The Villain's Story

Chapter 257 [257] Fortune To Remember.

What would one expect when encountering a fortune teller's tent?

Well, it varied greatly depending upon the particular style and tastes of the teller himself, but it seemed the one in the mall was plain common for his kind.

The tent's exterior was designed to be eye-catching and mystical, decorated with a purplish shade, and bright colors, and the thick, silky fabric attracted one's eyes. The intricate pattern of stars and the cosmos were present outside, which added to the mystique of the tent. Twinkling lights and purple flame candles decorating it also added to the mysteriousness of the place. The fortune tellers sign, along with a logo of Tarot cards was hung above the tent, decorated with flowing purple lights.

"...This is definitely a scam."

Said Sabrina, looking at it, one could tell it was a scam... Even in their world, there was no such thing as a Seer, No Awakened possessed that ability. Not one that she knew of. And even if there, there had to be a great cost for using such an overpowered ability... And using it at a fortune-telling gig was foolish. She knew this was a scam.

"Oh come on, it doesn't cost much. Let's just try it."

And so, approaching it with confusion, curiosity, and expectation they entered.

And the interior as well...was expectable. The entire interior was dimly lit with purple lights, ornaments of Tarot cards, and runic inscriptions were present which adhered to the role of fortune teller.

And then there was a table, filled with a crystal ball, tarot cards, and other mystical items. And behind the table was an old woman...a granny with wrinkles all over her face and a wart on her nose...a typical witch costume.


Sabrina fell silent as she entered, the entire thing seemed like a scam to her.

She sighed inwardly and just waited for Elaine to start the conversation. But to her misfortune, both Elaine and Mary were too fascinated by the design of the place.

"Young maidens...haven't had this type for a long time."

Suddenly, their heads turned towards the old woman who spoke, Her croaky voice sent a chill down Mary's spine.

"Let me see...for fortune about love and future?"

And Voila! She had guessed the reason for their entrance.

"Wow, She is the real deal!."

Exclaimed Elaine, her eyes glowing as she looked at the old woman.

"The one with the red hair, Sit here."

She pointed towards Mary and gestured for her to sit in front of the table.


Mary followed her instructions and sat down, And the witch shuffled a deck of Tarot cards, before spraying them in front of Mary.

Sabrina looked around the tent, at the shelves with vials of purple liquid, and the other artifacts.

'Mana...It's faint but definitely there.'

Thought Sabrina in her mind. there were faint traces of Mana in the tent and she sensed it. Looking at Elaine, it seemed as if she was unaware.

Well, it was extremely faint, so she may not have sensed it.

"Pick three cards. Child."

The woman said, and Mary did as told.

She picked three cards, and the woman described them.

"A typical story, one in which both meet by chance and fall in love at first sight, approach each other shyly and begin their journey, although filled with some ups and downs...ultimately it is a happy end."

The woman's face barely changed as she told Mary's seemed even she was bored.


Mary said halfheartedly, she stood up and walked back to the group.

"Oo! My turn!"

Exclaimed Elaine in excitement. She sat down in front of the table.

The woman displayed the cards again and told her to pick three.

Elaine did as she told, and picked three peculiar cards.

As she showed them to the woman...she remained quiet.


The witch thought, none of the cards Elaine chose made sense... was there even any type of these cards in her deck. She did not remember them being in there.

The cards she chose made no sense.

"Touch the ball and close your eyes."

Since she could not read Elaine's fortune through cards, she decided to do it with the crystal ball.

Elaine, although displeased that the cards did not work, did as she told and placed her hands on the crystal ball and closed her eyes.

The ball glowed a faint golden hue...but ultimately it disappeared and shock was apparent of the woman's face. She remained silent before Saying.

"I apologize...I am unable to read your fortune. It is being disturbed by something. I advise you to go to a better fortune teller...My skills are lacking for you."

She apologized. It was a first for her too. To think someone existed whose fortune she could not read...

Elaine, now extremely pissed, pouted before standing up and going back. She wanted to say something but was holding herself back. Her expectations had been crushed. Mary consoled her, so she calmed down a little.

"You, The beauty with black hair...may I tell your fortune."

The old woman gestured to Sabrina, who remained hesitant. Still believing this was a scam.

"Even if it is a scam, We have enough money to not care. Just go for it."

Elaine whispered in Sabrina's ears, and Sabrina reluctantly sat down.

The woman shuffled the deck of cards for a while this time, before displaying them in front of Sabrina.

Sabrina picked three cards and showed them to the woman.

And the woman smiled as she saw the cards.

"Oh my..."

She muttered, And Mary and Elaine's ears perked up, wondering what Sabrina's fortune would be.

The woman showed Sabrina the first card she picked.

Two people are separated by a wall, both looking at each other, and their backgrounds contrast one another.

"Hidden feelings for one other, wanting to express it but failing to do so. One tries to do it, as a form of thanking the other and expressing their love, but the other, burdened by other responsibilities hides away, and questions his feelings."

She explained to her, and then showed her the second card.

A card in which the two people were holding hands together, but caged.

"Although they understand, later on, their love is great and happy...some obstacles emerge, but their strengths surpass them, They show great support for one another even in despair..but alas."

And then she showed her the third card.

Where there was only one, with the head on the knees, and behind the person was a black void.

"It ends in.. tragedy. One is gone, whilst the other weeps."

Sabrina rolled her eyes, whilst the woman showed a wicked smile.

Elaine and Mary were confused as they heard the woman...whilst Sabrina just paid the fare and stood up. Still believing it was a scam.

"Let's go."

Sabrina said, and Mary and Elaine left before.

As she was about to leave the tent, the woman said behind her.

"Be careful, gorgeous maiden. Not everything is as it seems."

Sabrina left the tent.


"What a bummer."

Said Elaine as she spoke about the experience.

She was expecting something but got nothing instead.

"What was that crap about not being able to tell my fortune? Something blocking it was bullshit. She was a scammer."

She said, her tone making it evident that she was extremely displeased. Sabrina on the other hand remained quiet as she scrolled through her phone.

Whilst Elaine was talking about other things. Sabrina suddenly asked Mary a question.

"Mary, What does a boy like generally?"


Mary, taken aback by the sudden question from none other than Sabrina, Took a while to respond.

" does depend on the person but...Most of them are happy with whatever they get as long as it is not too bad. They mostly never get compliments or gifts. So buy whatever you want for them. If he isn't an asshole he will probably like it. Although I do recommend asking first."

She answered, Elaine listened quietly.


Sabrina sighed...Suddenly this was harder than any test she had taken.

'Just get whatever. It doesn't matter what the gift is, it matters who's it from. But don't get something too bad. Just get something they are even mildly interested in and they will be happy.'

Mary's advice overlapped with her mother, Alexia Wellington's. She should trust her mother... She did manage to win over her stubborn Father after all.

' I hope dad's okay...'

She worried about her father for a second...even contemplating that it would have been better to ask him instead. She was oblivious that if she did, the one she was going to get a gift for would be buried.

Alas, Fortunately for Alan but unfortunately for her, Her Father was on a mission and had cut all contact.

'Should I ask Grandpa?...No he's probably too busy.'

The Patriarch of the Wellington family was surely not a man anyone could contact. Even Sabrina, his granddaughter would have a difficult time contacting him because of all the trouble in the Capitol.

"...Fuck it."

She said, finally having come to terms. Mary and Elaine were shaken. They heard a curse from Sabrina for the first time in their lives! Elaine particularly was now feeling a little scared!

'64 Slots, 64 items. There's gotta at least be one!'

She had come to a conclusion. She will buy whatever she thought he would like and fill the spatial ring. It had to work!

And so, she began her own shopping spree.

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