The Tale of Hero Alice’s Social Death

Chapter 251: Basic Operation

Chapter 251: Basic Operation

Alice naturally wouldn't kill Kamia to silence her. Although Alice wouldn't mind eliminating evildoers standing in her way, Kamia didn't seem like she was an evildoer or anything of the sort. Moreover, Alice had other means to prevent Kamia from leaking her secret.

"Ugh It's a little more complex than I thought."

Alice frowned as she received the information feedback from the mana in her hands. At the same time, Kamia, whose head Alice was holding, revealed a dazed look on her face, looking like her soul had just left her body.

Some time ago, Alice had basically learned every taboo available in the March Academy's library to an entry-level. Hence, she had started setting her sights on taboos outside of the general offensive, defensive, and sealing categories.

As it just so happened, Alice had a maid who was also a master in mind magic. Hence, Alice had naturally asked Luna for a few books on mind-attributed taboos to study.

Initially, Luna had tried to dissuade Alice from learning about mind taboos by telling her that mind taboos required their users to have in-depth theoretical knowledge of mind magic to use. Otherwise, even if Alice managed to learn those taboos, she wouldn't be able to use them to their fullest potential. However, sticking to her idea of "learn first, master later," Alice continuously pestered Luna over the matter.

Eventually, Luna caved to Alice's pleading and gave Alice the mind taboo books in her collection. Meanwhile, Alice had promptly digested these mind taboos, though she never actually got to put any of those taboos to use until now.

The taboo Alice had just used on Kamia was a mind-attributed taboo called Consciousness Transformation. The main function of this taboo was to manipulate the target's memory, and the taboo was incredibly capable in this regard. This was also the taboo Luna had used when she altered the memories of Catherine, Hatter, and the others at the hospital.

Meanwhile, Alice's plan was to mimic Luna and use Consciousness Transformation to erase, or perhaps alter, Kamia's memories. If she could successfully alter Kamia's memories, not only could she conceal her identity, but she could also net herself an extra helper. Even if Kamia's skillset turned out to be useless, the demoness could still serve as a panty supplier.

Unfortunately, Alice had overestimated her abilities and underestimated the complexity of mind taboos. Upon using Consciousness Transformation on Kamia, Alice quickly understood why Luna had repeatedly advised her to increase her knowledge of mind magic before learning mind taboos.

This was because Alice discovered that the memories read by Consciousness Transformation were displayed to her in a garbled form.

There was obviously a special technique to read this garbled information. Unfortunately, Alice hadn't taken Luna's advice to heart and neglected her studies on mind magic. As a result, Alice now felt as if she was looking at a video file that she had opened using Notepad. The content displayed before her looked like a series of codes that looked like nonsense to her, and she had no idea which memories these codes represented. She also didn't know how to modify these memories.

"Andusia, do you know mind magic?"

Alice turned to Andusia, who had returned to sitting on her shoulder. Due to Consciousness Transformation's design, once she used the taboo and invaded her target's consciousness with her own consciousness, she had to make some changes before retracting her consciousness. Hence, she had no way of backing out of the current situation without doing something.

According to Luna, this flaw was left behind by the taboo's developer intentionally. As to why the developer would do such a thing on purpose, nobody knew. Anyway, Alice needed to make some alterations to Kamia's memories before she could retract her consciousness.

"Not at all. I know a few defensive taboos that can defend against mind magic. Still, nothing related to mind magic directly," Andusia said, shaking her head as she looked at Alice somewhat gleefully. "You should have just listened to me and disposed of the girl directly. If you extract her soul as well, you'd have no need to worry about anyone learning about your secret. Why bother wasting energy using mind magic on her? Also, by the looks of things, you're still an amateur in mind magic."

In reality, Alice couldn't even be considered an "amateur" in mind magic. All she had done thus far was learning how to cast a mind-attributed taboo. She had never touched any theoretical knowledge on mind magic, much less learned how to read other people's memories.

"How troublesome."

Alice was feeling a little regretful. She should have never acted so recklessly. However, since she had no way of altering Kamia's memories, she might as well erase some of the demoness's memories and withdraw out of the other party's mind.

While such a reckless action might cause Kamia to suffer some confusion and irrecoverable damage to her memories, Alice had no other choice. If she didn't do this, Kamia might leak the information about this secret room and her identity. If Alice chose not to erase Kamia's memories, the only other alternative she could take was to follow Andusia's suggestion and kill Kamia.

After making up her mind, Alice chose to erase the most recent segment of Kamia's memories. Although Alice wasn't certain if the most recent entry of the garbled code represented Kamia's most recent memories, she could only assume it as such for now.

After erasing Kamia's memories, Alice pondered for a moment before constructing some fake memories in her own mind. Then, she extracted these false memories, converted them into code, and haphazardly inserted the code into Kamia's mind. While her reckless actions would more or less create problems, this was the best she could do for the time being.

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"Are you done?" Andusia asked, a look of interest appearing on her face when she saw Alice letting go of Kamia's head. This was the first time she had seen someone trying to alter another person's memories without mastering mind magic first. Not to mention, the spell Alice had used was at the taboo-level. Was Alice not afraid of frying Kamia's brain?

However, after thinking it over, Andusia found that it wouldn't be a problem even if Alice did fry Kamia's brain. That was also one way of ensuring Kamia would never reveal Alice's secrets.

"I'm done. I just don't know what kind of effects my efforts will yield," Alice said as she looked at Kamia's dazed expression. By the looks of it, the other party's memories were still in a chaotic state. However, Alice wasn't in a hurry, so she sat back on her stool and waited for Kamia to recover.

A few minutes later, Kamia's eyes gradually regained their light. Her expression also stopped looking dull, and her stiff body had shown signs of movement. This was a sign that her chaotic memories were gradually sorting out themselves.

Afterward, Kamia shifted her gaze onto Alice. Then, under Alice's nervous gaze, Kamia opened her mouth and said:


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