The Tale of Hero Alice’s Social Death

Chapter 254: High-Performance Siscon

Chapter 254: High-Performance Siscon

The reason Alice had expended so much effort to visit Demon King Castle was to search for taboos developed by past Demon Kings. Now that she hadn't found even a single taboo, she naturally wasn't willing to return empty-handed.

Since they still had plenty of time, Alice decided to just call Kamia's elder brother over to see if there really was a spatial pocket hidden somewhere in this room. It wouldn't hurt to try, anyway.

As for the matter of Kamia addressing her as "Mama," Alice simply needed to have Kamia not call her that in front of Gel and keep the entire thing a secret from Gel. Although Alice's use of Consciousness Transformation had caused Kamia's memories to become a slight mess, the fake memories Alice had planted into the demoness had still taken effect to a certain extent.

For example, Kamia was now very obedient to Alice. It was to the point where the girl would try to fulfill every one of Alice's requests, including keeping secrets from her elder brother. This situation made Alice feel like she was some sort of villain.

"But I have no way of contacting my brother right now," Kamia said after glancing at her phone. "The mana in this area has been drained, so I can't connect to the internet."

The way magic devices communicated with the internet was by interacting with mana signal towers set up around the world. However, this interaction required mana to serve as a medium of information transfer. If a device was in an area that had no mana, long-distance communication would naturally be impossible.

"That's simple. I've been researching the internet's structure recently. It isn't actually as complicated as it seems," Andusia said as she jumped off the experiment table and landed on Kamia's shoulder. Then, she reached out for Kamia's phone with her hand and injected some of her mana into the device.

A moment later, Kamia found that her device had successfully connected to the internet. Even her live broadcasting application had restarted, giving her a small fright. Alice had previously reminded her that others must not learn of their whereabouts, so she hurriedly closed the application.

"I might not know what's actually running the internet, but connecting to the internet is a simple task that only involves sending mana signals to the nearest signal tower. I've even experimented with this theory previously, and all it takes is a simple trick," Andusia said gleefully. "Simply grant your phone with the mana transmission function and have it transmit its mana signals to an area that has mana. Then, it'll have access to the internet."

"Isn't that already a new type of magic?" Alice asked, feeling a little surprised. She also realized that, despite how unreliable Andusia typically looked, the other party was still a well-experienced Demon King. It had only been a few days since Andusia had gotten her first experience of the internet. Yet, she had not only researched the properties of the internet, but she had also developed a small spell based on these properties.

"I guess you can say that, but it's a very crude spell that I can't even be bothered to name. It's just a parlor trick," Andusia said, shrugging. Then, she flew to the secret room's entrance and said, "Anyway, call whoever you need. In the meantime, I'll go upstairs and see if anyone has woken up. If there are, I'll knock them out again to avoid unnecessary troubles."

Alice quietly mourned the fate of the people upstairs for a moment when she heard what Andusia planned to do. However, she did not stop Andusia since she similarly wished to avoid creating any more trouble. It was especially true after her mishap with Kamia. Fortunately, demons had stronger physiques than humans, so it shouldn't matter too much, even if they suffered another round of physical persuasion.

If even a Milu Rabbit could get used to experiencing concussions, there was no reason why the demons could not do the same.

"Hello? Big Brother?"

We are Hosted Novel, find us on google.

On the other side, Kamia had dialed her elder brother's number. However, Alice didn't bother eavesdropping on the call, confident that Kamia would come up with an effective reason to persuade her elder brother to come over. Instead, Alice focused her attention on the experiment logs kept on the bookshelf.

Honestly, Alice was feeling a little upset to see Andusia develop a new spell in such a short time, even if the person herself only considered it to be a parlor trick. After all, these Demon Kings were seemingly developing spells left and right like it was some sort of child's play, while she hadn't developed anything thus far. This situation made her seem very weak.

Of course, Alice was aware that she hadn't grown to her full potential, unlike Andusia and the other past Demon Kings. She could only match a full-fledged Demon King in strength because of her cheat-ability to use panties as weapons of mass destruction. However, as a person bearing the titles of Hero and Demon King simultaneously, she still couldn't help but feel ashamed that she hadn't developed anything. Hence, she decided to read Grant's research logs and see if she could gain any inspiration from them.

However, Alice quickly abandoned her idea after doing a little reading. Her body, which was created and modified by God, might have the talent and physique of Heroes and Demon Kings, but she was still an otherworlder at the end of the day. Her knowledge of this world was still very much lacking, and the accumulation of her common sense wasn't even at the level of the average person.

Alice felt that if she wanted to develop a taboo that she could call her own, she would still need to do more studying. The taboos developed by past Heroes and Demon Kings mostly had a strong personal color. Even if she wanted to use them as a reference, there was a limit to how much she could refer to. Most of the development process would still depend on her knowledge and ideas.

Even with enough control over mana and talent for magic, developing spells still isn't a simple task... Alice thought to herself, sighing as she returned the research log in her hand back to the bookshelf.

The taboo magic books found in the March Academy's libraries were written using concise language for the convenience of reference and research. This made it relatively easy for Alice to learn them. However, research logs were typically written for personal use. So long as the person writing the log could understand it, it didn't matter what language the person used.

Meanwhile, Grant's research logs appeared no different than scribbles in Alice's eyes. Even though she could understand the individual words and sentences written in the log, the sentences combined made very little sense since they weren't written in a fixed order. The notes in the log could go from talking about one matter to another, then to a third unrelated matter in three consecutive sentences.

So, after trying and failing to understand Grant's notes, Alice gave up on using them as a reference and shifted her attention back to Kamia. Moreover, she had done so just in time as the demoness just so happened to have ended her call.

"How did it go? Did your brother agree to come?" Alice asked. However, when she saw the relieved look on Kamia's face, she knew that the girl had most likely succeeded. So, instead of waiting for an answer, she continued, "How did you get your brother to come over?"

Alice was honestly a little curious about how Kamia had persuaded her elder brother to go out of his way to visit Demon King Castle. After all, according to Kamia, Gel was helping Ellu manage the biggest supermarket chain in the demon realm. So, he should be quite the busy man. Even if Kamia was his little sister, it should still be difficult for her to get him to drop his work and come visit her at such sudden notice.

"I told Big Brother that I found a boyfriend," Kamia said proudly. "When he heard it, he immediately asked where I was and said that he would come to find me in person."

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