The Time I Got Reincarnated As An Extra

Chapter 125: Alone In His Room [2]

Chapter 125: Alone In His Room [2]


Elizabeth and Amon locked gazes, their hot breaths brushing against each other.

His long black hair were loosened right now, with some streaks of hair touching her cheek.

A moment of silence passed between them as they kept still.

But then, Amon's head took a sharp turn to the right, averting his gaze from her.

A deep shade of red-something that Amon couldn't see - came upon Elizabeth's cheeks as her eyes widened.

Amon felt her sit up on the bed.

Seconds of silence passed between them as he felt Elizabeth move behind him, trying to make sense of the situation.

Eventually, he was the first to break the confusing silence.

"You can use the bathroom here."

"Huh?" He heard Elizabeth voice out her confusion.

"Why aren't you meeting my gaze?" she asked, her face coming to his side and trying to match his gaze.

"This is why I said to use my bathroom. You should get changed, look at yourself."

It was then that he felt Elizabeth look at her clothes from the side.

Her face turned into a crimson pink as she finally realized the sweaty clothes that clung to her body.

He heard a squeal from his side before she quickly composed herself.

"I'll go to the balcony till then." Amon stood up and walked over to the door of the balcony.

Heading out on the railing, he closed the door, leaving Elizabeth to her own thoughts.


Elizabeth wanted to bury her face in a pillow right now with embarrassment right now.

She turned on the shower, letting the hot water drip over her body.

But even the hot steam was unable to hide how red she was right now.n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

Last she remembered was fainting in the battle against Richard with Michael.

She knew that she was going to die right there from the poison and fainted there.

But next thing she knew, she woke up with Amon right in front of her face.

Even though it had been minutes since that scene, she still remembered it as clear as day.

His hot breath tingled against her skin and the long streaks of hair that brushed against her cheek.

Her body flared up as she grabbed her cheeks in embarrassment.

Now that she remembered the scene, she realized that it was the first time she had seen his face up this close.

And she couldn't help but remark...

That he was quite handsome.

His sharp facial features, well shaped nose, long hair that were tied into a ponytail and the clear black eyes...

It was difficult to notice these things since he usually chose to remain quite distant when talking or in other matters.

But now that she observed them closely...

He actually resembled the exact person she read in those books as a child.

The person whom she thought to be the one to woo her heart.

The person to grab the female lead's heart in those plays and novels.

Elizabeth's skin kept getting hotter and redder and it was definitely not from the water.

Most people would kill themselves if they ever saw this side of hers.

It was something she had never shown to anyone besides her family.

Who would imagine that the top 2nd beauty of the academy, only losing to Katherine, would have a childish fantasy side to her cold demeanor.

She loved reading those kinds of novels and watching those plays and then fantasizing about them.

This was the childish Elizabeth.

But a spark of accidental cold water from the shower was all it took to drag her back to reality.

She coughed lightly and composed her irrational thoughts.

But, then she suddenly remembered something.

Why was she in Amon's room anyways?

Last she remembered was that she fainted with Michael, then how?

'Wait, the poison!' Elizabeth remembered as her gaze trembled down to her body.

But to her shocking surprise, she was healthy and fine as ever.

Her mana pathways and the bloodstream was also clean as ever.

'The poison...' Elizabeth realized.

It was gone.

'But who could ha- ' Her thoughts halted abruptly as she already got the answer to it.


That was the only logical answer.

And all things started to make sense as the wheels inside her head started to spin.

Michael was either able to accomplish the mission or run away, rescuing both of them. Stumbling into his camp, he must have handed her over to someone to carry her back to her camp.

And there, something must have occurred which made her end up in Amon's room instead of the infirmary.

Now that she remembered it, she could still remember some murmurs and some moments in

that time.

Something about..the people being in a meeting, she can't end up in the infirmary and...

Someone saying he can heal her to two other people.

And then the same person carried her at a fast speed to somewhere.

Her cheeks turned red again in shyness.

It was obvious who it was.

Amon. He was the one who carried her to this room as well.

She looked at herself.

'I was carried... by him.' Elizabeth said in her thoughts.

The same thought kept repeating itself in her mind as she flared up again.

After composing herself, she looked at her body.

And her face pulled up into a grateful happy smile.

She realized that she owed her life to him.

'He was the one who saved me...' Elizabeth thought warmly.


Amon stood on the balcony.

The previous interaction was a little...embarrassing?

He didn't know.

And he didn't care much.

He just wanted to help her and he did.

If there were any misunderstandings, then he would just clear them when he would see her


Elizabeth was a precious friend to her. One of the first people he met in this world.

He didn't want her to hate him or think of him wrongly.

Before he could think further, the door behind him softly opened.

"Amon?" Elizabeth asked from behind.

"Yeah. I'm here." He answered, not looking back.

His gaze remained fixated on the darkness below.

Amon saw her come stand by his side on the railing.

Her silver lustrous gaze stood out in the darkness.

Her eyes met his and a moment of blissful silence passed between them.

Then, Amon opened his mouth.

"Listen, I don-"

"Thank you." Elizabeth's soft voice entered his ears, abruptly halting his sentence.

Amon raised his eyes.

The words were taken out of his mouth, throwing him into silence.

But eventually, he replied.

"It was nothing."

Elizabeth smiled warmly.

"You really like to care for your friends." She pointed out as she looked far into golden lights

that shone on the camps.

Amon didn't say anything but just subtly nodded.

Because he had to.

The plot wasn't like it was in the novel.

It was fucked up.

And it was his duty to ensure the lives of the main cast.

He couldn't afford their deaths.

Not just as friends, but also as the members of the main cast.

They all had roles to fulfill in his story and future. "What happened back there?" Amon tried to ask first now.

His eyes moved to the corner where he saw Elizabeth purse her lips.

He was about to change the topic but then, she started telling him what happened.

She told him what happened, from the start to the end.

He heard her voice grow weak and trail off at the part where she failed to damage Richard even

a little.

"And that's all that I remember before fainting. I saw a bright red light cover the whole area."

She explained, her voice growing faint.

'I see.' Amon nodded in his thoughts.

From what he heard, it looked like Michael finally asked for help from Solaran.

This was good.

Another step to make him stronger.

"I'm sorry." Amon heard Elizabeth apologize from the side.

He looked at her.

"What for?" He asked.

"For being this strong yet unable to do anything. It's always you and Michael risking your

lives and getting hurt to fight. Meanwhile I can't do anything, despite being the strongest." Elizabeth poured it all out.

He listened to her without a word as she talked further.

"I feel so helpless. So weak. In that personal training session, I was unable to help even a

single bit. It was you and Michael all the way. Even now..." Her voice trailed off again.

He saw her hands grip the railing tightly, a little frost spreading on the surface.

"You are right." Amon said.

She looked at him.

"You are useless Elizabeth. So much power yet all for trash." He turned his body to her,

locking his gaze with her.

He saw her gaze tremble, her body shiver.

Her will and mental state was breaking down.

"Look at you, the first ranker of our year. Yet what are you in the truth? A weak girl that was

unable to do anything while the two lowest rankers risked their lives." He said coldly,

stepping toward her.

She stepped back, a tear leaking from her eye.

Her form started trembling even more.

Her back touched the boundary as he stepped further, nearing her.

"The second daughter of the Snowcrests, the daughter of one of the strongest people in the

world, a person at the brink of 4th order, a person that everyone admires. Yet what are you in the end, a fucking piece of trash." Amon spoke those words out loud close to her ear, his voice full of coldness.

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