The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 286: Awakening memories and people who should

"No, this, how is this possible? Impossible." Looking at the "corpse" that looked exactly like himself, Wang Han was stunned.

 He is obviously here, why is there a "corpse" that looks exactly like him?

Wang Han took a closer look at the corpse and found that it was slightly different from his own. He was wearing a hospital gown, while the "corpse" was wearing his security uniform at work.

"How could it be possible? Who is he?" Wang Han still couldn't figure it out, so he stared at Shen Ge and asked, hoping that he could answer his doubts.

Shen Ge did not speak, but walked to the third bed and pulled off the white cloth covering it: "Wang Han, don't you understand?"

The "corpse" under the white cloth was beyond recognition. His entire head was crushed, and his body had several **** holes. However, it was not difficult to tell from the clothes he was wearing that they were the overalls of a hospital security staff.

"Wait, he, is he... the security driver who took me home last night?" Wang Han recalled that when he escaped from the deformed car last night, the lightning and thunder in the sky illuminated the surroundings. When he saw the squeezed and deformed security guard, combined with his wounds and clothing, he immediately made an impression.

Then Shen Ge pulled back the white cloth covering the bed next door, and lying on it was the security guard who jumped out of the car before. He was also completely unrecognizable and miserable.

Wang Han was stunned. His brain seemed to have stopped thinking, and he looked at the corpse that looked exactly like him.

Injuries from falling off a cliff, calves pierced by twisted door panels, large and small wounds on the body, and cheeks bitten by bugs.


 Could it be said that...

A terrible thought suddenly flashed through Wang Han's mind. Is it possible that he actually died when the car fell off the cliff?

 And now...a ghost?

  Or something like human cloning?

Wang Han quickly shook his head hard, throwing away these terrible thoughts, secretly cursing himself that he had watched too many horror movies. Who would really think of him except the silly and sweet-faced detective from the Dajing headquarters? Is Detective Shen's statement that "watching horror movies can improve your ability to accept spooky psychology" really true?



"What was it just now? How... It seemed like a memory that didn't belong to me suddenly flashed through my mind?" Wang Han was stunned.

But the strange thing is that when he carefully recalled the images and memories that just flashed through his mind, he couldn't remember them at all.

 He only remembered one word, Shen Tan.

"Tan Shen? Who is it? This name seems familiar. Is it the name of an employee in the hospital?" Wang Han tried hard to recall, but found nothing.

However, Shen Ge ignored Wang Han who was in a daze. Instead, he returned to the first corpse and used a scalpel to cut open Ma Chao's "stomach". He only heard a "pop" sound. The moment the stomach was cut open, a big lump appeared. Blood-red rotten flesh gushes out of the stomach, and among the pile of rotten flesh is a half-melted face.

Shen Ge wanted to reach out and lift out the half-rotted face, but before his hand could reach his stomach, he saw more and more rotten flesh pouring out of the opened stomach. The stomach was like a bottomless pit. Generally, a large amount of rotten flesh pours out, gradually swallowing up other internal organs and bodies.

The carrion was filled with blood bubbles, and the faint sound of popping blood bubbles could be heard. As more and more carrion poured out, it filled the entire bed in an instant.

“Well, I have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?” Shen Ge turned back to Wang Han and asked.


Wang Han was confused when he heard this, but the next second he saw the strange change in his stomach, he suddenly felt bad: "I just want to hear the good news!"

 “The good news is that we may have to leave early.” Shen Ge said.

Wang Han was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

"Death is not necessarily the end. Wang Han, I can't help you much. You must defeat fear on your own before you can wake up." After Shen Ge said this, he fell directly into the rotting flesh and blinked. It was swallowed whole in no time.

Wang Han wanted to reach out and grab the other person, but he was standing next to the third hospital bed, and Shen Ge was near the door, so the distance couldn't be reached at all.

 “Shen Ge!” Wang Han said anxiously.

 Firstly, it is because if Shen Ge was swallowed whole, it would definitely be a disaster, and secondly, judging from what Shen Ge just said, he should know how to leave.

 But the inexplicable words of Shen Ge made Wang Han confused. What is "can only wake up after overcoming fear" and what is "leaving early".

“Damn, if I had known this, I might as well have heard the bad news.” Wang Han complained and rushed to the door, but the rotten flesh continued to spread, and in the blink of an eye, the morgue was covered with disgusting flesh and blood.

 “Can all the Riddlers get out of Gotham?” Wang Han yelled.


 Why do these words sound familiar? It seems like someone complained about it before?

At this moment, Wang Han felt a certain memory flash through his mind again, but just like before, when he thought about it carefully, he couldn't remember anything.

At this time, there was not much time left for Wang Han to think. The carrion was spreading faster and faster, and he had to leave here as soon as possible.


Wang Han opened the door and rushed to the corridor. The carrion monster behind him was menacing. He wanted to run upstairs, but the stairwell was dark, as if it was invisibly shrouded in a strange black mist. He did not dare to move forward, so he could only Turn around and run towards the end of the corridor.

The door of the room at the end was locked, and Wang Han could only bang on the door again and again. Seeing that the carrion monster had spread out of the morgue, he felt a little anxious, but now there was only one way left, so he could only grit his teeth and keep banging on.



 The flesh and blood monsters were getting closer and closer, and Wang Han was getting more and more anxious.


The door was knocked open and hit the wall cabinet next to it with a loud bang. Wang Han also fell into the room and fell on a pile of broken limbs and arms.

Wang Han didn't have time to think about these horrible and disgusting severed limbs. He quickly got up and closed the door. He also pushed the cabinet next to him to block the door to prevent the flesh and blood monsters from rushing in.

But he was trapped in the room. Looking around, it looked like a room filled with debris, and the broken limbs on the ground were not real, but artificial prosthetics.

"What exactly does Shen Ge mean by what he said? He may have to leave early. Isn't it good to leave? And death is not necessarily the end. You must overcome fear on your own before you can wake up... Damn it, I want to see you again. Shen Ge, you riddler, I will give you a beating!" Wang Han said cursingly.



At this time, there was a banging sound outside the door. You didn't need to look to know that the carrion monster came over and hit the door. Although Wang Han was anxious, his temper also rose: "Damn, if I bring all the equipment, I will I'm afraid I'll beat you up if you do something weird!"



  ? ? ?

Wang Han suddenly found that there were more and more strange memories in his mind, as if a large amount of information was pouring out, which also made his mind confused. "What's wrong with me?" The noise outside the door became louder and louder. Wang Han could only feel anxious, but he didn't want to just wait for death, so he rummaged around the room, trying to find a way to escape.

Wang Han picked up an artificial hand and used it as a stick, knocking left and right in the room, trying to find some mechanism such as a secret passage.

But unfortunately, he turned the room upside down and couldn't find such a thing. He only found a vent on the wall next to the cabinet.


 Maybe I can crawl out!

Wang Han dragged the cabinet next to him and tried to climb up and get into the vent, but the vent was so narrow that it was difficult for a child to crawl through, let alone an adult.

At this time, disgusting rotten flesh had "squeezed" into the room through the gap under the door, slowly spreading towards the pile of bionic hands.

Wang Han didn't have time to think too much, so he could only use the cabinet to crawl towards the vent, and squeezed his body inward with all his strength. His head passed by, and his body could only shrink. At this moment, Wang Han wished he could shrink his bones.



At this time, Wang Han was surprised to find that the ventilation duct had been squeezed out of shape by him, and the whole thing seemed to be stretched a little by him, at least allowing him to crawl forward reluctantly.

Wang Han hurriedly crawled forward, but the more he climbed, the more he felt something was wrong. The metal that was supposed to be hard became soft and crumbly. It always felt like he was crawling in the intestines of a monster.

“Tsk, am I really being fooled by Detective Shen’s predictions? I’m really in for a ‘giant and weird one-day trip to the belly’?” Wang Han couldn’t help but muttered.

Before he finished speaking, Wang Han was stunned. A strange picture appeared in his mind, like a group of people eating and drinking in a canteen. A group of people were surrounding a young man and flattering him, saying that he had solved something with just one person. A level 4 giant weirdo saved a city.

 But the young man smiled and said "luck", he was able to kill the opponent, but he fell into the strange belly by mistake, disintegrating the enemy from the inside.

Wang Han felt that the young man's appearance was very familiar. He looked like an "enlarged version" of the ten-year-old Shen Ge, the adult Shen Ge.

 But he is just Shen Ge's caregiver. Although he has taken care of the other person for several months, he will be discharged from the hospital in a few months at most, or his job will change. No matter how much he thinks, he will not be able to see the other person reach adulthood.

What's more, the scene in my mind is a lively canteen, with a group of people sitting together, talking, laughing, eating and drinking, including some familiar faces.

Ma Chao, instructors, soldiers, Doctor Chen, etc., many of them are people he has met in the hospital, and they are also very familiar with Shen Ge as an adult.

"Damn, Detective Shen, I really envy you. You obviously joined the department a few years later than me. You were a newcomer a few months ago. After the Yuzhou incident, you became the most awesome in our department. Come on, I Here’s a toast to you, awesome guy, I, Wang Han, am not as good as you!” Wang Han raised the wine glass in his hand and toasted to Shen Ge.

Shen Ge also raised his glass, with the habitual smile still on his face: "You think I want to get into the weird belly, then, I wish you can also get a good thing like the 'Giant Weird One-day Tour' , be promoted as soon as possible and become captain!”

 “Haha, I’d like to lend you some good words!”


The picture in his mind stayed on Wang Han raising his head and drinking down the wine in the glass. Shen Ge also raised his head and drank the wine in the glass, and then poured it on the table amidst everyone's teasing.

“Hahaha, Detective Shen, although I’m not as good at fighting tricks as you are, my ability to drink is worse than yours!” Wang Han was stuck in the ventilation duct. He was originally nervous and suddenly started laughing like crazy.

 Halfway through laughing, he suddenly froze. Various memories in his mind began to become clearer, and familiar faces flashed through his mind.

“I am Wang Han, the deputy captain of the Third Pair of Secret Team of the Rong City Special Policy Department of the Great Heavenly Dynasty!” Wang Han’s memory became clear, and he remembered everything in an instant.

 He raised his hand and patted his forehead, seeming to make himself more awake.

Have all the experiences these days been a dream?

 Why am I here?

"I remembered that at the dinner on the eve of the Asia Anti-Spirits Research Conference, I ran into a strange incident when I went to the toilet. The female representative and his bodyguards were swallowed by the black mist in the corridor, and I hid in the toilet. , and his consciousness fell into confusion after smashing the glass.”

“So, am I hallucinating due to the influence of evil energy?”

 No, it’s not that simple.

Wang Han forced himself to calm down and went through the events of the past few days in his mind. He felt that everything was too real and not like a simple dream.

However, before he could collect his thoughts clearly, there was a rustling sound coming from the direction of the ventilation pipe at the back, and there was also a clanging sound in the room. You could guess without looking that it must have been the carrion monster that broke through it. Door to enter the room.

Judging from the opponent's movement and spreading speed, it will only be a matter of time before it fills the entire room and then squeezes into the ventilation duct.

Wang Han could only try to continue crawling forward. After his memory was completely restored, although there was no support from the deception equipment, the change of will and mentality was also a powerful weapon.

As he climbed forward, Wang Han thought about what had happened in the past few days. What surprised him most was that he became Shen Ge's "caretaker".

“These are just false memories produced by the trick?” Wang Han frowned. As one of the few people who had a good relationship with Shen Ge, he also vaguely knew some “secrets” about Shen Ge.

The reason why Shen Ge sometimes makes people think that he has some mental problems is because he really has a history of mental illness, but that is a secret of the Special Policy Department. Only the minister and a few of their "seniors" know about it, and he also While investigating "Luo Yueying's strange incident" in Dong'an Lake, when I found the former site of Rongshan Mental Hospital, I accidentally heard Shen Ge mention some details.

Although Wang Han has a pretty good relationship with Shen Ge, he doesn't have the habit of exposing people's wounds. After hearing about it, he forgot about it, but he didn't want to become the one who experienced it because of a "weird incident".

"That's not right. How could this strange space be related to Tan Tan's childhood experience? Moreover, the experiences these days have been too real, just like what I experienced back then!" Wang Han suddenly felt as if his head was about to explode. Oh, this experience was too real, but it couldn't be what he had experienced.

 Because he clearly remembered that before joining the special policy department, he was indeed working as a "security guard", but he was actually a thug in a bar.


Wang Han suddenly realized a very critical issue. He had just awakened his memory of the scene where he was drinking in the canteen of the Rongshi branch. He saw a person who did not belong to the Rongshi branch—

Dr. Chen!

 Why did he appear in the Rong City branch? (End of chapter)

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