The Tyrant's Pet

Chapter 754 One Question, One Answer.

<strong>Knock… knock… knock…</strong>

The debate in the conference room halted, turning their heads in the door's direction, only to see blood crawling underneath the door from the outside. But before anyone from the inside could react to the sight of the thick red fluid, the door creaked overly loud in their ears.

As the gap widened ever so slowly, it revealed a towering figure of a man wearing slightly dirty clothing with specks of blood on his linen white shirt. His spiky hair was everywhere, ruffling it in irritation. When the door was wide open for him to see everything inside, his brows rose as he snapped his eyes.

"Ahh… so many people," came out a mumble, dropping his hand to the side.

"Stop right there —" the marshal who was present inside took a step only for his breath to hitch the moment Abel cast him a look.

"I barely had enough rest for the past three days just to see one person. I am not in the mood." Abel warned, making the knight gulp nervously.

Abel rocked his head in satisfaction, glancing around at the knights who were frozen on their spot. Even the participants of the conference didn't know how to react, rendered speechless by his strong presence. He only said two sentences, but those were enough to intimidate them.

Who was he?

When that question rose in their heads, some of them had their pupils dilated as memories they had forgotten resurfaced in their heads. Others remained clueless about his identity. There were a few, like Aries, Maximus, Ismael, and Veronika, who didn't have the same questions or experience.

Abel couldn't care less, though. His eyes scanned the conference room and his eyes stopped when his gaze landed on Aries. His lack of expression remained, holding her gaze.

Meanwhile, Aries could hear her heartbeat drum against her chest. She held her breath subconsciously, gripping the armrest as tightly as she could. Time seemed to stop around her as it blurred, keeping her eyes on his figure as he marched in her direction.

"Excuse me," murmured Abel, taking a step on one of the king's armrests as a step up to the table. He didn't go around the round table, walking a straight path, leaving trails of blood on the table. He then hopped off the table to the space in the center, walking past another king who was presenting a serious matter previously.

"Good work." Abel casually patted the king's shoulder, making the latter freeze at the cold touch that seeped through the fabric of his clothes.

His gaze never left Aries until he was standing across her, planting his hands on the other edge of the table. He slid his palms on the side, spreading his arms, bending over until he was at her eye level.

"Did you… miss me?" was his first question to her after two years.

Her lips quivered as they parted, but her voice was stuck in her throat. She wanted to look away, internally screaming at herself to stay seated.

"What…" she breathed out, managing to maintain her unfazed countenance. "... are you doing here?"

"I asked first, darling. The first time I did before you."

"What are you lot doing?" her eyes sharpened, speaking through her gritted teeth. "Seize this intruder."

The knights looked at each other with conflict in their eyes. For this man to reach this conference room, only meant all those knights outside were defeated. There were over five hundred of them. When they nodded at each other and took a step, Abel cast the one look to stop them.

"You… and Haimirich weren't part of the summit anymore." Aries lifted her chin, all her facial features were sharp. "Leave now while I am asking nicely."

A short chuckle slipped past his lips. "You haven't answered, darling."

Aries's breath hitched, gripping the armrest even tighter. She turned her head to Maximus on instinct, only to see the man staring blankly at Abel.

<strong>'Useless fanatic,' </strong>she mentally spat out before setting her eyes back to Abel. But before she could spit out a lie, Abel repeated his question.

"Did you miss me?" he cocked his head to the side, batting his eyes ever so tenderly. "Yes? Or Yes?"

"Hah…" Aries ground her teeth as the fire in her eyes grew wild. Why was everyone not doing anything?

"Abel Grimsbanne, what in the world do you think? I locked you inside that world because I don't want to see —"

"All I want to know is if you missed me." He cut her off mid-sentence while his eyes softened. "Because I did. Every time I breathe, each time this heart beats… I missed you more than a second ago."

Abel leaned over and stressed his next remarks. "One question and one answer. Whatever it is, I'd take it at face value."

"Did you miss me, Aries Heathcliffe–Grimbanne?" he repeated, this time dawdling his words. "Answer me."

Aries bit her inner lip, keeping her eye contact with him. Her breathing was suspending and not long, a thin layer of tears coated her eyes. The coldness that was covering her countenance slowly showed cracks the longer he stared at him.

There was no point in acting strong and unbreakable before him. He wouldn't stop until he get the answer he wanted. Why lie?

"I am in a blood contract," were the words she blurted out instead of an answer to his question.

"That is not my question."

"I failed."

"Not it."

Her nails scratched the armrest before loosening her grip. Aries drew a deep breath and released it through her lips.

"Two years ago…" she trailed off, catching him tilting his head to the side while raising his brows. "... yes."

"Yes," she added under her breath. "Every second of my life."

Aries dreamed of the day she would see Abel once again for the past lonely two years. She created scenarios, conversations, and even what would be their reaction. What would be his reaction? His first words? What sort of look would he have in his eyes? Would it be hate? Longing? Nonchalance?

There were myriads of routes she had thought of; some of them were good, others were terrible. But she didn't imagine that look in his eyes.

<strong>Relief.  </strong>

She didn't even consider he would be relieved to see her again. Perhaps, because of everything she had done until now, Aries lowered her expectations. She didn't want to get hurt by her own expectations.

Abel heaved a sigh of relief as he smiled subtly. He carefully raised his hand, extending his arm to brush her cheek with his thumb.

"You can cry now," he said. "I'm… home."

Those words were akin to the key to the dam Aries had created each day for the past two years, allowing a tear to roll down her cheek. Before she could even think of anything, her heart spoke for her.

"No. I am."

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