The Villain’s Diary – The Heroine’s Character Crumbles

Chapter 43: The Dog System is not the Son of One Man

Chapter 43: The Dog System is not the Son of One Man

[March 11, clear.]

[Today, its the last day of hunting season.]

[Even though theres no storyline for me today, but I cant be happy and calm down at all.]

[Because there are too many bad events happening one after another. For example, Han Yuqing . I dont want to talk about it. Im tired.]

[All in all, just one word: the personas of the female leads and supporting characters are fu**ed up so much, my head hurts!]

[At this rate, its only a matter of time before their characters and the story itself fall apart, right?]

[Oh wait, the second female lead, Lu Chorou, isnt crooked yet Maybe!]

[Damn it, I have a bad feeling. I bet Lu Churuo will definitely be crooked as well]

Xue City, Dark Night Building. Inside the room on the seventh floor.

I alienated the male lead Ling Aotian, I wonder if this is considered crooked?

Lu Chorou, who was wearing a blue silk nightgown, lazily leaned against the window, allowing the light breeze to brush her hair.

She was enjoying the morning light bath while gracefully flipping through Jiang Mus personal diary.

And I wonder, when will I make my appearance again, will it be after the hunting season is over?

[If its today, theres nothing big happening. At most, Ling Aotian would be praised by Xue Yuanshan because he found the demon army stronghold.]

[Then Ling Aotian showed a wicked smile to Xue Menghan.]

[The result.]

[You can imagine that Xue Menghan, the silly dog, was blushing and falling for Ling Aotian once again. Hahaha, its just hilarious.]

Inside the City Lords Palaces lightning ship.

Xue Menghan, Xue Yuanshan, and Ling Aotian, the three of them were eating breakfast around the dining table.

Xue Yuanshan praised Ling Aotian, saying.

Not only did Young Master Ling discover the secret stronghold of the demon race, you also fought against the Transformation Realms Sha Wuwen instead of retreating when he faced him, which is indeed courageous!

Ling Aotian took a piece of steamed bun, took a large bite and modestly returned.

Lord City Master is too kind, at first I also wanted to run back to give the news, but unfortunately, I was blocked by Sha Wuwens men, so I had no choice but to fight for my life.

He said, and then looked across at Xue Menghan, who was drinking porridge while drawing air with her hands.

Then he intentionally bit into the steamed bun without chewing it, revealing a wicked smile that he thought was handsome.

Im full!

Dang! With a thud, Xue Menghan suddenly and angrily put the bowl down heavily on the table.

Frightened, Ling Aotian choked on the steamed bun: Cough

Xue Yuanshan was puzzled, Meng, why are you angry?

Not angry! Father, Im going out to get some air.

Saying that, Xue Menghan huffed and walked away.

Ahh, Young Master Ling, dont blame her, its probably because the hunting season is almost over, and Meng is stubborn and playful, so she was not able to enjoy herself to the fullest and is sulking.

Ahem, no Its alright, Lord City Master, thats too much, Menghan is simple and lively, shes in her youth, so it s normal for her to be playful, cough cough Goo!

Ling Aotian held his red face and forced himself to swallow the steamed bun.

Then he laughed, his gaze couldnt help but chase after the doorway where Xue Menghan had disappeared.

Blush!! my ass!

As soon as she was out of the doorway, Xue Menghan was cursing.

Dog Jiang Mu! Im not stupid, why do you keep talking about me and blushing you mother, Ill cut your head!

Next time, I see you, Youre dead!


She huffed and walked to the front of the boat.

Opening the diary fiercely, as she continued to read.

[Are so many relatives from Ding Nanrong? I remember, it wasnt today at all]

Jiang Mu finished writing this sentence.

Then he closed the diary, because he couldnt stand the smell of blood coming from Ding Nanrongs room anymore.

Its early in the morning, what the hell is this old virgin doing, is she killing a cow in her room.?

Jiang Mu got up and walked out of the room.

He walked straight to the door of Ding Nanrongs room and raised his hand to give a knock.

Duk duk duk duk duk duk duk duk duk!

Ronger! What are you doing in there, it stinks!

There was no response from inside the room, and so he pushed the door open and walked straight in.

Upon arriving at Ding Nan Rongs bedside.

Jesus f*uck, why is bed full of blood!

Jiang Mu was horrified to see that Ding Nanrongs bed was stained red with a shocking amount of fresh blood.

The blood, which hadnt completely frozen, was even warmer in some parts.

However, Ding Nanrong herself, on the other hand, was not there.

Ronger! Where are you! Jiang Mu shouted as he searched the room crazily.

But there was no sign of Ding Nanrong nonetheless.

Abnormal, this is too abnormal.

He pondered intensely, and suddenly, an impossible thought surfaced in his mind.

Ding Nanrong couldnt have . dead..right?

Looking at the blood all over the bed, Jiang Mu couldnt help but shiver.

It shouldnt be possible, thats right! Lets see if the deceased Su Sheng has updated!

He scrambled to open Su Sheng of the Dead.

Check it out.

[Reward: Su Sheng of the Dead (Rules)

[Description: Heaven is the Father. Earth is the Mother. Master is the God of Recreation. May revive any one dead character, only once.]

[Note: Characters resurrected through Su Sheng of the Dead can be brought back to the real world after passing the level.]

[Note: A character resurrected through Su Sheng of the Dead will randomly receive one of the following rewards from the host.]

[: Body of forced steel]

[: The Body That Bears All Poisons]

[: Celestial One Eye]

[Note: The rewards gained by the revived character will be permanently lost by the host.]

[Current resurrectable characters.]

[ Ding Nanrong] (female supporting character)

[Resurrected characters.]

[ Han Yuqing] (female villain)

[Hint: Click on the character to see details]


Ding Nan Rong is dead!!!

Oh w ko, nima, gn*#&* (! #**%@!!! ! ***!!!!!

Jiang Mu let out non-stop rotten swear words on the spot for a full about a minute.

Only then did he gradually calm down.

Whew~ Take a deep breath.

Then silently looked at, at the bottom, a column [Current Resurrectable Character: Ding Nanrong (Female Supporting Character)]

What the hell is this Nima, how did Ding Nanrong die?!

Why would such an important and strong supporting actress suddenly die?!

Shit, this makes no sense!

Jiang Mu knew that Ding Nanrong would also end up dead, and still be buried with him in the end, but now?

Ding Nanrong had actually died before schedule, just like Han Yuqing!

Looking at the name Ding Nanrong.

Jiang Mus expression looked like he had eaten tens of thousands of pounds of expired date pickles. It was a suffocating mess.

Damn it dog system! Youre not the son of one man, If you let Xue Menghan, the female heroine, die next time

Jiang Mu angrily poked [Ding Nan Rong (Supporting Actress)] to check her details.

Then, the panels information changed.

[Name]: Ding Nanrong]

[Age]: Twenty-five years old]

[Role]: Supporting Actress]

[Relationship]: your personal attendant, your future daoist partner]

[Cultivation Realm]: Returned Origin realm]

[Physique]: Innate Yuan Body] (Water)

[Status]: Dead] (can be revived)

[Action]: Click to revive]

Resurrect! Resurrect!!! Resurrect the nigga!!!

Jiang Mu pokes frantically [Resurrection]



Outside the Demon Beast Mountain Range, on a certain green-shaded path.

This pathway led to the Wuyou Sect on the southern border of Liuzhou.

This place was empty, and yet, along the way, blood would occasionally fall out of thin air, constantly staining the sand and grass on the ground.

Moreover, eerie laughter could be heard.

Heh heh heh heh .

At the same time, the sound of the flesh being pierced could be heard.

Pachi! Pachi! Pachi!

With each Pachi sound, a stream of blood would fall.

Suddenly, the pachi sound was gone and strange muttering sounded in the air.

What the fuck? Why has this bitch disappeared?



[You used: Su Sheng of the Dead (Rule)

[Resurrected character: Ding Nanrong]

[Character is being resurrected. Please wait .]

[.. .1% .. .49% .. .99%]


[Ding Nanrong has been successfully revived!]

[Ding Nanrong has gained your reward: the Body of Forced Steel]

[You have lost your reward. Body of Forced Steel]

After the system sounds.

A ball of crystalline, lubricated water appeared in front of Jiang Mu out of thin air.

With a Dang! A voluptuous beauty in a purple nightgown fell from the mass of water onto the floor.

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