The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 7: Lottery, lottery!

Chapter 7: Lottery, lottery!

Chapter 7 Lottery, lottery!

Congratulations to the host for surviving another day in a world full of weirdness. The reward is 1% of freely distributed points and 10 system points.

Shen Ge opened the attribute panel and took a look. Under the attributes, there was an additional [Free attribute point: 1%], which can be used to add points to basic attributes.

However, the system prompts that you can quickly improve your basic attributes through exercise before returning to the "normal average", so there is no need to add points until your strength, agility, and constitution reach 100%.

Its January 4th, so the log has been updated? Shen Ge opened the log and took a look. Sure enough, a new message appeared below the log on January 3rd.

On January 4, 2028, you obtained the "silent" characteristic and relied on the characteristic effect to avoid the area infested by high-level weirdness and escaped from Dongcheng District. Returning to the stronghold, you reported what happened to the survival team yesterday to the organization, but concealed the information that you had activated the system and obtained the "silent" feature.


Shen Ge looked at the information in the log and was slightly distracted. Judging from the log, he joined an organization after the strangeness happened. It is not yet known whether it is a non-governmental organization or an official organization.

However, it can be seen from several pieces of information that the organization is similar to the base in apocalyptic novels. It has a stronghold and allows members to form teams to collect supplies.

Obviously, within a year after the strangeness was exposed, the strangeness grew so rapidly that all countries were caught by surprise, and cities fell one after another.

Rong City is no exception.

It is already necessary for survivors to form teams and go out to search for resources, which is enough to show how bad the situation is!

Concealing the systematic and "silent" characteristics of the organization may not mean distrust of the organization, but may also be just a way of preserving oneself.

The common man is not guilty of the crime, but when people find out that he has a system that can sell weird things and devour weird things, no one knows what kind of trouble it will cause!

But there is no point worrying about it now. Shen Ge believes that he must make use of the system's attribute-increasing function to make himself stronger as soon as possible.

System, point lottery.

As soon as he finished speaking, a lottery board appeared in Shen Ge's field of vision.

Living supplies (80%)Weapons and equipment (7%)Consumables (8%)Free attribute points (4%)? ? ? (1%)

ps: As the rating is improved, more categories will appear.

Do you want to consume 100 system points for a lottery draw?

Shen Ge now has 511 system points, 100 at a time, and can draw 5 times in total.

Just when Shen Ge was about to choose the option to draw rewards, his fingers stopped in mid-air. After thinking for a moment, he turned off the system and went to take a shower and change clothes.

Then he turned on the stereo and played the song "Good Luck"!

For such a delicate matter as drawing cards, the ceremony cannot be missing!


Consume 500 system points for five draws!

Prizes are being drawn!


As the aperture jumped repeatedly among the five options, it finally stopped at the option of [Living Materials (80%)].

With an 80% chance of getting it, its not surprising that youll get it.

Congratulations to the host for drawing a box of instant noodles.

With a flash of white light, a box of instant noodles appeared on the coffee table. Compared with the box bought from the supermarket next door, it was larger.

Hmm, a big box.

Shen Ge:

Although this box of instant noodles may be valuable when the apocalypse comes, it is meaningless now.

With Shen Ge's current financial resources, not only buying a house full of gold, but at least buying a house full of instant noodles would be no problem.


Congratulations to the host for drawing a bucket of pure water (19L).

Water is the source of life, and its not a loss if it comes in a big bucket.


Congratulations to the host for drawing free attribute points (1%).

Shen Ge heard the sound and breathed a sigh of relief. At least it was no longer an everyday item.


Congratulations to the host for drawing the F-level recovery product "Spirit Apple".


Has a rating?

Get better!

Shen Ge suddenly became energetic, sat up straight and rubbed his hands, preparing for the last draw.

Ding! ]As the aperture repeatedly jumped among the five options, because it appeared on the irises of Shen Ge's eyes, he unconsciously moved his eyes

Di, di, di

The rotating aperture slowed down and was about to stop on [Living Materials (80%)]. Shen Ge's heart was in his throat, and he kept saying "beat it again, beat it again!"


Finally, the aperture stopped at [Weapons and Equipment (7%)].


Shen Ge pumped his fist excitedly, and the system prompts and white light appeared at the same time.

Congratulations to the host for drawing the characteristic weapon "Pig-Butcher Knife (Characteristic: Not Bad.

Characteristic weapons?

Wait a minute, in addition to high-level weirdness having special characteristics, high-level weapons and equipment also have special characteristics?

There was a pig-killing knife over a foot long placed on the coffee table. The blade was long and wide, showing a calm black color, cold and sharp, and shimmering with cold light.

The handle is made of hardwood, and the rough surface gives it an old and tough texture. There is an iron ball inlaid at the end, which seems to increase the balance of the knife.

"If a 'national hero' is engraved on the blade, it will really be like a heifer flying on a plane, and the cow will fly to the sky!" Shen Ge picked up the butcher knife and tried it. It was much heavier than an ordinary kitchen knife, and it was enough. It weighs several kilograms, and it feels a bit difficult to swing it even a few times.

Characteristicsno, bad?

A bold idea suddenly flashed through Shen Ge's mind.

System, swallowing characteristics!

Shen Ge raised his kitchen knife and called the system.

No strange corpse detected, please host to scan again!

Swallow, the C-level characteristic weapon Pig-Butcher!

Cannot be sold or swallowed unless it is weird.

Hearing the system's ruthless answer, Shen Ge's idea of transforming into an "indestructible King Kong" came to nothing.

After thinking for a while, Shen Ge asked: "Are the characteristics of systems and weapons and equipment 'unique'?"

Characteristic weapons and characteristic equipment are both unique.

Shen Ge looked at the butcher's knife in his hand and thought to himself: "Weapons are indestructible, so maybe one day a piece of body armor will have the property of being 'indestructible'?"

In just 5 draws, you can get a "spirit apple" that can restore 100% of your spirit after eating it, as well as a C-level characteristic weapon. It seems that this good luck is effective!

"Next time, let's change to "The God of Gamblers Entrance Song"!" Shen Ge then opened the attribute panel and after a day of fiddling with it, his basic attributes also improved a lot.


Rating: Level 0

Basic attributes:

Power 90%;

Agility 80%;

Physique 70%;

Spirit 159%/159% (10% restored every hour)

Free attribute points:2%


Silent: After use, it can enter a silent state, consuming 0.5% energy per second, and can be activated at the same time as other features.



Pig-killing knife (C-level characteristic weapon "not bad")

System Points11


Shen Ge suddenly thought of a serious question. Although the butcher's knife is a very rare weapon with special characteristics and looks very cool, knives are now regulated. You can't even get on the subway with a butcher's knife!


I feel so lonely!

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