The Tyrant's Wife

Chapter 146 - Childish

Chapter 146 - Childish

Zaria had just taken a shower and was about to start preparing dinner when her phone rang. It was Desmond, and he sounded wronged like he had been bullied.

"You left without me." He complained.

"Are you blaming me?" She laughed as she placed her phone on the vanity so she would dry her hair.

"What would you do if I said that I was?" He challenged.

"How would you want me to repay you?" She asked as she tied her hair in a bun.

"Can I ask you out for dinner?" He took advantage of the chance to ask her out. It would be much better if she agreed to dine together at his mansion. That way, there would be no one in their way and they could enjoy their meal much more.

She sighed at his suggestion." Desmond, it's not a bad idea but I would like to prepare dinner for my dad."

He felt bummed. "Don't you have a chef now?" He was surprised that she still had to cook and do chores despite having servants to do it. He had even recommended the Fort family's former chef, who was excellent in his job and only got fired thanks to Samantha's insanity.

"Yes, we do. It's just that I would like to do it myself. I like to cook for my loved ones myself once in a while." She explained, making him jealous of Theodore. How lucky he was to get to eat her specially made dinner every time she was in the mood to cook.

"Then ask me over for dinner." He said decisively. It was not a request but a statement. He was merely informing her of his presence which she should anticipate.

"Desmond.." She slapped her forehead and didn't know how to politely turn him down.

"Okay. I'll be right there." He quickly cut her off before she could say no to him. How clever.

It was pointless for her to call him back since he would not answer it. She could only finish dressing up and go to find Theodore.

"Dad, dinner will be ready soon." She announced when she found him playing with Des on the balcony. The latter playfully jumped onto her, making her smile as she patted him.

"Are you sure I can't even wash the vegetables?" He asked pleadingly. He was bored, having been denied access to work. Surely he could at least help out at home, right?

"You're a vegetable yourself. Sit back and behave like one." She jokingly scolded him with a serious expression. "I'll have Des watch over you and bite you when you don't behave yourself."

"Yes ma'am." He smiled. His smile slowly morphed into a frown. Why did it feel like Zaria was acting a little more like Lucy lately? Her statement just now… sounded like Lucy's statement years ago when he cut his finger while chopping vegetables. She had given him an earful of scolding and ordered him to stay away from the kitchen and play with Zaria who was a baby at the time. She had even called him a vegetable—just like Zaria did a moment ago.

Why was he suddenly thinking about her? He sighed at his folly. That woman hates you, Theodore. You don't even exist in her life anymore. You're dead. He reminded himself to keep the insane memories that no longer meant nothing out of his mind.

"The thing is, Desmond would like to join us." Zaria informed him, unaware of the wild thoughts that had crossed his mind in a split second.

He was already back to reality and was focusing on her, so he clearly heard what she had said. An amused smile crossed his lips. "It was about time he did."

Zaria was shocked. Why did that sound like a declaration of war?

She looked at him intensely. "Promise me you will not fight?"

"What are you talking about? Do you think I can do that in my current state?" He laughed and pointed at himself. He still had bandages on his legs and gauze around his head. He could only do activities that didn't require him to use a lot of strength. Which part of him could fight?

Zaria looked him over but was not entirely convinced. "There's nothing impossible with you."

Theodore had to admit that he would have loved to beat the man up for the sake of old grudges but his wounds didn't allow him. He could only be obedient as Zaria made dinner.

Desmond arrived just when she was done setting the table with the help of the maids. As soon as he walked in, Des greeted him with a fierce growl.

"I forgot about the puppy." He chuckled helplessly. Why did the little thing still dislike him? It seemed to hate him even more.

"Ignore him." Zaria rushed over to him and kissed his cheek to welcome him.

Although he had been instructed to ignore the puppy, he waved it over. "Come here, we can negotiate."

Des didn't know what he was being told but he didn't like the tone of it, so he hid behind Zaria as he whined.

"She's not just yours. She's mine. I introduced you to her so she was mine before you came into the picture." Desmond warned after getting the upper hand.

Zarria shook her head and pinched her nose bridge tiredly. "Can you not be so childish? Why are you arguing with a puppy?"

"Why is he fighting me for you?" Desmond countered, justifying his childish actions.

"Des, come here." She picked the puppy up, rubbing his ears to soothe him after he had to deal with the 'big child' he was named after.

"You never coax me like that." He complained, rendering her speechless.

"Dad," She smiled when she heard Theodore make his way over to them, and Desmond stiffened.

"Mr. Theo." He greeted the older man respectfully, his mood different from when he had fought with the puppy just now.

Theodore harrumphed, looking like he would never have welcomed the man into his home if he didn't have a choice. "Don't you think I have forgotten about what you did to my daughter before."

He was aware of this too. He wouldn't forgive anyone for acting like a jerk around the person he treasured that easily either. "I'm sorry for how I acted in the past."

"I do not forgive you." He blatantly said, making Zaria cross her fingers and hope a fight was not going to break out. This 'child' who would not let a puppy off was not going to say something rude to her dad, right?

"I don't expect you to forgive me that easily." He admitted. "But I promise that I will never hurt Zaria."

"Big words." Theodore huffed. "If you ever do a single thing to make my daughter sad, I will send you to your grave." He warned.

"I will give you permission for that." Desmond seemed confident, which made Theodore's suspicion of him intensify. Was he trying to promise that he would never make the slightest mistake, including glancing at another woman and making Zaria jealous? It would be great if he didn't but if he did, Theodore internally swore that he would kill him.

"Can we have dinner now?" Zaria laughed awkwardly. It felt as though she was caught in between two rivals.


Lucy placed her chin on her hands, with her fingers intertwined to support it.

"Master, you called for me." The young bodyguard announced his presence.

She turned to face him. "How is Twilight?"

"Everything is alright, master. The new project is ready to launch." He reported, and Lucy nodded slightly.

"What about the Sparks?" She asked.

"They are running around and trying to find another match for their daughter after Desmond Fort rejected her. They are also trying to create a project similar to Twilight's."

Lucy burst into laughter. Ava was indeed a fool. Wealth must have ruined her brain, making her more stupid than the intelligent woman she was in the past. "Don't be in a rush. Let them fight around like wild dogs and only then shall we wipe them out in one fell swoop."

"Do you have something against the Sparks, master?" The young bodyguard was confused.

"You ask too many questions." Lucy ignored his question. She didn't have anything against the Sparks. On the contrary, she in fact wanted to offer them a deal, which was why she had asked Natalie out.

They met for dinner, and the young woman was happy to see her even though she acted nonchalant.

"What do you like to eat? Order anything you want." Lucy urged.

"I'll just have a salad." Natalie smiled after ordering a vegetable salad.

"I see." Lucy raised an eyebrow. "It's not easy dating an actor, is it? You would always be insecure, especially when you start thinking that he could fall for someone in his own profession. Most actresses are so attractive, after all."

Natalie was shocked. How did she know? "Why would you say that?" She pretended that it had nothing to do with her.

Lucy smiled gently as she observed the young woman, who didn't know that as long as she wanted to investigate someone, she could know their ancestors' darkest secrets. "I'm not saying Devonte can cheat on you." She chuckled. "After all, you're so beautiful and besides, he would have cheated on you ten years ago if he were that kind of jerk."

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