The Villain’s Diary – The Heroine’s Character Crumbles

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

[Lets hope that Han Yuqing doesnt make any mishaps that affect the main line when she returns to the Wuyou Sect]

[Speaking of which, Han Yuqing is similar to Ding Nanrong in that both are single-minded women, but Han Yuqing is more ruthless.]

[She is a woman who takes revenge, more so, if theres anything she wants. She will spare no effort to get so.]

[What do some say about her, Ruthless to yourself, more ruthless to others, Negotiations break down only because you dont give enough, Time will make the scars deeper ]

Han Yuqing smiled wryly, Husband understands me, hehe.

Ding Nanrong was silent: Vengeance must be avenged .. If she remembers that I killed her, then she will definitely find a way to kill me.

[In some sense, I still admire this pervert.]

[For her own purposes, no matter what I did to her after the marriage, she had no complaints, and she even accepted it against her will, and to please me, she did even more than that.]

[Unfortunately, I am not fond of her, for according to my villainous persona, I hate and loathe her.]

[I also beat her up from time to time. Thats right, as the plot demands, beat her up.]

[And even abuse her.]


Husband will actually abuse me, Im thrilled and looking forward to it!

Once I kill this bitch Ding Nanrong, Ill immediately go back to the Wuyou Sect and obediently wait for you to come back, oh husband.

Ha ha ha ha.

Han Yuqing grinned with her cherry mouth, her beautiful eyes shining with a brilliant light.

The footsteps that were rushing back to Jiang Mus private airship. It accelerated abruptly.


Im done writing, there should be a reward this time.

Jiang Mu closed his diary and was patently looking forward to todays reward.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host, successful diary writing!]

[Temperament +2] (16/100)

[Face value +2[ (16/100)

[Reward obtained: Soul Book] (Spiritual Arts)

[Reward Description: Moving souls. Summoning to chat with Master. Can create a closed space and summon souls within a certain range, into the space.]

[Note: The higher the cultivation realm, the longer the duration of the space.]

[Note: The higher the cultivation realm, the greater the number of souls that can be summoned.]

[Note: The higher the cultivation level, the wider the range that can be summoned.]

[Note: Use is limited to once per day].

Very good, finally there is a reward, but this Soul Book doesnt seem to be of much use?

Jiang Mu felt a little confused, from the reward introduction. It didnt look like a powerful spiritual art.

Rather, it looked like a kind of chat room used for blowing off steam.

Chatting between spirits?

What the hell. Jiang Mu wanted to try this Soul Book.

See what effect it had, so with the thought in his mind. He summoned the book.

Soul Book!


With his body as the center, a dark circle was generated, the circle expanded instantly.

It only stopped when the radius reached 10 meters.

The radius is only 10 metres, that must be because my cultivation realm is too low.

Within the entire dark space.

A light man, and a book of light appeared.

The light person in it was Jiang Mu himself.

This glowing state of mine is the soul state?

Jiang Mu looked around himself once and found that his height, body shape and all, had not changed, just like myself.

But because it was in a state of light, the outline was a bit out of frame, and no face could be seen.

That book of light, its Ding Nanrongs soul, right?

Jiang Mu could see, the location where that book of light was located was exactly Ding Nanrongs room.

But her soul, why is it in the shape of a book?

Oh, books are the ladder of human progress.

I guess the system deliberately made the human soul, in the shape of a book, to indicate the progress of humanity.

Its quite thoughtful, well. Should I try summoning Ding Nanrongs soul in for a chat?

Jiang Mu was tempted to give it a try, but he was afraid that it would affect her three views and lead to affecting the plot.

Well . It should be fine, after all, its not like Im in the main character here, not to mention she cant see my face.

Right, how about pretending to pretend to be a higher power and ask her again if she knows she died? perfect. Lets do that!

Jiang Mu was eager to find out how exactly Ding Nanrong had died.

So he stared at Ding Nanrongs light book soul, with the thought of his mind.

The next moment, the light book transformed into Ding Nanrongs human form.

The shining Ding Nanrong seemed to feel a moment of confusion and shock.

When she saw Jiang Mu, she clearly froze still and then immediately afterwards, she became alert and asked.

Who are you? What is this place?

Ding Nanrong was horrified to discover that her own soul had, in fact, entered a closed dark space, but she could sense the original body, still sitting in front of the dressing table in the room.

As for the man in front of her, she couldnt see his face, so she didnt know who it was.

Could it be some kind of worldly superior?

But this tall mans figure . How come it looks so much like Jiang Mu?

Perhaps there was only Jiang Mu as the only man that could come into her mind.

So that the first time she did, she substituted Jiang Mu for the person in front of her.

Ahem, its not important who I am, whats important is, who are you?

Jiang Mu put his hands behind his back and lowered his voice, making a gesture of a superior person.


Ding Nanrong didnt answer. Her face was grim as she subconsciously tried to take out her Water Lotus Sword to be on guard.

However, she found that she was in her soul state and could not use the Soul Ring.

This action of hers was seen by Jiang Mu and laughed in his heart.

This old virgin, she was really cautious. She couldnt move without taking out her sword.

Jiang Mu waved his big hand, made a bullish look, and said in a profound manner.

Little girl, dont panic, I am an Immortal of the Sea of the Primordial, my name: Immortal Niu Bai.

Immortal Immortal?!

Ding Nanrongs pupils shrank and her mind trembled with fear.

She had once had the honor of spying on ancient ruins.

In the records of the ancient monuments, a hundred thousand years ago, in the Cangling Realm, there had been immortals, and there were originally seven cultivation realms.

They were: the Spirit Gathering Realm, the Qi Sea Realm, the Returning Origin Realm, the Void Refining Realm, the Empty Meditation Realm, the Martial God Realm and the Immortal Realm.

But then for some unknown reason.

The Immortal Realm cultivators suddenly disappeared, and after that, no one could ever break through to the Immortal Realm again.

So, Immortals, then, became a legend in the Cangling Realm.

Ding Nanrong slowly recovered from her shock.

She was not sure if the man in front of her was an Immortal or not, but one thing was certain.

The man in front of her must be at a very high cultivation level!

At least higher than her!

If not, how could he have easily summoned her soul into this closed dark space? but why did he summon me?

Ding Nanrong couldnt understand the other partys intentions and could only ask in a respectful tone.

Dare I ask Immortal Niu Bai, why did you summon the soul of little girl in here?

Ha, this old virgin, she really believed it, but thinking about it.

Her soul was suddenly pulled in by me without a sound, so must have thought I was a big shot.

This immortal summoned you in just because I was bored and wanted someone to blow off steam and chatter er . Just chatting to relieve the boredom.

Jiang Mu explained casually, then thought about how to find out from her, who the person who killed her was.

After some slight deliberation, he wasnt going to ask her directly if she had died once and who had killed her.

Rather, he first shaped his own immortal character to convince her completely, and then, in a low voice, he said.

Little girl, this immortal has observed your life.

Your name is Ding Nanrong, and you are an innate Yuan body, an awakening of the power of the water element.

When you were four years old, your entire family was killed.

When you were twelve years old, you were almost robbed of your Yin Yuan.

When you were seventeen, you destroyed the Langqing Sect.

When you were twenty-one, you reached the Returned Origin Realm and your youth has lasted forever since.

When you were twenty-two, you saved the Young Patriarch of the Wuyou Sect, Jiang Mu, and became his personal maid.

Everything you have done since then has been simply for revenge.

Yet just last night, your good fortune suddenly ran out and you died.

Today, however, you have suddenly been reborn again.

I wonder, is this Immortal right or not?


This immortal . actually knows everything about me?!!!

Shocking waves stirred up in Ding Nanrongs heart.

In that case . He must know my end as well, could he really be an immortal?!

Ding Nanrongs tone became even more respectful as she cupped her fist and said.

The immortal Niu Bai knows the divine mystery! Little girl is deeply shocked and in awe!


Jiang Mu nodded lightly, expressing his satisfaction.

Haha. It was the first time I saw her look this respectful.

Sure enough, in this world, its all about the strongest.

Oh yeah, Ill have to ask her if she knows who killed her, but I couldnt spoil my image of her as an all-knowing person.

So one could only pretend to be profound once again and ask.

This Immortal knows the cause of your death, but this Immortal wants to hear it from your own lips, so, how did you die? Do you remember if anyone kill you?

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