The Villain's Little Cat

Chapter 97

97 Taking on Mission

The next few days passed by quietly.

Kate was brought to the military base by Kyle, treated the soldiers, then followed Kyle as he trained. Kyle’s training would either be absorbing the crystals or sparring with his father or uncle, whoever was available.

And naturally, Kate had to be present during their spar and healed them.

General Ryou even lamented that having Little Kitty in the frontline was just like having a second life. They would not have to worry that their wounds were stopping them from charging forward.

It was because the little cat would definitely heal them when they were wounded.

Not that Kyle allowed them to bring Little Kitty to the frontline, though.

After five days of such routine, Kyle finally advanced a minor realm. If there was specific ranking, then his ranking will 4 with 1 minor realm.

He could feel his ability stabilize and grow a bit stronger.

“It’s taking a long time.” Kyle stretched his hand. “Little Kitty, we’re going to go out and do missions from now on.”



Kate was dejected. She liked to stay here because her ability was mostly auxiliary and couldn’t be used to attack. Well, she could attack, but that kind of attack was simply too lethal and will definitely kill her opponent directly.

She didn’t dare to use it on any allies.

It could only be used against mutated giant animals who were roaming outside.

“Yes. Dylan had already finished settling his family’s problem. Jake should have also already finished his punishment.” Kyle nodded.


“What is it?”

“She’s asking whether you should find more members for your team.” General Ryou translated what Kate said while picking more vegetables. He had been staying in General Ryan’s house for the time being.

The reason?

It was naturally to be able to interact more with Kate. As the only one who understand what Kate was saying, General Ryou become the translator.

At the same time, Kyle was trying to guess and deduct what Kate was saying with her gesture and look. It was hard, but he could already guess what she was thinking and saying most of the time.

Well, she was always being a bit too obvious.

“There’s no one suitable.”

General Ryou rolled his eyes. “Why don’t you just say that you’re too lazy to find anyone to fit into your team?”

“Technically, we’re only lacking someone from wind element.” Kyle finished eating and took out his phone, texting Dylan and Jake to tell them that they were going to take a new mission again.

“You mean, you need someone to be the scout.”


“There are only two wind elements whom I know but neither can follow you in your mission today.” General Ryou shrugged.

Kyle rolled his eyes.

His father, General Ryan was of wind element. But there was simply no way that a general could leave his post on a whim. There were too many people’s lives on the stake, so General Ryan had to stay in City B.

The other one was Lica, the half bunny from the research facility. However, Kyle didn’t know Lica’s fighting ability and also whether she could leave her job. Anyway, he didn’t trust her enough to bring her into his small team.

It was already good enough that there were Dylan and Jake.

After the short text, the two of them appeared in General Ryan’s house with their equipment already well prepared.

“You’re fast.” Kyle arched his eyebrows.

“You don’t know how much I’ve been waiting for your text! Do you know what my father is doing at home is to beat me up so many times! I can’t even count how many times my mother forced me to spar against her and whenever I managed to reach her with the metal element, my father would end up beating me up afterwards.”

Jake wanted to cry so much.

For him, the past few days were nothing but torture for him. His father kept on beating him depending on how much he managed to control the metal element to reach his mother. And his mother seemed to be interested in the battles against the two metals elemental user and forced him to keep on sparring.

It was hell.

He didn’t want to repeat it again.

So when he got Kyle’s message, he felt that it was a blessing from Heaven.

His parents would usually let him off whenever he had a call from either Kyle or Dylan, so he always waited for their messages to bring him out. And Kyle’s text about doing mission came at the rightest time.

His mother regretted that they couldn’t spar again.

His father sighed in relief and felt like beating his second son up again if Jake were to stay at home.

So, Jake didn’t dare to delay and carried all of his equipment that he had prepared before out of his house. He would never dare to stay at home even for a second longer in case he would be beaten up again.

“I see. Your parents seem to want you to grow stronger through beating.” Kyle nodded.

Jake wanted to vomit blood.

“What kind of training is that?”


“Don’t you follow with Kyle’s thinking, Dylan!”

Dylan shrugged.

Kyle glanced at Dylan. “Did your parents ask you to become their successor again? No matter what, between you and your sister, you’re clearly better in some fields.”

Dylan nodded. “A bit.”

“A part of the business will be handed to you in the future?”


“Do you want to take care of them?”


Jake laughed. “See? Wouldn’t it be better to just laze around and could still live comfortably? For me, it’ll be better that I have nothing to do and just play around!”

“Dylan is still a very capable hacker.”

Jake was silent.

Dylan glanced at Jake but didn’t bother with the other party. He was fascinated with technology ever since he was young and used to work with his father to test their company’s firewall.

Granted, thanks to him, the company had to repair the firewall and reinforce it for almost once a month.

It was because Dylan could easily pass through.

That was at least until Dylan himself was the one who built the firewall, which make it hard for him to breach inside. He had to take much longer time, which also eased a lot of the programmers in the company.

“Oh right, Kyle, is there any ability that’s related to the mind? I thought that it’ll be very good if there’s some kind of mental ability.”

“And what color do you think it’ll be?”

“Orange?” Jake shrugged. “Anyway, I think that the orange color is only used for those who had some kind of strengthening ability, so I think that it might also be useful for those who are also awakening mental ability.”

“Anyone noted so far?”



“Why do you sound as if you’re not interested in it?” Jake was speechless. He spent a long of time trying to browse the internet about the mutation that happened to humans. Some of them were strange and some of them were really overpowered.

But all in all, it was something that was unique and Jake kept on researching.

He also found out that his ability and his mother’s ability was somewhat different even though the two of them could control metals. For his mother, controlling the metals were very easy, but Jake had to struggle first.

Thus, he knew that someday, these abilities will definitely be ranked.

But for now, he was just curious.

“This the mission we’re going to take today.” Kyle showed the mission sheet. He asked it from his father because it was easier.

“Military mission?”

“Mission for military but targeted towards the mercenary.”

“Why?” Dylan asked as he read through the mission introduction and what they were supposed to do.

“Probably because there were too many of such mission and the military couldn’t handle it if they had to do everything.” Jake clicked his tongue.

Kate glanced at the mission’s introduction and blinked her eyes. It was a mission for them to retrieve the wheats and grains from a granary that was placed quite a distance away. This granary was closest to City B as compared to other cities, but the distance was quite remarkable.

It would be quite hard for them to go there without encountering several swarms or even other mutated giant animals on the way.

“Are we the only one taking the mission?” Jake asked again.


“No.” Kyle shook his head. “There are a total of four teams including us who will take the mission. We’ll depart together until the end of the road where the military vehicle couldn’t go forward.”

“Four groups, tsk, how do you think we’ll cooperate together?” Jake thought of the scene and couldn’t help but shaking his head.

Considering these two’s personality, he highly doubted that they would be able to get along well.

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