The Villain's Story

Chapter 231 [231] Your Weakness!

[What an interesting clique of people you surround yourself by.]


[Someone who will never live up to expectations, someone cursed with little to no talent...compared to others...]

...I can feel Henry's pain...shit...

[A girl who had been broken as a child, mentally broken to the point she was no longer the girl her father loved.]

...I don't want to see that...Serena's...pain is terrible....GAHHHH! MY HEAD!

[The pain of a father, unable to protect what he wanted to protect. The ones he loved.]


[The pain of fighting impossible odds, the expectations, the hope of an entire universe placed on your shoulders...and not being able to fulfill their does 'that weight' feel?]

My knees back...this unbearable weight...make it stop...

[The Pain of abandonment, a cursed childhood that left severe trust issues, and made a girl a sort of a psychopath. A young girl, left all alone, with no one to love and trust.]

....make it stop!...AHHHH!

[The pain of memory, the pain of the realization of your existence, isolation since birth, and being the reason for the death of your only loved one.] lethargic...I... wan-

[That's not lethargy my dear puppet...that is exhaustion.]

...I sleep....kazikato...

[The exhaustion, that comes with being the heir of Death, And you know what else...don't you?]

...I'm sorry...let this end...


Shut up...

[Why? There are still some left...]

...No no no no no no!

Let it end!

[Why? Two still remain.]



[What a funny case...] powerless.

[Yes, That's what she felt...all of her life.]

... Alice...

[Alice Thompson, daughter of the guildmaster of the third strongest Guild, Richard Thompson.

A Disgrace, to everyone except her father.]

...stop talking about her like that...

[Why? You know its true.]'s not...AHHHH!

[From the beginning, She was weak, A talentless brat...especially since her social standing was so important.

The Daughter of the third ranked guilds guildmaster. Yet she possessed no talent whatsoever in any field.

Even Henry had some talent, which although was overshadowed by his brother..this one had none.

Can you feel it?].

....yes...i can feel her pain.

[Can you feel the sorrow in her mind as she contemplated killing herself multiple times?]


[Of course you can, I'm making sure so you can...]

...stop it....

[Why? You use your pathetic excuse, you should see other's as]


[Being the cause of the death of her mother...being talentless even though the other guilds had raised masterful children...being a disgrace to Twilight's name.]

...Alice...I'm sor...

[Why are you apologizing? You had no hand in this...or did you?]

...make it stop....please.

[Aww....broken already?]


[There is still one Even I sympathize with.]



A beaten up boy, possessing a charming face and pure blond hair, coughed up blood as he looked at his bruised face in the mirror.

Maxwell Parker.

This was one of the many times he returned to his room like this...the only place he found solitude in.

[Henry had Ezra to care for him, and his father and Mother.]

'This loneliness feel...this pain from solitude...'

I thought as the scenery where Maxwell stayed glued to a screen, his eyes tired and hair disheveled.

Staring at his life depended on it.

[Serena and Alice had their caring fathers.]

'...his voice is different.'

[Sabrina had her Grandfather,Father, Mother and in some ways you...a true friend]

'It is not one of mockery like before...'

The scenery changed...yet again and there was a badly beaten Maxwell seen again...tending to his there was pure...purer...purest hatred in his eyes.

[Elijah had Agri, and his own Family.]

'It is not the voice that belittled the rest...and looked down at them...'

I thought...feeling the pain of Maxwell...his wounds and his metal exhaustion.

[Kazikato had Hana.]

...but he didn't have anyone.

[He didn't have anyone.]

'His of pity?'

This monster could feel pity...? he could feel Sympathy?'

The scene changed...and as I coughed up blood...I saw Maxwell laying against a wall...underneath him a pool of blood and mess.

[Maxwell didn't have anyone, neither a father,mother,brother,or anyone else.]

...all alone.

[All alone.]

Filled with rage.

[Filled with rage.]

He sat next to Maxwell...not minding the dirt and blood on the ground.

[Same as me.]

same as you...









[How does it feel now?]


[How does your pathetic excuse feel now?]


[In front of My Trauma, Of being Talentless. Overshadowed?]

Henry appeared... his masked face talking to me...and I was unable to raise my head.

[In front mine? Of being broken?]


[And Mine...Of having to fight 'him'?]

'...I know...'

[What do you know of my childhood?]


[What of my Exhaustion? What of my pain?]

'Im...sorry Kazikato...'

[Of my powerlessness? Of My uselessness?]


...It was as if there was no hope. Alan Peccator's mind was broken, as Maxwell's figure and mind was...

But there was still someone for them.

[ two had someone.]

Jame's voice echoed.

[Something that is keeping You from becoming a monster.]

Alan Felt a pat on his head.

[And someone for Maxwell as well...someone who prevented him from becoming me.]

A little girl, holding a golden teddy bear approached the injured Maxwell...his eyes watching her closely...the little girl's hands glowed, and Maxwell was being healed.

Elaine Parker, the little sister of Maxwell Parker.

[And you also have one.]

Everything disappeared...and Alan raised his head.

To see his Sister, his younger, beloved sister...patting his head and looking at him with her usual smile.


Alan muttered in this darkness.

But then...Jade Silk strings appeared and apprehended Samantha Peccator and dragged her away.

[The only one you truly care about.]


Alan screamed, but was unable to move. Jade chains held him down.


[She is the only obstacle...]

The jade strings pulled Samantha.


And ripped her apart...In front of Alan's eyes...

[Your Weakness.]

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