The Tale of Hero Alice’s Social Death

Chapter 238: Is This A Shuraba(修羅場)?

Chapter 238: Is This A Shuraba(修羅場)?

"Cough, cough. Anyway, that's the gist of the situation."

After awkwardly putting on a new set of clothes, Kristine sat on the living room sofa and explained to Alice how she and Lacey had demolished a bedroom and why they were in such a compromising position just now.

Although Alice didn't intend to blame her, Kristine still felt a little embarrassed over this situation. After all, Alice was the one who prepared this accommodation for Lacey. In a certain sense, Alice was Lacey's guardian. So, she felt there was a need to explain to Alice why she had Lacey pressed under her while she was butt naked.

"Alright, then. If you put it like that, I guess I can understand why you were in such a position" Alice said, feeling a little helpless as she looked at Kristine's embarrassed expression.

Going by Kristine's words, Kristine and Lacey were apparently researching the origins of the demon realm's pollution. However, partway through their experiments, Kristine had accidentally triggered the "pollutants'" dependency on mana, causing a large amount of mana to be concentrated in a single location. This, in turn, resulted in a mana overflow, which subsequently led to a mana explosion. Then, this explosion caused the two to end up in that compromising state and position.

To validate her words, Kristine had even cast Mana Detection to show Alice the mana leftover from the explosion. Then, when Alice scanned the residue mana using Psychokinesis Transcendence, she found that it was indeed leftover mana from a mana explosion.

After a mana explosion occurred, the leftover mana would be incredibly unstable. This point was mentioned in high school textbooks. However, as mana particles were incredibly small, observing them normally required the use of magic instruments. However, Alice and Kristine could replace this process by using Psychokinesis Transcendence.

While Kristine was clearing her name to Alice, Lacey had left the house to contact the relevant repair workers. There were water pipes and other things running through the walls of her room, so they couldn't haphazardly patch things up with magic. They needed to rely on the professionals to do the repairs.

In other words, Alice and Kristine were the only people in the house right now, and there was no need for Kristine to mind her words.

Knowing this, after explaining her circumstances to Alice, Kristine promptly turned to look at the figurine sitting on Alice's shoulder. Although computers and anime didn't exist during her era, she had researched the many novel things that existed in this modern era. Hence, she knew that the figurine was something people of this era liked quite a lot.

However, the fact that Alice was carrying a popular figurine on her shoulder wasn't what caught Kristine's attention. Instead, it was

"By the way, Alice, this thing on your shoulder Could it be a Demon King?"

"You're the one who's a thing, you little brat!" Andusia said in a rebellious tone, sneering as she stopped acting like a lifeless figurine. Then, while looking at Kristine with her arms crossed in front of her chest, she continued, "I am the Ninth Demon King, Andusia! Even if I look like this now, I still have more than enough strength to beat you like the brat you are!"

Kristine was a Hero, while Andusia was a Demon King. Both of them had ample knowledge about the power of Heroes and Demon Kings. Hence, the moment Alice walked into the house with Andusia, Kristine and Andusia promptly noticed the power inside each other's bodies.

It was just that Lacey was still present at the time, so Andusia had chosen not to keep quiet. Kristine had also opted against pointing out Andusia's identity when she saw the other party staying silent. However, now that Lacey was gone, they naturally wouldn't continue ignoring each other's presence.

"Beat me? Stop embarrassing yourself, Demon King," Kristine said coldly as she looked at Andusia. Although Andusia's body was a petite figurine, Kristine could sense that Andusia had long since recovered her strength and that she might very well possess the strength she had during her heyday. Even so, Kristine wasn't afraid of Andusia in the slightest as she said, "I can sense that your body is made of wood. I have plenty of ways to deal with you."

Just like how Alice had managed to suppress Andusia using Hubert's Tree, Kristine also knew of spells that could take advantage of Andusia's weakness. So, she didn't fear Andusia even though the other party might have recovered her full strength already.

Meanwhile, Andusia immediately grew furious when she heard Kristine's words. She naturally knew about her body's fatal weakness. It was also why she had targeted Marion even though her current body could already wield the strength she had when she was alive.

After all was said and done, Living Wood was still wood. There were plenty of ways others could take advantage of this fact.

"Alright, alright. That's enough of you two. Andusia is indeed a Demon King. However, she has already let go of her hatred of humans," Alice said, quickly placating both sides to prevent a fight from breaking out. "Also, you should know what my true goal is, Kristine. If we want to deal with the Demon King's Power, Andusia's understanding of the Demon King's Power is indispensable."

Unfortunately, Alice underestimated the competitiveness of Andusia and Kristine. Or, more specifically, rarely would Heroes and Demon Kings have weak personalities since both were individuals who needed to stand on the frontlines of war. So, as soon as Alice finished speaking, Andusia immediately started provoking Kristine:

"Hear that? I am much more important to Alice than you!"

Moreover, Andusia's provocation was no longer related to combat. Instead, she had shifted the topic onto Alice.

"What use can a Demon King have to Alice? You're nothing but a tool," Kristine said with a scoff, trying to play it cool. However, try as she might, it was obvious that Andusia's provocation had gotten to her because a moment later, she gnashed her teeth as she shouted, "Alice and I are Heroes! I can offer her more help than you! I am more important to Alice!"


Alice experienced a huge migraine as she listened to the childish squabble between Andusia and Kristine. The two might have stopped comparing who among them was stronger, but the topic of their argument had switched to her. Moreover, judging by the flow of the situation, Alice could already guess what was going to happen next.

""Alice! Tell us! Which one of us is more important?!""

Sure enough, things played out just like Alice expected. After failing to reach a satisfying conclusion, Andusia and Kristine had thrown the decision onto Alice.

Having a loli and a fairy-like figurine asking her which of them was more important might sound like a wonderful experience, but the problem was that one was a Hero while the other was a Demon King. Moreover, both were more or less capable of unleashing the strength they had during their prime. This situation put a mountainous pressure on Alice.

"Both of you are important to me. After all, one of you can teach me how to fight as a Hero, while the other can provide me with information on the Demon King's Power. Both of you are indispensable."

After struggling for a moment, Alice eventually settled on a neutral answer. Although this answer wouldn't satisfy the two bickering children, it was enough to appease them at the very least.


Andusia snorted. However, she didn't continue arguing with Kristine, just as Alice expected. Instead, she sat down on Alice's shoulder and moved closer to Alice's face. She also made sure to give Kristine a provocative look.

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