The Villain’s Diary – The Heroine’s Character Crumbles

Chapter 104

Chapter 104

Youre here, Patriarch!

Greetings, Patriarch!

Patriarch is well!

As soon as the deacons and elders saw Jiang Mu enter, they all stood up from their seats and greeted each other in a respectful voice.

Although Jiang Mu was incompetent and a piece of sh*t.

However, he was the head of a family with proper roots.

Therefore, even if someone was not convinced, they could not show it on this occasion.

Well, all sit down.

Jiang Mu casually waved his hand back.

The dudes arrogant footsteps, however, did not stop, heading for Han Yuqings high seat.

Husband! Youre back!

Han Yuqing jumped out of her seat in surprise.

She jumped into Jiang Mus arms, pouting her lips and softly whispering in public.

Husband~ I missed you so much~

Missed you too

And she twisted her body, wanting to blend into Jiang Mus body.

This kind of puppy treat caused the crowd to have goose bumps.

Jiang Mu, who had long known about Han Yuqings persona, was also paralyzed by her soft voice whispering.

This pervert, really didnt miss any opportunity to get close to him.

Ugh, get off, I dont want to die.

Jiang Mu pushed her away after a casual remark.

Then he sat in the main seat and swept his gaze at the crowd below.

Before he could say anything.

Han Yuqing wrapped her arms around his neck from behind and stole a kiss into his face.

Wow! Im so happy that Husband said he missed me!

Then she leaned close to his ear and whispered.

Come to my room tonight, Ill spin around and round and round. Heheh.

Chu~ Another sneaky peck.

Just be good, stand behind him, and give him a massage instead.

Jiang Mu:

Attaboy. Spinning around in circles?

Is that lying on your back, arms propped up on the ground, neck straight, mouth open, spinning around in circles as you do so?

Not bad at all. Youve got a real knack for this.

One word: Living a life without repeating it.

Next to her Ding Nanrong.

Her eyes had been fixed on Jiang Mu since he came in.

As she knew Jiang Mus dressing habits well, she was keen to notice.

Jiang Mus shirt was a bit messy.

The belt was also a little looser than usual, as if it had been forced wider from the inside by something.

Sensing Ding Nanrongs gaze, Jiang Mu turned his face to look at her.

Then he nodded to her, signaling that he was back.

Then it was time to preside over the days big meeting.

Following the villains dude persona, he indifferently, addressed the crowd below, saying.

This Sect has been informed, Xue Yuanshan has requested my Wuyou Sect.

Saying that they wish for a hundred disciples to be dispatched to Xue City by the early hours of tonight to resist the impending arrival of the Shahe Demon Armys vanguard.

You all know about this, right?

Having said that, the people underneath began to discuss it again.

And he took this gap to recall the plot of the day.

In the original plot, Xue Yuanshan wrote a letter to notify the sects and cities near Xue City overnight.

Of course, it also included the former overlord of the Southern Realm, the Wuyou Sect, and the current overlord, the Xuanyang Sect.

The main content of the letter was the same.

It was a request for support to help Xue City resist the demon army, and so on.

The Wuyou Sect was in an undesirable situation because of its own situation.

So the vast majority of them, were against sending their disciples to support them.

Now the plot of this meeting.

This is the episode where he, Jiang Mu, is exercising the power of the Patriarch, dictating and oppressing the masses, and forcing his disciples to support Xue City.

It is a very important plot. For one thing, it established his villainous and arrogant persona.

Secondly, it enriched the licking dog persona by licking a female protagonist, Xue Menghan.

Thirdly, his own death-defying act of messing up the Wuyou Sect was very much in line with Ding Nanrongs purpose.

Fourthly, it also made Han Yuqing more desperate to take over the Wuyou Sect and work harder and more frantically to get pregnant with his own seed.

All in all, it was perfecting the persona and advancing the plot.

At this moment, the crowd below had pretty much finished their discussion.

The elder from before once again stepped forward, still assertive in his attitude.

Patriarch! We are in agreement that Xue Yuanshans request must not be granted!

This elder went over his previous reasons again.

At the end of his speech, he even stroked his beard and spoke out about the plan he had thought of.

At present, our Wuyou Sect has already been greatly wrecked, so we really shouldnt risk hitching our disciples to it. Instead, we should recuperate and take stability as a priority!

Also, If Xue City finally succeeds in resisting the demon army.

Then, we can then send our disciples to make the final support, take a share of the spoils, and cut down a credit!

If Xue City is unable to resist the demon army and eventually falls and is overthrown.

Then, the responsibility would also be entirely shouldered by the Xuanyang Sect, with no loss at all to our Wuyou Sect!

This is a good plan to sit and watch the situation from the upper wall and enjoy the benefits from it!


After the elder finished speaking, almost everyone clapped their hands fiercely, all saying that it was a brilliant ploy.

Even Jiang Mu felt that what this elder said was very good.

After all, the sect was all in a mess now, with disciples running away almost every day, so why would they care about other peoples deaths?

Besides, isnt there still a Xuanyang Sect holding the fort.

Though it is said that everyone is responsible for fighting against the demons.

But the Xuanyang Sect is nonetheless the dominant power in the Southern Realm, with a large number of disciples and strong strength.

So even if the Wuyou Sect, a dilapidated sect, did not support Xue City, no one would say anything.

Han Yuqings face, on the other hand, darkened.

She stopped giving Jiang Mu a massage and shot her gaze at the intensely energetic elder.

A charming smile was revealed.

She had already thought it through.

This kind of conservative would become a huge obstacle to her radical decisions in the future.

So, there must be found an opportunity to assassinate him using stealth!

When the applause subsided.

Jiang Mu cleared his throat and asked at ease.

Is there anyone who opposes Elder Hes plan?

Saying so, he squeezed Han Yuqings hand on his shoulder.

Signaling for her to continue the massage.

Han Yuqings wry smile instantly turned into a brilliant grin as her hands continued to press again.

The people at the bottom listened to Jiang Mus question, and after exchanging a few words.

Almost all of them expressed no objection.

I agree with Elder He, conservative development!

This plan of Elder He is really a stable win!

Thats right! Our Wuyou Sect must keep our heads down!

People who do not do it for themselves will be destroyed!

Jiang Mu turned his head and asked Han Yuqing.

What do you think?

According to the original plot, Han Yuqing was dominated by him as her husband.

That is to say, she would support whatever he did.

She saw Han Yuqing smiling, lying on his shoulder and saying in a soft voice.

You are my husband.

Your thoughts are mine.

Your decisions, are my decisions.

Whatever you want to do, I will support you.

Everything is up to you, Husband.

As much as she wanted to oppose Elder He.

But almost everyone was on Elder Hes side and she wasnt in full control of the Wuyou Sect yet.

If she stood up against it, she would offend the group of elders.

This would be very detrimental to her future in controlling the Sect.

Jiang Mu nodded his head.

Very well, In this important plot, she was normal and not crooked.

It seemed the dog system was still somewhat human.

So he asked Ding Nanrong again.

Ronger, what about you, what do you think?

According to the original plot, Ding Nanrong would also support him.

Because of his petty nature, he would inevitably make a decision that would be unfavourable to the development of the Wuyou Sect.

This met her purpose as well.

I saw Ding Nanrong saying back calmly.

No thoughts, as long as you like it.

Sure enough, in this episode, Ding Nanrong was also normal and not crooked.

And so, Jiang Mu stood up and looked around at the crowd.

After the crowd had placed all their eyes on him.

Then, with a big, bold wave, he proudly said.

What Elder He said is good. Elder He is right!

So this sect has decided, for the sake of the mission of humans.

For the sake of my Menghan, ninety percent of the disciples of the Wuyou Sect must go to Xue City and fully, resist, the demons!

Who is for and who is against?

There was first a silence at the bottom.

Then followed.


An instant bombardment.

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