The Villain's Story

Chapter 241 [241] Cafe Le Peccatorio.

[Cafe Le Peccatorio.]

A cafe, a serene place that had a calm and peaceful atmosphere.

It seemed like a normal cafe at first, but one would be able to point out that it was full of people.

Like literally, every seat was filled.

Some people were on dates, some were working and some groups of friends were just chatting.

"Oh? it shouldn't be full this time of the day?"

His grandfather said, surprised that the cafe was full this time of the day.

Their busy hours were in the early morning and in night.

"What does the name mean?"

Alan asked as he stared at the holographic signboard.

"I don't know, your grandmother just told it to me one day, and it stuck."


Alan showed a confused gaze at his grandfather's answer.

"Our coffee and sweets are popular, very popular."

His grandfather said as he entered the cafe.

'Everyone has a cup of coffee and some type of bread, I guess that does explain the rush.'

"Hey Mat!"

"Who's the guy behind you?"

"Hello Miles, He's my grandson."

Some old-timers greeted Mathew...but they were shocked at his answer.

Grandson? Mathew had a grandson?

Their suspicion and surprise had a basis. Cafe le Peccatorio( I just realized the name may mean Cafe of;p) had been established after the 'incident'. And since Mathew never talked about his Family...they just didn't know.

'But damn...he's tall...and quite Handsome too.'

Unfortunately, Alan had caught the eye of some women in the cafe, whether they be girls or adult women...

Alan was tall. A 6 foot 8 behemoth that had quite a significant amount of muscle mass. He knew how to fight and was quite reliable in some cases. No wonder Sabrina of all fell for him.

Although not as handsome as Elijah or Henry, his height made up for it...and His eyes upgraded it.

Who wouldn't find literal diamonds attractive? And besides, he looked like someone who could protect you...which was his literal job as well.

"Damn, Your grandson's tall. What's his name?"


And then it clicked.

Wait...Alan...Grandson of Mathew PECCATOR!

It could be said that the entire cafe stopped.

Or at least those who heard it.

Some spat out their coffee,some in the face of their partners and others in the faces of their friends.

"...wait is he 'that' Alan Peccator?"

Someone from the audience asked.

And all he got in response was a smile from Mathew.

"Was I just brought here for you to show me off?"

Alan asked his grandfather, who smiled back at him.

"Partially, Now go and sit anywhere. I'm personally making your coffee."

"I have a bad feeling about this..."

Alan said as he found a lone table in the corner. And he was right.

Gosh darn, right he was.

His grandfather just used him for publicity. Like a true Businessman. He was used to attracting more customers.

And Honestly. He felt stupid for not thinking of this before.

Damn, this was smart.


"Hey, are you really 'that' Alan Peccator, You know the First spatial awakened?!"

"Yes...That is me."


"Can I get a selfie?"


"Can I get your autograph?"


And thus...he spent a lot of time taking selfies with strangers and signing his signature.

This was the first time he thought.

'I don't have a signature...'

He didn't have a particular signature, So he just made one up and went with that.

'So this is what it's like to be a celebrity...'

He didn't have any particular public meetings at all. Kazikato had some after he annihilated the Rhino guild. But Alan had none. Everything about him was handled By Maxwell.

Maxwell and Kazikato were the faces of Predator, even though he should have been one since he was the leader. But oh well.

Alan guessed that it was just because he was not really fond of public appearances, so He wasn't famous.

Although this feeling wasn't bad, it did get annoying.

And Finally, after the numerous selfies and autographs ended...He was then approached by the 'women.'

Too bad for them, He was not interested.

Alan...had become desensitized to female beauty lower than Sabrina now...If he would fall for someone they would need to have an S rank charm, like Alexa or Above Sabrina.

This was a side effect of bodyguarding her.

For some reason, they all asked him for his number, but he rejected them all.

He was 'attracted' to someone else after all.

Although he didn't hate this type of attention either.

After chasing all the thirsty females away, he finally had some time to rest. Although he was bothered that people were taking his pictures without his consent from the corners.

"Had fun?"

Suddenly, his grandfather appeared holding a tray filled with Sweets and other beverages.

"Not Particularly, I thought you needed some help with the shop, that was why I came, I didn't expect this although."


His grandfather laughed as he set the tray down.

"Why do I feel like you're enjoying this?"

"What? Can't I play a prank on my grandson, Hehe?"

His grandfather laughed as he handed Alan a cup of hot chocolate.

"I forgive you."

Said Alan after he took a sip of the hot chocolate.


Mathew smirked, He really did know Alan well.

Alan 'loved' Chocolate' just like his mother, Anna Peccator, and his grandmother, Amanda Peccator, and Samantha loved 'Vanilla And Strawberry.' Just like her Grandfather and Father.

He knew how to pacify his grandson.

Which was why he brought over many chocolate sweets.

Tons of them.

"How are they? That bread you eating is one of the Cafe's signature dishes. Nearly everyone comes here for it."

"It's amazing."

Said Alan as he ate it whole, surprising Mathew for a moment.

"Slow down there, Don't choke."

He said out of worry.

"I Whont."

Alan said whilst chewing the bread, savoring its sweet taste.

"I can eat tonnes mo-"

"Excuse me?"

Suddenly, someone interrupted them. A young man having black hair and black eyes. A teenager who was quite handsome.

'Another selfie? Or Autograph?'

Alan thought as he got ready to end this quickly but then he said something which surprised him.

"Do you know Kazikato Shimoshino? Is it possible for me to meet him? I'm a big fan ever since he defeated the Rhino guild, it made my family's and friends' live a lot easier."

Ah, he didn't want Alan's Signature, he was a fan of Kazikato.

He wanted to meet his idol, Kazikato.

'How shocked Kazikato would be if he heard this...but this is good for him.'

But then, another guy came the Kazikato Fan's friend who was wearing Twilight merch.

"Can I meet one of the Twilight goddesses? I'm a fan!"


And now a fan of Alice and Sabrina showed up.

Well, those two were 'voluntarily' helping expand Twilight's influence. Not because they were forced by someone or anything.

"Can you wait? they should be free and I can call them."

Suddenly, Alan had a bright Idea.

Why not use his famous friends for more profit? Truly Sabrina was rubbing off him.

He decided to call Kazikato and Alice, but not Sabrina for specific reasons.

Sabrina was probably busy, and Kazikato didn't have anything to do and Alice could just tell MAxwell to do her work.

And so he did.

"Hey, Alice, can you come to Cafe le Peccatorio? It's where I'm at. Also, bring Kazikato as well."

He called Alex and told her this, To come here. And before she could answer he quit the call.

She'll probably come. He thought.

Besides, it was good for Kazikato, It would be good for his health...because Alan had seen what was bothering him.

And he didn't have to wait for long. Kazikato had run here with Alice on his back.

"You called boss?"

He appeared in front of Alan immediately as Alice tried to control her breathing...seemingly suppressing an Urge to vomit.

"Your fans want to meet you."


Alan's answer confused Kazikato, and soon he knew why.

"Hey, Can you sign my shirt? And can I please take a selfie with you?"

And now it was time for round two This time with Kazikato and Alice...who were confused but got the hang of it.

"You've got quite the group."

His grandfather commented as he drank his coffee whilst looking at the crowd increasing.

"Can you please take a selfie with me?!"

"Please sign my hand!"

"Thank you! your my hero! I saw how you absolutely destroyed the Rhino guild! It was awesome."

"I'm never washing this had again!"

'Damn, their fans are even more relentless than mine.'

Alan thought, as he looked at Kazikato and Alice surrounded.

'Thank god Kazikato is taking this well...'

There was initially a risk that Kazikato would not take this well, But Kazikato's expression said otherwise.

"Please...MAke a line!"

Alice tried to control the crowd...but they didn't listen.

Seeing this, Alan released his mana pressure and made them behave.

And it worked well.

"This hot chocolate is delicious..."

Alan said as he drank his Hot chocolate.

"Of course it is, I mad it myself."

His grandfather commented from the side.

And The fan meeting continued in the background.

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