The Villain’s Diary – The Heroine’s Character Crumbles

Chapter 112

Chapter 112

A long, high-pitched, hoarse cry.

It startled Ding Nanrong.

She immediately turned around.

She saw that Jiang Mu was still sitting upright.

He also kept his hands inside the blanket, as if he was holding something.

And his face was slightly redder than it had been just now.

It was even a little Ghastly?

Ding Nanrong had never seen such a strange expression on Jiang Mus face before.

And judging from the hoarse sound just now.

It was obviously not coming from Jiang Mu.


There was someone under the blanket?

With doubts, Ding Nanrong reached Jiang Mus side and fixed her gaze on that blanket.

Stonily, she asked.

Is there a person inside the blanket? From the sound of it, its like a little girl.


She still found out!

Jiang Mus heart was anxious, and he didnt know how to answer in a while.


Ding Nanrong didnt give time for him to answer either.

She grabbed the blanket by surprise.

Lifting it sharply.

A little girl in a white dress, with straight white hair, arching her back and bending her knees, with her hands propped up on the ground and her back facing Jiang Mu.

There was still a bit of spare room to enter.

This is?!

Such an unsightly body position.

Looking at Ding Nanrongs heart was thrilled.

There was no need to think about it, to know.

The distance between this little white-haired girl and Jiang Mu It was negative!


The little white haired girl fell forward limply to the ground.

Ding Nanrongs eyes instantly widened.

Not just because little Jiang Mu

It was more because.

She spotted Jiang Mus hand.

It was actually holding her favorite purple soft silk wrapped!

You! What the hell are YOU doing with it?!

Ding Nanrong was immediately ashamed and angry.

She had always been cold and unruffled.

However, she could not withstand Jiang Mus Such perverted actions!

Her face blushed a rare shade of red, and she hurriedly snatched the fabric back.

After snatching it back, she found that it felt sticky in her hand.

Fixing her eyes, she took a look.

There was a puddle of liquid on the fabric!

This made her so angry that she burst out on the spot: Bastard!

Bastard! You How dare you If you want to die, just say so! Ill grant you that!

She exploded with a powerful aura of spiritual energy, causing her skirt and hair to fly.

Ronger! You listen to me cover up! F**k! You listen to my explanation!

Jiang Mu was so frightened that he cried out in birdlike fear.

He was truly afraid that Ding Nanrong would beat him up.

What if she beat him up until he couldnt even stand on his own.?

Then it would be difficult to do anything about the plot of the demon army attacking the city later.

Explain sh*t! Explain yourself in a wheelchair!

Ding Nanrong, furious, punched Jiang Mus abdomen fiercely.


Jiang Mus face paled.

He couldnt dodge her angry iron fist at all.

If he took it, he would probably be in a wheelchair.


Just a moment before the fist hit him in the stomach.

Ding Nanrongs eyes widened.

Her whole body went limp and she fell into his arms.


What the hell!

Jiang Mu held onto Ding Nanrong, dumbfounded.

Right then.

The voice of the Black Water Fury reached him in his mind.

I did it.

I cast the Soul Book and summoned her soul into space.

Shes still a bit dazed right now.

Ah this

Jiang Mu was speechless.

He didnt know if this was a good thing or a bad thing.

But no matter what.

He was temporarily spared a beating and didnt have to be in a wheelchair.

So he hurriedly said to the Black Water Fury.

Little cutie, can you ask Ronger

Er That is to say

Explain to Ronger about the Cloth?

The Black Water Fury refused grimly, saying.

Why do I need to explain? its not like this god is afraid of her.

Jiang Mus head aches.

Im afraid if youre not, shes about to beat me into a wheelchair.

The Black Water Fury replied ruthlessly.

If she dares to beat you up, Ill kill her!

When Jiang Mu heard this, he felt his scalp tingle.

He was really afraid that Black Water Fury would mess up.

So he commanded without retort.

Fly your head!

You must explain clearly to Ronger!

Or else

you wont be allowed to touch me for a month.

At those words.

Panicking in his heart. Black Water Fury tense and said.



Jiang Mu laughed.

It seemed like everyone had a great weakness.

Especially snakes.

And so the order was given.

Then do whatever you can to fix the fabric for me!


And youll have Ronger help me with the herbal bath later.


Black Water Fury didnt answer immediately and seemed to be pondering something.

Not a moment later, she suddenly smiled shamefully as she said.

Do you want your Ronger to help you with the herbal bath?


But I want


Jiang Mu didnt hear the rest and pursued.

What do you want? Dont say half and leave half.

The Black Water Fury continued with a grim smile, Just want it!

Jiang Mu was speechless.

The Black Water Fury pretended that her soul power was running low: Oh, my gods soul power can barely support the soul book space

Jiang Mu interrupted her with tears of laughter, Alright, alright, hurry up.

The Black Water Fury got her way and said excitedly.

You can start now, any degree this god can withstand!

After saying that.

She then lost her voice.

Apparently, she was within the Soul Book space, preparing to settle the matter of Ding Nanrong.

Any degree?

Jiang Mu looked at the Black Water Fury, who was sprawled softly on the ground.


His heart actually felt a little Evildoing.


The dog system must be trying to make me fall!

So that I cant be passed!

He shook his head to shake off these evil thoughts.

Then he picked up Ding Nanrong and carried her back to her room.

Then he brought over her piece of fabric and mobilized his spiritual power to steam the crystals on it.

Only then did he finally put the fabric.

Folding it carefully and putting it back in her fragrant wardrobe with ease.

That is done.

Then returned to his bedroom.

Looking at Black Water Fury lying limp on the floor.

Jiang Mu thought hard about it.

How to export it well



Jiang Mu suddenly remembered something.

A very important thing.

That was.

When the Black Water Fury had injured Ding Nanrong and ended up being killed by Han Yuqing.


What would happen when the Black Water Fury met Ding Nanrong or Han Yuqing Not again!

Previously, Black Water Fury and Han Yuqing had already met!

Jiang Mu suddenly remembered.

When he was about to be forced by the Black Water Fury, he had used the Teleportation Technique and teleported to a cave in the Demon Beast Mountain Range.

Yet, he had instantaneously transported the Black Water Fury over with him.

He had even accidentally brought Han Yuqing, who was in a stealthy state, along with him.

After that, the three of them had a big fight.

But the strange thing was.

When Han Yuqing and Black Water Fury met, they didnt have any mood swings?

It was as if It was as if the two didnt know each other!



Gotta ask Cutie.

See if she still remembers, what happened with Ding Nanrong and Han Yuqing before!

In his mind, Jiang Mu immediately called to the Black Water Fury.

Little Cutie?

Little cutie?

Touch silk and touch silk.

In his mind, Black Water Furys excited and expectant voice came out.



Little cutie, do you remember before Just before What you did with Ding Nanrong and Han Yuqing?

Black Water Fury replied back.

What is it, dont remember, Im going to settle your Ronger business now, youre not allowed to save your energy!

Oh, thats alright then, you go for it too.

Jiang Mu was at a loss for words.

The Black Water Fury actually didnt remember that she had injured Ding Nanrong?

Nor did she remember that Han Yuqing had killed her?

Jiang Mu pondered carefully.

Could it be that

After using Su Sheng of the Dead to revive the character.

The main storyline will self-correct?

The resurrection of Han Yuqing and Ding Nanrong from the dead, for that matter, didnt even twist the main plot

Thinking about it.

This was the only explanation Jiang Mu could think of.

In other words.

Using Su Sheng of the Dead to bring the characters back to life.

It didnt distort the main plot!

Otherwise, there was no way the main storyline would have gone this far without being crooked!

This gave Jiang Mu a strong booster.

So strong that he instantly had inexhaustible strength!

Thus, picking up the Black Water Fury on the ground

Inside the Soul Book space.

The Black Water Fury smiled and fixed her eyes on Ding Nanrong.

We meet again then, Sister Ronger.

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