The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 4: I endured the discomfort and went in and out three times!

Chapter 4: I endured the discomfort and went in and out three times!

Chapter 4 endured the discomfort and went in and out three times!

Shen Ge walked across the road and walked towards Tom's Mall.

On the shopping mall building, several high-altitude workers were hanging on the blue cat signboard in western attire and wiping the billboard. The area below was cordoned off, and pedestrians around the area deliberately avoided that area to avoid anything falling. Security guards were patrolling around, and everything looked the same as usual.

If it weren't for the "system" in the body, Shen Ge would have been hard-pressed to imagine that this area would become a heavily polluted area filled with weird things in the next few years.

warn! warn! warn!

The host is entering an area that is highly contaminated by level 7 weirdness. There are a large number of low-level weirdnesses wandering around in this area, looking for life forms to devour! Several of them are high-level weirdos that can detect the presence of the host through their keen sense of smell, and the host is currently locked! Host, please cherish your life and escape quickly!


Hearing the sudden system prompt, Shen Ge immediately looked around. No one seemed to be paying attention to him.

At this time, Shen Ge noticed that several people were "walking their dogs" on the grass in the distance. Huskies, golden retrievers, Labradors...several big dogs were running happily on the grass.

The husky seemed to notice Shen Ge, sticking out its tongue and waving its tail rhythmically, as if it would pounce on Shen Ge without hesitation if Shen Ge teased her casually.

Thinking of the previous experience of receiving rewards, Shen Ge squatted down, stretched out his hand and rubbed his fingers while making funny dog sounds in his mouth.

The husky's eyes lit up when he saw this, and he rushed straight towards Shen Ge, bumped into Shen Ge's arms, and threw him to the ground.

Shen Ge didn't expect Husky's impact to be so strong. He lost his center of gravity and was knocked down by the opponent. After Husky knocked him down, he thought Shen Ge was teasing him and licked his hand while hugging him. With.


Too careless!

Being humped by a dog.

"Oh, you idiot, what are you doing! You idiot! You are such an idiot!"

At this time, the woman who was still chatting with her friends on the grass saw her dog knocking the person down, and hurried over to try to pull the husky away.

"sorry Sorry!"

My little **** has a bit of an out-of-touch temperament and is not afraid of life. Whenever someone teases it, it thinks its being played with, and it gets very happy.

You idiot, dont come here yet!

Dont even think about eating today!

Second goods!

The woman looks to be in her twenties, wearing a sportswear, and has a somewhat proud figure. No wonder this **** likes to push people's chests.

She apologized and pulled the husky back.

This husky was quite obedient. When he heard his master scolding him, he quickly backed away and squatted on the ground, sticking out his tongue and swiping his tail happily.

That wise look can only be said...

The dog is as its name suggests.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" The woman looked at Shen Ge apologetically, and was slightly startled when she saw his rather lethal face.

"It's okay, it's okay. I should be the one saying sorry. I saw Erha was so cute, so I couldn't help but tease him." Shen Ge stood up and dusted himself off.

Do you like dogs too? the woman asked with joy on her face.


Do you have a dog?

I want to raise one, but its hard for me to raise a dog as a worker, so I dont have the energy to raise a dog. Shen Ge said regretfully.

The woman smiled and said: "It's not possible to raise energetic dogs like huskies, but you can raise some small dogs with gentler temperaments."

Ill definitely give it a try if I get the chance. I wont disturb you for walking your dog. I have some things to do, so Ill leave first. After Shen Ge finished speaking, he walked towards Toms Mall.

At this time, the woman shouted from behind: "Handsome man, please add us on Weibo. When you get a dog in the future, you can make an appointment to walk the dog together." Shen Ge turned around and said with regret on his face: "Sorry, I usually don't use WeChat. They all use q, next time, next time for sure.

"..." The woman wanted to say that adding Q would be fine, but it looked like Shen Ge was obviously perfunctory. Normally, others would take the initiative to ask her to add Q. This time, she took the initiative but was rejected. She also felt a little emotional, so she Leading the husky toward the grass.

The host faced the second-level weird and ferocious attack without hesitation, and used the power of the five scum to defeat the enemy wittily, and was rewarded with system points x10.

Its actually 5 points more reward than crossing the road?

You should have said it earlier!

If you had told me earlier, I would have added the WeChat ID.

Shen Ge looked back at the grassland. Several dog walkers had already tied their dogs on leashes and were walking towards the path by the river. She gave up the idea of shamelessly asking for WeChat.

According to one event, three experiences can be completed, and 20 system points will be lost!

Shen Ge could only comfort himself by doing daily tasks first. After all, there was no guarantee that rewards would appear if he continued to amuse the husky.

Walking to the gate of Tom Mall, just when Shen Ge was about to step in

warn! warn! warn!

warn! warn! warn!

warn! warn! warn!

The two eyes were flashing red fonts crazily, and the field of vision was dyed blood red, which looked both terrifying and weird. At the same time, the system warning sound kept appearing in Shen Ge's mind!

The host is about to enter the 7th-level strange lair, which has been covered by the strange domain. If the host enters with the current strength, his life will definitely be reversed. He will be unable to escape and will die in danger... Please cherish your life and stay away from the special pollution area immediately! warn! warn! warn!

Shen Ge's eyes were dazzled and he quickly closed his eyes.

But the annoying thing is that the system's subtitles do not appear in the field of vision, but on the iris. After closing your eyes, except for turning the background to black, the green subtitles can still be seen clearly!

System, can you please stop? Im so blinded by you!

Shen Ge complained, but there was only [warning] in his field of vision, and the fancy comment "You will die if you enter the door" kept repeating in his mind.

With no choice but to leave, Shen Ge had no choice but to exit the mall.

The host is blessed with great fortune, and he bravely entered the level 7 weird area with his current rating, and escaped from the weird area safely, which is commendable for his courage! Reward system points x50.

"so much?"

Shen Ge didnt hesitate immediately. He endured the discomfort caused by the blush on the system and tried his best to get in and out of the door twice!

Happy to raise 100 system points again!

Shen Ge was overjoyed. The system points easily increased from 101 to 251. Isnt this much better than teasing a dog?

It's a pity that a normal event can earn system points up to three times. Starting from the fourth time, there are only praises but no points. Otherwise, Shen Ge could come and go here all night!

At this time, a deep, yet somewhat doubtful and puzzled voice sounded next to him: "Brother, have you not thought about what to buy when you go in? It's really hard to make a decision. You can go in and take a look around before making a decision."

The security uncle looked at Shen Ge with a strange expression, thinking that this young man looked quite smart, but unfortunately he suffered from difficulty in choosing.

You can even be so confused about whether to enter the mall or not.

Shen Ge was a little embarrassed and quickly exited the mall to escape from the scene of the death. He also complained about the system: "System, if you don't let me enter the mall, how can I complete the task of collecting resources?"

It has been detected that the host is too weak. Entering the special-level infection zone will lead to death and no life. Please cherish your life and do not seek death. Start exploring from the low-level area!

Can the warning function that makes people dizzy be temporarily turned off?

The host's strength is detected to be weaker than that of Zhan Wushu. The "novice protection function" cannot be turned off. Please cherish your life and seize the time to improve your strength! When the host rating is improved, the "novice protection function" will be automatically released, and the danger warning mode can be turned on or off at your own choice.

ps: Dont seek death.

No matter how strong Shen Ge's spirit is, he can't hold it back!

This system is really capable of mental attacks!

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