save my own men. I tried too...but failed.

So...this is how I die?

Alone...defeated, broken in an alley like this...In the middle of nowhere as my blood is washed away by the fitting for me. A talentless piece of shit like me deserved nothing better.

'It doesn't matter how hard you hit, What matters is how hard you can get hit and keep getting back up.'

Master...I tried that. I tried to get back up again and again... I tried to get back up. But i failed...

Can I be blamed? I'm up against 'him'. Alan is a monster...How can I compete against that? He's the youngest C ranked in history. He's the monster that almost beat Ezra Fornum, who was the monster who absolutely crushed other monsters. just so powerful that I can't even compare to him.

Funnily enough. As I was dying I could recall everything in my life.

'...Im sorry Alfred.'

I apologized to my butler who I had treated badly...even though he took care of me dearly like I was his own son. Something the people called my Parents didnt even care about.

'Lucas, be proud of yourself. Comparison is the thief of Joy. Be proud at what you have achieved.'

I just kept hearing my master, Sword Saint Arken's words. His teachings...

But I couldnt accept it...How am I supposed to advance if I don't compare myself to others?

...Im sorry...

I couldn't believe it...Tears were coming out. Tears came out from my eyes...From me...Lucas. But no matter how many tears I shed, the rain washed them all away. It was useless.

...I could barely see now...I wonder how much time had passed. I knew I only had a few seconds to live after suffering that deathblow...but somehow I was still alive?

Maybe my mind is just working faster than usual...

It doesn't matter...

I don't care anymore.

...I guess I will just accept my death.

I don't care about anyone now. I...don't want to.

I know I was an asshole...I thought I had changed...but I guess my past sins caught up.

I...don't want to die...Why am i scared now? I just said that it doesn't matter and I don't care...but Why?

Why am I Afraid?

I guess I would know that in the afterlife...I couldn't breathe at all and My injuries got the best of me.

And my vision faded.

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