The Villainess With A Heroine Harem

Chapter 690 Elimination


It wasn't until the next day that Emilia was able to arrive at the city closest to the prison in which the ex-president of Red Dusk was being held.

Emilia couldn't help but frown as she looked at the heavily guarded place. 'Do they intend to protect him to protect the reputation of their country, or could it be… that they think he's worth more alive than dead?'

But while sneaking in might look difficult… it was only a matter of time for someone like her.

'Guess I can only wait for someone with sufficient authority and 'replace' them to get in.' She sighed.

Emilia could of course try some other methods, but each of them had its own risk, and she felt that it wouldn't be worth it if her actions ended up pouring salt on a wounded tiger's wounds.

She'd long since lost any interest in taking over Red Dusk, after all.

How could people who were thirsting for the blood of her children just a while ago be worthy of being nurtured?

Emilia knew that not everyone in Red Dusk was like that, and it was mostly the scumbag president of theirs who led them to that position, but… that did little to change her feelings of disgust whenever she heard their country's name.

Luckily, the main culprit hadn't 'accidentally' died, and she could finally vent some of her anger.

The ex-president of Red Dusk didn't bother turning around to face whoever had opened his cell door. "Didn't I already say to bring my lunch on time, or don't bother? Come back in thirty minutes with a fresh one."

Emilia smiled coldly. "You sure are living quite comfortably for someone who caused so many of my children to die."

Although the cell couldn't be called luxurious, it still wasn't 'lacking' in any of the basic needs.

With fully enclosed walls, a private bathroom, and air conditioning, it was more like a cheap hotel than a high-security prison.

Obviously, since she had replaced her spider form with the officer she 'replaced', Emilia had fearlessly changed into her original form right after entering the cell.


The ex-president's eyes almost bulged out of his skull as she pointed at the crimson-haired girl in shock.

For her to appear here… could only mean that the commonwealth had truly given up on him.

'Is the greatest value of my life now only in quenching her rage?! NO!' He breathed rapidly in fear before coming to a decision. 'I-I can't die like this!'

"M-Miss Emilia, I-I have been meaning to talk to you in person for so long, f-finally I have the chance!"

Emilia sneered. "Oh… is that so?"

Clearly, the fact that she was all alone and was even wearing male clothing too large for her size didn't even register in his panicked mind, otherwise maybe he would have realized that there was something not quite right about her being there.

He tried explaining how he was forced to do everything that he'd done under the pressure of the Federation's leaders, and how he'd never truly wanted to hurt her or her people.

Of course, his claims weren't baseless, but Emilia knew that every 'proof of innocence' he presented to her was more of a coincidence than conspiracy.

The man even tried to hold her legs while crawling on the ground in an attempt to persuade her, but she stepped back and chuckled derisively.

"Did you really think I would believe all of that? Just because you pretended to be friendly and full of flattery when we first met?"

"I-If you give me a chance, I will definitely—"

Emilia sneered. "You already had your chance... and you blew it. Got anything else up your sleeve?"

'She's just relishing in the growing despair in his eyes, isn't she?' Cynthia had to admit, her villainess could be really vengeful when someone pushed her far enough.

The man on the ground seemed to be at a loss for words for a while before seemingly deflating in deep depression. "I-It seems like I really can't convince you of the truth… but I can't blame you."

Seemingly steeling his will, he straightened up before nodding. "Alright, then… let my death atone for it all. Just remember, in Red Dusk, I was always your greatest supporter!"

Emilia's eyes flickered in amusement as she watched him take off his belt and wrap it around his own neck before tightening it with force.

She had to admit, he was being quite ruthless with his strength, but… it was easy to see that he didn't really intend to die.

If she'd been just a bit more stupid… maybe she could have been fooled.

"It seems like they haven't been treating you very well here, huh? Let me help you."

For just a moment, the muddled mind of the ex-president thought that he'd really succeeded in convincing her of his 'innocence', but that was when he felt the belt he had loosened once again tighten around his neck.

The face that had only reddened immediately started turning purple, and some parts of his neck even started bleeding as he thrashed on the ground.

Clearly, with death already knocking on his door, any thoughts of deception had long since fled as he desperately tried to kick the girl off in an attempt to save his own life.

Emilia smiled as she watched the man's oxygen-deprived face turn uglier and uglier. "Even if what you'd said was true, I wouldn't dare leave my children's neighbor state in the hands of such a cunning and insidious man."


"What did you just say?"

The lady who had rushed in to report bowed. "H-He's dead… sir. I-It was a suicide."

The president was disbelieving for a moment, but soon realized that there was no way to avoid the truth.

Even if someone could sneak in and out of the high-security prison without alarming anyone else, the marks on the dead man's own hands from pulling the belt around his own neck too hard didn't lie.

There were no bruises from someone 'assisting him' at all.

It was a bit baffling that someone could have the determination, will, and strength to pull off something like that, but the truth could only be denied for so long.

But realizing that it was true only made him angrier. 'From the moment I became the president, it's been one headache after another, all because of this man, and now he has the gall to commit suicide?!'

The bastard who created all this mess for him really killed himself!

The only reason he was even kept alive was to make sure they could deliver him in good condition to Blue Dawn in exchange for certain 'relaxations' for at least the next few years while they recovered, but what about now?

If that Empress thought they disdained her request and were protecting that scumbag… wouldn't it make things take a turn for the worse?

Although the Empress of Blue Dawn had agreed to end the war and wasn't the one to start it in the first place, he'd heard that she had been quite 'reluctant' to do so. If she took this opportunity to start one this time... would anyone even come to help their Red Dusk?

No, even if they managed to avoid ruin, the commonwealth would definitely suffer greatly, and he would go down as one of the most incompetent presidents in the country's history!

"N-No, I can't let that happen!"


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