The Terminally Ill Young Master of the Baek Clan

Chapter 122: Dragons, Phoenixes, And Stars (2)

Chapter 122: Dragons, Phoenixes, And Stars (2)

Tension lingered among the next-generation successors of the Dragon-Phoenix Conference, including Yu Su-rin.

It was likely due to the iron-wall-like aura emanating from Baek Ha-jun.

Only Jeon Gi-so, who could be considered a senior, maintained his smile.

Baek Ha-jun, observing the group from Dragon-Phoenix Conference with an expressionless face, was the first to perform a formal martial salute.

I am Baek Ha-jun from the Baek Noble Clan.

His greeting was respectful yet not servile.

Finally, Jeon Gi-so laughed heartily and returned the greeting.

Im Jeon Gi-so, the Shooting Sun Whirlwind. Indeed, you have a distinguished appearance befitting your reputation. You will be a worthy competitor for our next-generation successor in the Dragon-Phoenix Conference.

Ah. Yes.

Ha-jun stared at Jeon Gi-so for a moment before nodding his head.

What the other disciples hadnt noticed was that Ha-juns martial salute was not actually meant for Jeon Gi-so.

Im Yu Su-rin of the Azure Forest.

Pleased to meet you.

Only Yu Su-rin had noticed.

Baek Ha-jun had clearly greeted her.

Well then.

Hurry up, were already a bit late.

Peng Mu-ah, who had left earlier, returned to fetch Baek Ha-jun.

She waved her hands left and right, greeting once again.

Then, lets meet again tomorrow.

Tomorrow was the day of the opening ceremony.

The next-generation disciples watched blankly as Ha-jun and Peng Mu-ah departed.

On the same day.

Heavens Secret Scholar Yu Young, the strategist of the Murim Alliance, and Emperor King Sword Namgung Yu-baek, the Vice Leader of the Alliance, were walking together.

Heavens Secret Scholar appeared somewhat frail.

True to his nickname as a scholar, he seemed more devoted to academia than martial arts, but he was also a Peak-level expert.

He was considered the brain of the Murim Alliance, living up to his nickname of interpreting the Heavenly Signs.

The Vice Alliance Leader seems to have great concerns.

Of course I do.

Namgung Yu-baek, on the other hand, had the appearance of an experienced master.

With neatly combed white hair and wearing a clean blue outfit, he was a tall martial artist.

At his waist hung a long sword, bearing the emblem of the Namgung Noble Clan.

Despite stepping down from the position of the Clan Head and becoming the Vice Leader of the Murim Alliance, he unusually held the title of Emperor King Sword.

However, right now, the mood of that Supreme Peak martial master seemed quite displeased.

Suddenly, the Henan Province Governor decides to attend the opening ceremony. What does this mean? The Henan Province Governor of all people.

It was a bolt from the blue, news that had been delivered only recently.

Jo Gyu-seo, the Governor of Henan Province, had sent a message that he would attend tomorrows opening ceremony.

It was an unprecedented event in the history of the Murim Alliance. Even the officials who maintained good relations with the Alliance only sent congratulatory letters.

What could he possibly be thinking? The military should have stopped this.

Theres no justification to refuse an official request. Besides, its a tradition of both the Dragon-Phoenix Conference and the Seven Stars Conference not to stop anyone who wishes to visit.

Just why at this time?

If it were up to him, he would refuse.

Ordinarily, it wouldnt matter. The visit of a governor could be seen as an official acknowledgment by the government.

But this time, the Dragon-Phoenix and Seven Stars Conferences were different.

At a time when were trying to raise the banner of the orthodox Murim Alliance against the expansion of the Unorthodox Union

Its a critical moment, indeed.

Just as the Murim Alliance exists within the orthodox faction, the martial artists of the unorthodox faction formed an alliance known as the Unorthodox Union.

The Murim Alliance planned to elevate their status through this event.

There were also uncomfortable tasks to be done right in front of the Henan Province Governor.

Namgung Yu-baek raised his concerns in a heavy voice, Is the Governor trying to interfere after noticing something?

Its unlikely, as weve maintained strict confidentiality

Heavens Secret Scholars face also didnt look good.

We must consider the worst-case scenario.

No matter the governments power, they cant intervene in our affairs.

Even if the current Grand Coordinator, Jo Gyu-seo, is cunning, hes not completely obstructed. We have connections in Beijing too, so he likely wont recklessly seek benefits.

Thats good But this.


Doesnt it smell a bit off?

You mean Jo Gyu-seo?

No, I mean literally a foul smell.

Namgung Yu-baek, who had a preference for cleanliness, took out a white handkerchief and covered his nose.

They were on their way to visit Divine Monk Mu Myung, the current leader of the Murim Alliance. However, there was a strange foul smell coming from somewhere.

Divine Monk has been indulging in his hobbies recently

Hobbies? What sort of hobbies now?

Grand Master Mu Myung had been in charge of the Murim Alliance for decades. Now, he had practically retired from active duties and stayed within his dense garden.

Heavens Secret Scholar cautiously pointed with his fan.

As you can see

What is this?

Its a watermelon.

I know what fruit it is. But why is it growing here?

This place used to be covered with clean white stones.

But now, it was covered with soil, and watermelons were growing all over the vines.

There was hardly any space to walk, so Namgung Yu-baek had to stop.

At that moment, an old man carrying a manure basket raised his head and asked, Who goes there!

He was skinny, with a bent back, wearing sweat-soaked clothes.

Looking like an old, sick farmer, Heavens Secret Scholar held his forehead in disbelief.

Who are you! Bursting in while Im tending to my fields.

Murim Alliance Leader? Namgung Yu-baek asked in surprise.

What, you recognize me?

I am Namgung Yu-baek.

Namgung Yu-baek was also an old master, but Grand Master Mu Myung had aged considerably, a high-level martial master from the old era.

The legend of Shaolin, who once crushed the skulls of demon cultists with his bare hands, had now become a frail, hard-of-hearing old monk.

So much so that instead of being called the Divine Monk, some started calling him the Sickly Monk or Deaf Monk.

Namgung Yu-baek. Vice Alliance Leader.

Namgeun what about it?

Its Vice Alliance Leader!

Swollen? Puffy?

As Namgung Yu-baeks expression hardened, the Divine Monk laughed heartily.

Hahaha! Just kidding, just kidding. Why such a serious face?

Heavens Secret Scholar sighed in relief beside him.

It seemed the Murim Alliance Leader was not so ill as to be unable to recognize people.

You jest, Leader. Why has this place turned out like this?

Recently, Ive taken up farming as a hobby, even making my own fertilizer. Would you like to try a watermelon?

They looked at the manure basket the Divine Monk was holding and frowned. Their appetite had completely disappeared.

Its alright. Rather, we have something to discuss with you.

Their visit to the Murim Alliance Leader was related to the opening ceremony happening tomorrow.

Grand Master Mu Myung originally had no plans to attend the opening ceremony. But now, the situation was different.

The Governor wants to attend. He insists on meeting you, Alliance Leader.

With the governor personally coming, the Alliance Leader couldnt just stay here farming. It was a matter of maintaining dignity.

Me? What does he want with an old man like me?

You are, after all, the symbol of our Murim Alliance.

However, the Divine Monk had never left his garden for important matters before.

Heavens Secret Scholar had prepared dozens of arguments to persuade the Murim Leader.

Well then Alright.

Please reconsider Huh?

If hes coming in person, I should go and see.

Contrary to their worries, the Divine Monk nodded agreeably.

It was enough to surprise both Heavens Secret Scholar and Namgung Yu-baek.

The Divine Monk smiled, revealing his sparse front teeth.

When I read the Heavenly Signs chuckle, it seems there will be a storm in Jianghu. If a dying man like me can be a breakwater, thats not bad.

We are grateful for your decision, Alliance Leader!

This is a chance to meet the new talents who will lead the new era. Good.

Heavens Secret Scholar bowed happily.

Namgung Yu-baek wore a suspicious expression before forcing a smile.

Regardless, it was good for them that the Alliance Leader was stepping forward.

The Divine Monk patted Heavens Secret Scholars shoulder with his dirt-covered hand.

I can live comfortably like this thanks to your efforts.

Ah, what have I really done

Please continue to do well in the future, Vice Leader.

I am a strategist.

Namgung Yu-baek couldnt help but sigh.

After many ups and downs, the opening ceremony of the Dragon-Phoenix and Seven Stars Conferences was finally set to begin.

The main gate of the Murim Alliance opened wide.

Martial artists of the orthodox sects from all over the Central Plains flocked like clouds.

Even though the Murim Alliance grounds were vast, the place buzzed with over a thousand visitors.

Many next-generation successors participated in the event to make a name for themselves, but there were also many ordinary onlookers.

The meeting place fluttered with the red flags symbolizing the Dragon-Phoenix Conference and the flags of the Seven Stars Conference, with everyone gathered around.

However, not everyone could stand and participate in the opening ceremony like them.

Seats for the renowned masters of Murim were set up at the top of the stage, and seats for the official members of both the Dragon-Phoenix and Seven Stars Conferences were also arranged on both sides of the stage.


Under the pennant of the Seven Stars Conference, embroidered with seven silver stars, the next-generation successors of this term gathered.

There are all sorts of people here.

Peng Mu-ah murmured that to herself.

Though she was small, holding a large blade that seemed mismatched for her stature, among the next-generation successors of the Seven Stars Conference, there were many exceptional individuals.

Baek Ha-jun, expressionless and dripping with a cold aura, was relatively ordinary.

That person holding a fan is Jegal Seon, and the muscle-bound guy without a shirt is probably Yan Du-jin from the Yan Clan of Jinzhou.

A fist warrior with his top slung over his shoulder, his muscles twitching.

Peng Mu-ah frowned as if she had seen something she wished she hadnt.

People like that were common in the Peng Clan. Even her brothers were like that.

The Yan Clan always seems to be lumped together with our Peng Clan. Their heads are filled with muscles too.

I see.

That person is wow, its really her.

Peng Mu-ah covered her mouth in amazement.

She was looking at a young lady from the Tang Clan, dressed in a flamboyant green archers outfit.

Her body was adorned with numerous ornaments.

Thats the cherished daughter of the Tang Clan, Poison Beauty.


Yes, she trained to become a poison expert in the Five Poisons Sect.

It was said she came from the Five Poisons Sect in Yunnan, which seemed true as her skin was slightly tanned.

Even the fingernails resting on her chin were adorned with unfamiliar ornaments, clearly related to poison.

Peng Mu-ah tapped Baek Ha-juns shoulder.

Ah, thats Namgung Shin. You might have a good match with him.

Namgung Shin from the Namgung Noble Clan was sitting in the front row.

He maintained a straight posture even though no one had asked him to. He had been waiting in that position for half an hour.

Suddenly, he pulled out a white handkerchief from his pocket.

What is he doing now?

Looks like hes cleaning his hands.

No, hes wiping the armrest of the chair.

Namgung Shin furrowed his thick eyebrows as he wiped the chairs armrest.

Only after polishing it to a shine did he seem satisfied and put the handkerchief away.

He wiped the chair before sitting down too. Seems like he has a penchant for cleanliness.

It appears so.

His actions suggested he might have mysophobia.

Peng Mu-ah stretched out her legs and yawned, seeming a bit bored.

But why wouldnt Moyong Jin come?


Baek Ha-jun, who had been mostly unresponsive until now, showed some reaction.

Correspondence from Moyong Jin had ceased several years ago.

Still, he thought he would see him here, but they had never met even once.

Then, someone joined the conversation.

Young Master Moyong Jin has been continuously training since he arrived in Kaifeng.

Ah Young Master Jegal Seon.

He seemed to have spoken a bit loudly. The newcomer was Jegal Seon, a next-generation successor of the Jegal Clan, holding a fan.

I came to greet you, but I couldnt help overhearing your conversation.

Yes, so Moyong Jin is already in Kaifeng.

It seems so. Haha.

At the mention of Moyong Jin already being in Kaifeng, Peng Mu-ah was slightly surprised.

If hes come after so long, he should at least greet others. No matter how important training is

Haha, its understandable. He has a vengeance to pursue.

Vengeance? Ah.

Peng Mu-ah quickly shut her mouth.

At that, Ha-jun furrowed his brows, unable to understand the conversation.

Jegal Seon, observing their faces, let out a slight exclamation.

Oh. You dont know about it, Iron-Blooded Genius?

Vengeance, what vengeance are you talking about?

About the matter with Young Master Namgung Shin.

Jegal Seon whispered, pointing at Namgung Shin.

Two years ago, in Hangzhou, he defeated the Smiling Sword Wolf.

Senior Moyong Tak?

Surprise flickered in Ha-juns eyes.

Jegal Seon felt a sense of satisfaction from this.

Its unbelievable, even though it was a friendly spar. Because of that, the Smiling Sword Wolf got a long scar on his face.

Losing to a junior of different age and rank, the Moyong Clan faced a great humiliation. They couldnt help but think of revenge.

The correspondence from Moyong Jin had ceased exactly two years ago.

Ha-jun, usually insensitive to rumors, was hearing this for the first time.

Theres no direct witness to the duel, but from what Ive heard

Lets leave it at that.

The clear voice came from the front.

Namgung Shin had stood up and was looking back.

It was a whisper-like small voice, but could it be heard in this noisy hall?

Rumors have a way of becoming distorted.

Oh dear, I spoke too carelessly.

Jegal Seon, not appearing too flustered, raised his hands in apology.

It seemed as if he had hoped his words would be overheard.

I only relay what Ive heard, I cant say for certain Initially, it was said that at the West Lake, there were only four people from the Moyong and Namgung clans.

Some things become trivial the more they are spoken about.

Namgung Shin responded calmly to Jegal Seons peculiar tone.

He was about to sit back down.

Someone let out a scornful remark.

Of course, youd twist that cowardly contest to spread your narrative.

It was a voice mixed with contempt and anger from deep within.

A swordsman in blue was standing there.

Recognizing him, Peng Mu-ah exclaimed in surprise.

Moyong Jin! You

There stood Moyong Jin, now noticeably grown up.

Gone was the naive and childish appearance. Instead, he seemed somewhat gloomy and irritable.

He also glanced briefly at Peng Mu-ah.

You could have at least greeted upon arrival

Was it nice? To tarnish my brothers honor like that.

But Moyong Jin ignored Peng Mu-ah and walked past her.

Peng Mu-ahs expression hardened.

Ive been waiting to meet again.

Moyong Jin walked on without looking back

Heading towards Namgung Shin.

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