The Vicious Female Support Wants to Quit

Chapter 33: What exactly did I do wrong? Why do you always treat me so half heartedly?

Chapter 33: What exactly did I do wrong? Why do you always treat me so half heartedly?

33. What exactly did I do wrong? Why do you always treat me so half heartedly?

Before tonight, she always felt that her analysis and speculations were reasonable, or at least logical, but now it seems theres a problem exactly which step went wrong?   

Gu Ningyou decided not to think too much for the time being. If she wants to overturn all her analysis and start over, it is obviously not something that can be done in a short time. She pursed her lips and explained: I met her in the mall during the day. She asked me to go to the coffee shop for a cup of tea and chat for a while. She said   

Thinking of the scene when she saw Jiang Yao and what Jiang Yao said to her, Gu Ningyou was a little hesitant, not knowing whether she should tell the truth to Pei Siyuan.  

She knows Pei Siyuans nature. He will always be indifferent to things he doesnt care about. But once something or someone is on his mind, then he will use all means to get it.  

Jiang Yao is obviously the one he cares about. If Jiang Yaos love affair is known to him, there is no guarantee that he will do something crazy.  

If she hadnt listened to what Jiang Yao said, then she must have liked this scene in her heart, because it would definitely be a good opportunity to get rid of Pei Siyuan, but now she knew that Jiang Yao was living a very happy life, and didnt like Pei Siyuan at all If her freedom is to be built on top of someone elses pain, then she cant do it.  

Not hearing Gu Ningyous next words, Pei Siyuan asked, What did she say?  

Gu Ningyou was still a little hesitant: She said that everything is fine here, study or life, and   

And feelings. Gu Ningyou couldnt go on, but Pei Siyuan took the initiative to add, She is in love, and has a good relationship with her boyfriend.  

You know? Gu Ningyou was extremely surprised by Pei Siyuans light-hearted expression, and his voice was also calm and rational, as if he had mentioned someone who had nothing to do with him, Youve already met her too?  

But according to Jiang Yaos words, she and Pei Siyuan shouldnt have been in contact?  

She didnt hide it, of course its not difficult to know, but I havent met her. Pei Siyuan denied it, and after speaking, he gazed into her eyes and said word by word, I dont want to see her either.  

The amount of information in Pei Siyuans sentence was so overwhelming that Gu Ningyou couldnt even react. She also suddenly remembered at this moment that when Pei Siyuan mentioned Jiang Yao just now, he called her by her full name.  

But in her memory, Pei Siyuan always called her Yaoyao.   

You Gu Ningyou only felt that her head was in a mess, What do you mean by saying this?  

Pei Siyuan asked her again: What do you think I mean?   

Gu Ningyou already had an answer in her heart, but she couldnt believe it: Are you saying that youve  

Pei Siyuan seemed to have guessed what was in her heart and admitted without any hesitation, Yes.  

Why? Gu Ningyous heart was puzzled and even her speech became sluggish, Hasnt she always been a very important person in your heart? Havent you always  

She is not. Pei Siyuan paused, as if he didnt know how to continue? After a few seconds of silence, he continued to finish what he wanted to say, You are the one.  

Pei Siyuans eyes were fiery and hot, and the complicated emotions surging in it shocked her and made her feel like her brain was about to die how could this be?  

Pei Siyuan likes her?  

During this period of time, she did feel the change in Pei Siyuans attitude towards her in this life, but she never believed that it came from liking. How could Pei Siyuan like her?   

He must be deceiving her. She has already been deceived by him once, and she must not fall for it a second time  

The words he said in the previous life when they received the marriage certificate came to her mind again. At that time, he also deceived her like this, but in fact?   

It was the darkest day in her life. The pain caused by her brothers car accident had already penetrated deep into her bones, and the thought of it made her feel like her skin was being peeled and having a bad cramp. It felt as if her heart was bleeding   

Impossible! Dont lie to me!  

Gu Ningyou felt that her sanity was on the verge of losing control, just one more word from Pei Siyuan and she would completely collapse, she didnt want to stay here any longer, but Pei Siyuan seemed to have guessed her intention. He grabbed her hand when she tried to turn away and wrapped her in her arms.   

Let go of me Gu Ningyou desperately tried to push him away, but couldnt shake him. The mans strength was incredibly strong, and his embrace was like a cage imprisoning her, so she simply had no way to escape.  

Im not. Feeling Gu Ningyous resistance, Pei Siyuan didnt hold her tightly, but still sqeezed her shoulders, forcing her to look straight into his eyes, Why do you think so of me?  

Such a close and deep gaze made her see the emotions in his eyes clearly. His eyes were the same as when she was pushed away just now, surprised and at a loss, as if he had been slandered and misunderstood, and there even seemed to have a faint grievance.  

Seeing Pei Siyuan like this, Gu Ningyou was stunned, and the uncontrollable resentment in her heart dissipated a lot. Just now, she thought that she was still in her previous life and could not control her emotions, but  

Even though the past life Pei Siyuan brought her so much pain, that has nothing to do with the Pei Siyuan in front of her. He doesnt know anything at all, and he hasnt done anything to hurt her. She shouldnt vent all her previous life resentments on this Pei Siyuan.  

Gu Ningyou closed her eyes and forced herself to remain calm, Im sorry, I just thought of some bad things.  

Pei Siyuan asked, Is it related to me? 

Its related to you, and its not related to you

 Its not because of you.

Gu Ningyou chose to deny it. After all, it was in her past life, and ultimately has nothing to do with the person in front of her.

 I want to hear you tell the truth. The anguish in Pei Siyuans eyes was so full that it almost overflowed, Ning Ning, what exactly did I do wrong? Why do you always treat me so half heartedly?

Hearing this bogus accusation, Gu Ningyou was very unconvinced, Where am I half hearted to you?

 Every time when I feel like Ive just gotten a little closer to you, you take a big step back vigilantly, like a hedgehog with all the thorns up. Pei Siyuan looked at her seriously, You never ask me, nor give me the opportunity to explain, but you arbitrarily put an unclear accusation on me but II dont even know what I did wrong.

T/N: Pei Siyuan :/

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