The Villain’s Diary – The Heroine’s Character Crumbles

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

One hour after, Jiang Mu managed to escape Han Yuqings entanglement.

In the end, there was no danger, and he returned to his private airship.

Today, Ding Nanrongs water element poison should have finished its effects.

Xue Menghan, the heroine, mustnt be killed by Ding Nanrong.

Silently, he prayed. Jiang Mu took his stance and jumped onto the deck of the airship.

Only just landing on his feet, he was startled by a strange shouting sound.



A high-pitched, long, shrill cry, and a short one.

From Ding Nanrongs room, next door, it came out.

Whats that? and it cane from Ding Nanrongs room. Yelp!

And Then the other one is Xue Menghan now!

Phew~, fortunately, shes alive! Xue Menghan isnt dead. My rewards are safe!

Jiang Mu was relieved. He knew it all too well. Xue Menghans voice, but why was she screaming?

Was she scared by Ding Nanrongs power? Forget about it for now.

He had to find out now why Xue Menghan was looking for him, or else, I will feel uneasy all the time.

Jiang Mu quickly made his way to Ding Nanrongs room and just as he was about to raise his hand and knock on the door.

The door was opened from the inside and a silhouette rushed out.


The silhouette collided with Jiang Mu.

Ouch! That hurts!

F*ck! Do you have no eyes dog . Menghan? What are you doing here? Ohhh, Ive missed you so much!

Jiang Mu, who had been bumped on the forehead, almost broke into a cursing fit.

Luckily, he remembered in time that he was the character of a licking dog in front of Xue Menghan, so it was impossible to scold her to her face.

Are you alright, Menghan! Let me help you up.

Jiang Mus attitude was full of concern as he helped Xue Menghan up from the ground.

Xue Menghans dress was sorta messy, so much so that Jiang Mu saw the emerald green fabric inside her collar.

On the fabric was the word Meng embroidered on it, only, the word Meng was reversed.

Aaaah! Its Jiang Mu! I, Im going back! Bye!

As soon as Xue Menghan saw Jiang Mu, her face, which was already flushed, immediately turned redder than a tomato.

Then the scented breeze dispersed and her whole body swoosh! In an instant, she scurried out of the private airship.

The speed was so fast that Jiang Mu was unable to react to it.

This . She . What the heck is she after? Didnt she say she was here to find me! Why did she suddenly run away when she saw me!

I dont understand, I dont understand .

Looking at Xue Menghans back as she disappeared into the woods, Jiang Mu was scratching his head in confusion.

At that moment, a strange misty fragrance came from behind him.

A slight warmth could also be felt, turning around. There stood Ding Nanrong.

Her long, beautiful hair was tied up high, and the blush on her cheeks had not yet faded completely.

The purple-flowered silk nightgown hung over her voluptuous body. The neckline, which was modest, stretched open to its fullest extent by the offending curved object.

The snow-white collarbone of her neck was still stained with crystalline droplets of water, and the steep cliffs of her delicate peaks could be seen faintly within.

Overall, it looked like a buxom beauty that had been daintily hidden for years. Only her face looked indifferent.

No? There seemed to be a little bit of Unhappy?

This made Jiang Mus heart flinch for a moment.

Ronger, you Whats wrong?

Perhaps it was because I was ogling at her just now, that she was weak in her heart now?

Ding Nanrong stared at Jiang Mu and indifferently asked in a low but intimating tone.

Where have you been for the past two days.

Uh . Jiang Mu was startled and speechless.

Shit. I almost forgot.

Ding Nanrong, the personal attendant, was almost inseparable from me.

She was not only responsible for my living but also keep my safety. Later is most important thing and meaning of her life. My life.

Yet I took advantage of her to sneak out and fool around.

If she was angry, she would beat me up.

Didnt go anywhere, I was just casually fishing around, playing with the water, eating river food and looking at the mountains, there was no danger at all, really.

Jiang Mu had to make up a reasonable amount of nonsense.

She didnt know if it was true or not, but could only accept it since he returned alive. No next time!

Ding Nanrong coldly dropped a sentence before about to close the door.

Ronger wait! Why was Xue Menghan in your room? Jiang Mu hurriedly called out to her.

But, her gaze suddenly turned cold as ice, and she looked at him.

It also seemed to reveal a hint of . Killing intent?

Jiang Mu felt a jolt, however, to know the truth about Xue Menghans reason for coming here. He could only press on and cautiously open his mouth to ask

Ronger ah, Xue Menghan came here, what is she doing? I heard that she spent a day and a night here, you know that, right?

The tone of his voice was as soothing as possible, and he squeezed out a handsome smile, afraid that if she was not happy, she would beat him up.

Fuck off!


The door slammed heavily, and Jiang Mu was left alone outside, squeezing, a twitching smile on his face.

Damn it, I dont even know anymore, who the hell is the lowly maid here and, whos the patriarch!

What the hell am I afraid of her for? Of course, afraid shell kill me!

Uh . She might really kill me for real. Jiang Mu instantly cooled down his anger.

He clearly remembered the scene that there was a previous reincarnation in which he was displeased with her restraint and her disobedience.

So he reprimanded her to her face, telling her to divide her respect and to pay attention to her status as a servant girl.

The result was that she faintly returned, Is that so.

Then, one almost lost his life.

Forget it, its better to think for myself besides theres still the matter of Han Yuqings sudden appearance here to think about.

Damn, the Black Water Fury things sudden change is also mysterious. Ugh, no clue, Im tired mentally.

Helplessly, he sighed and shook his head and went back to his room.

These last two days of the hunting season had no storyline for him either.

He planned to keep track of all the messed up plots and character changes through a diary.


In the hidden cliff cave on the treacherous cliff face.

Master, that Han Yuqing sees disciples potential qualities.

Thats why she will, on a regular basis, give me the cultivation resources.

She hopes to help her destroy the Xuanyang Sect in the future when I breaks through to the Void Refining Realm and I feel that she has a good vision.

Ling Aotian sat cross-legged and was consuming the spirit herbs and spirit medicines that Han Yuqing had given him to heal his injuries.

At the same time, in his mind, he was communicating with the Black Water Fury.

Master, how is your recovery going? these individual demon cores, are they enough for your recovery of strength?

[Not bad.]

Inside Soul space, the Black Water Fury with a snake tail body absorbed the demon cores on the stone bed.

Due to the large number of demon cores, plus the fact that there was one from the Transformation Realm, this allowed her strength to recover to seven or eight percent of what she had before.

Master, do you think, with so much potential, I will break through to the Martial God realm in the future?


Blackwater replied without a doubt, in the past, she was unsure.

After all, apart from Ling Aotians good luck, apart from his inexplicable confidence, being easily charmed by beauty, carrying the hatred of exterminating his village.

There didnt seem to be many noteworthy points.

The only thing that was still noteworthy was that he did whatever he was told to do by his master, a demon, I guess, but now, she had read the diary.

After knowing that Ling Aotian was the male lead, she was absolutely sure that Ling Aotian, in the future, would definitely become a Martial God!

Hahahaha! This means that it was the Master who taught me well! Its what made it possible for the disciples potential, to flourish! Hahahaha!

Ling Aotian let out a loud laugh. He was in a very good mood.

Master! This disciple has always believed that this is a world where the strong prey on the weak and only the strong, can have everything!

Disciple, Must be the strong one!

Ling Aotian said proudly. In his mind, he also pictured the youthful and beautiful Xue Menghan.

A graceful and bewitching Lu Chorou.

Cold and mature Ding Nanrong.

The charming and seductive Han Yuqing.

Even, thought of the lovely little girl with the black dress, and long straight black hair, his master, the Black Water Fury!

So, I, Ling Aotian, am going to become a supreme being! Go and obtain what belongs to me!

It was probably because of the positive words from Han Yuqings deal, as well as acknowledgement from his master, Black Water Fury.

Ling Aotians self-confidence was skyrocketing at this moment!

It was as if he could see the overbearing image of himself becoming a Martial God, ruling the world, and surrounding himself with a beautiful harem all over the world lying under his feet!

[Not bad, only the strong can have everything.]

Black Water Fury agreed with this statement very much.

But she knew even more deeply that the mercifully strong would lose everything!

One day, this God will also definitely make them, pay an unthinkable price!

Muttering to herself, Black Water Furys golden vertical pupils contracted extremely sharply.

Suddenly. She had a feeling in her heart.

So she immediately stopped absorbing the demon core.

Summoning the Private Diary of Jiang Mu excitedly. There she saw that a diary had been updated.

[March 10th, cloudy day.]

[My mood is even gloomier than todays cloudy day.]

[There are three women who are bothering me so damn much.]

Three women?

Will there be me?

The Blackwater Fury puffed her cheeks.

There was very little information about herself that was currently recorded in the diary.

So, she looked forward to diary updates every day.

So today as well, she read the diary expectantly.

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