The Time I Got Reincarnated As An Extra

Chapter 64: The Quest to Save Lily [6]

Chapter 64: The Quest to Save Lily [6]

(A.N: Before this chapter starts, I know that some of you might have an issue with the pacing and I do admit it was a slight mistake on my part. However, I want to reassure you all that this won't be a problem going on now as I will be skipping all the unnecessary stuff now and moving to the main plot. Thank you for understanding.)


[1 Week Later]

Amon came out of the classroom, finally done with all his electives.

A week had passed after the FULLDIVE and normal classes had begun again at their normal schedule.

It was safe to say that because of his numerous experiences in the dungeon and also teetering several times at the edge of his life, he was pretty efficient in survival tactics now.

Nevertheless, the Dungeon and Wilderness Survival was still very important.

He learned about various dungeon environments and how to survive in them if a dungeon unlink happened.

In the higher ranks of a dungeon, it wasn't just a random space dimension anymore.

It was connected straight to the ghoul continent where actual rational ghouls roamed.

However, in certain cases the link between the dungeon space and the human continent would weaken and it would break.

This was what humanity called Dungeon Unlink, where the people would be left on the ghoul continent without any way to return.

In those cases, the chances of a human coming back were null. Yet, there were still ways of survival that were taught to the students so they could survive for as long as they could.

Moving on, there was also the Leadership and strategy elective where various strategies were taught to them for when the students would enroll in the military after growing up.

Or, the nobles who would take over their families one day.

As for Close Combat Training, there wasn't anything taught yet since the main instructor responsible was on a mission.

And finally, he had skipped Weapon Training for today because of the tasks that he needed to do.

After purchasing the materials a week ago from the manager, he had quickly handed them off to the blacksmith who additionally took 2 Million Exlor from him for the job.

It wasn't much of a problem though, since his harvest from the stocks was coming soon and he would have no problem with the money.

For now, his first task was to get his weapon from the blacksmith today.

And with that thought, he quickly headed towards the Black Market.


Amon arrived in the Black Market through the staircase as always.

Over the few visits that he had had here, he had become accustomed to the atmosphere now.

It didn't disgust him as much as before anymore.

That said, for some reason, he hadn't seen Lily at the usual spot today like always.

He was worried that something might have happened to her.

Over the week, he had met every day with Lily, and each time, he had planted the darts from his cane on her.

Additionally, he used the video footage for 7 minutes. He observed the surroundings around him before waiting the next day for 7 minutes and picking up from before to observe the further surroundings.

And because of that, he finally learned the name of the slave house.

It was Blackchain Enclave.

Fortunately, his information from the Cryptic Glories was also supposed to be arriving soon so he could straight up skip to the relevant information.

While traversing the streets, he thought again about his plan to save her.

There was only 1 week left to save Lily now. Otherwise, his [Blood] element was being to be totally deleted.

Over the week, he trained multiple times using his [Blood] and [Lightning] elements in secret, also trying to harmonize them.

Rather than sending one out and then using the other one, he wanted to use both of them at the same time.

He also constantly practiced his mana breathing and released whenever he was free.

He was almost close to making it a normal habit for him now.

Before he knew it, he arrived in front of the shop.

He quickly headed inside and downstairs, finding the blacksmith, Nathan working like always.

Sensing his presence, his hammer stopped pounding on the metal in front of him and he turned back, facing Amon.

"You are here..." Nathaniel spoke and he nodded.

"Good. Your weapon was finished last night, let me get it for you quickly." His deep voice resounded and he quickly proceeded upstairs.

After 5 minutes, he finally came downstairs with a long sleek oak wood box in his hand.

He placed it on the table in front of him and asked Amon to come forward.

Looking at him for permission, the boy nodded and the blacksmith carefully took the lid off of the box.

Right in front of him, resting on a long white fabric cloth was a Ōdachi.

Or more accurately, a Nodachi.

With an amethyst hilt and golden cord wraps, the nodachi was sheathed in a sleek black scabbard that beautifully contrasted with the crimson sageo that was wrapped around it.

Amon quickly looked at Nathan who shrugged.

"A week ago, you had given me the order for an Ōdachi, which was very surprising for me since they are awfully long and heavy."

"I don't know who told you to place an order for that but since it was for you, who has a frail and weak body, I doubt you would have been able to handle one."

"This was why I made you a nodachi. Same as odachi but relatively shorter and lightweight. It's still longer than a katana or normal sword though." He explained and Amon nodded.

With carefulness, he picked up the nodachi from the box and surprisingly it had the same weight as the odachi in the Void Training.

'Were the weapons lighter there or my body was stronger?' He wondered.

But if he had to go with one, he would say latter because of how much pain he had endured in the training yet still hadn't fainted but he fainted from a simple cut in real life.

Nevertheless, he was extremely thankful to the blacksmith.

If not for his thinking, he would have gotten an odachi and that would have been quite a

problem where he would have to raise his stats quickly.

He nodded thankfully to the blacksmith and after some other talks with him and storing the sword in his inventory, he left the shop.

Out of the Black Market.

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