The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 206: New parasitic weirdness

Chapter 206 A new type of parasitic weirdness

Shen Ge raised his hand and grabbed Fenghua Youcai's neck, pushing her against the door with a bang. This movement immediately attracted the attention of the stewardess in the corridor.

As the "vvvip" specially assigned by the person in charge of the airport, Shen Ge, the stewardess had been paying attention to his every move. When she saw Shen Ge entering the restroom, a beautiful female passenger immediately followed him in. She was slightly shocked and held it together. Feeling the urge to go in, he walked to the entrance of the corridor to "look out" for Shen Ge.

Hearing a "dong" sound coming from the restroom, the stewardess couldn't help but sigh in her heart... It's really intense, but it's a pity that the space is too narrow, which affects the movement of many people.

Shen Ge obviously didn't expect that the flight attendant who was "looking out" for him outside was so capable of thinking. When he exerted force on his hand, the rot-blood armor had already attached to his hand. Even without the "strength amplification", he could easily strangle Fenghua to death. There are dishes.

"Wait, wait, I can. Explain. Mr. Shen. I am not a weirdo." Fenghua Youcai didn't care that her clothes were torn and stripped, and she held Shen Ge's hand tightly with both hands.

It's just that Shen Singing's body is covered with rotten blood armor, and no matter how hard Feng Hua Youcai exerts her strength, she can't move him at all.

Singer Shen relaxed, and Fenghua Youcai suddenly gasped for air, and then quickly said: "Mr. Shen, I know. You. Think this. Ahem. This red blood tumor is the symbol of the weird organization. But it’s not that we cooperate with the weirdo organization, it’s that... we were infected.”

 Fenghua Youcai's Chinese is not standard, but except for the ridiculous tone, there is no problem in understanding the general meaning.

 “Oh?” Shen Ge raised his eyebrows and motioned for her to continue.

Fenghua Arina continued to stumble and said: "After the complete fall of Toe City, a plague broke out in Takuchi City. At first, we thought it was a plague caused by too many corpses. Unexpectedly, after investigation, we found that a large number of parasitic strange things were hatched in the ruins of the city. . The soldiers participating in the rescue operation are all infected with the parasitic weirdness...and then this kind of sarcoma will grow on their necks. It will be the size of a fingernail at first, and it will grow to the size of a fist in up to three months. "

"After that, those who are in better condition can last for six months, while those who are in worse condition will become sick in four or five months, or die of illness, or turn into a bunch of flesh and blood monsters."

“We have organized elite anti-evil teams to investigate the disaster area many times, trying to find the reasons for the birth of these parasitic weirdos and ways to prevent their spread.”

“I followed the reconnaissance team into the disaster area half a month ago. Not only did I not find a solution to the parasitic strangeness, but I was also infected myself.”

“The organization believes that Mr. Shen, you have the strength to escape from the disaster unscathed, and you must have the strength to go deep into the disaster area. We would like to ask you to help us solve this national disaster.”

Fenghua Youcai’s words are not an exaggeration. Previously, only one city in Tuokou City was affected by the treacherous disaster. At that time, the spread of the treacherous space was very slow. According to estimates, it could last for at least several months, or even one or two years. will deteriorate over time.

However, after the International Anti-Terrorist Organization failed to organize a rescue team to prevent the strange disaster, although the mysterious space was "broken", this strange and mysterious parasite appeared. Once infected, only six months at most are left to live. Then they either died of illness or turned into a pile of flesh and blood monsters.

 The point is that these parasitic strangeness are not restricted by geography. Although they were born in Tuokou City, they are now spreading to Sakura Island.

  There are only a handful of cities on Sakura Island that have been affected by the strange disaster. Once this parasitic type of strangeness spreads, Sakura has begun the countdown to its demise.

Those people on Sakura thought about it and had no better solution. They could only pin their hopes on the number one spy of the Great Celestial Dynasty who could safely evacuate from the disaster.

Shen Ge stared into Fenghua Youcai's eyes for a while and was silent for a while, then asked with a smile: "So, when did you start sending people to keep an eye on me?"

"As far as I know, the organization tried to send people to get close to you as early as a month ago, but the special policy department protected you very tightly. We were stopped by people from the special policy department several times when we tried to contact you. After that , the few remaining people didn’t dare to act rashly. I was transferred to Rong City a week ago. I wanted to find an opportunity to contact you, but I found that you purchased a ticket to Dajing, so I wanted to find an opportunity on the plane. Hua Youcai said honestly.

Shen Ge raised his eyebrows: "You even know that I bought the ticket. It seems that you have quite a lot of people here."

"Actually... these are ordinary information that can be bought with money. The organization originally had the mentality of giving it a try and spent a lot of money. Unexpectedly... it actually bought your information." Fenghua Youcai said The expression was a little subtle, and it was obvious that they had not expected such an unexpected surprise at first.

Even when they first received the information, the members of the Fenghua Youcai team thought it was a trap set by the Special Strategy Department and wanted to catch them all.

 Fenghua Youcai was worried that there was no better opportunity, and even if it was a trap, she could only jump into it with a dull head, so she chose to buy a first-class ticket to try her luck.

In fact, Shen Ge is not surprised by such an "answer". After all, since the so-called big data became popular, citizens have basically lost their privacy.

 You search for a product online, and in the next few days, whether it’s a short video or a phone call, a variety of products of the same type will come at you!

“Mr. Shen, we really don’t mean any harm, we just want you to consider it from a human standpoint and...” Fenghua Youcai was ruthlessly interrupted by Shen Ge before she could finish her words.

"Stop it, don't put a high hat on me. I don't have such a high consciousness. Don't say that you Sakura is the one who suffered the disaster. Even in any country in the world, I can't stand on the level of the savior of mankind. At best, I can only take care of myself. One third of an acre. You see, even if there is me, there will be no weird things everywhere? You can never turn around the situation by yourself!"

  Shen Ge’s words were not modest, but that was the fact. No matter how strong he is in fighting against evil spirits, he can only be "one person".

  It can manage Rong City, but not Dajing. Not to mention that in addition to normal weird events, there are also stinky rats like the weirdo organization that are doing things behind the scenes.

 The Great Celestial Dynasty has far better control over strange events than other countries. One is due to national conditions, and the other is the contribution of the soldiers and researchers of the Special Policy Department.

After all, if you look around the world, you can hardly find another country that has a counter-attack department as good as the Great Celestial Empire. Even the elite counter-attack warriors have popularized the three-piece counter-attack set, let alone the eight-piece counter-attack agent set. set!

"Mr. Shen..." Fenghua Youcai still wanted to fight for it, but she saw Shen Ge's face suddenly darken.

It was not that Shen Ge found anything wrong with Fenghua Youcai, but that Xiao Qi reported to him that the blood spider detector released had disappeared.

According to the pictures and signals fed back by the blood spider detector, it suddenly disappeared after entering the economy class, and not even the murderer was seen.

Shen Ge let go of Fenghua Youcai and put down Fenghua Youcai. He still had some "future" situations that needed to be verified with her. As for helping Sakura again... he hadn't thought about it for the time being. What's more, he also knew Sakura's situation. It was nothing. The need for further investigation is not worth the risk of facing the new King of Creatures.

Shen Ge casually took out a set of clothes from his blood-skin backpack and threw it to Fenghua Youcai: "There are quite a few rats like you who follow you on the plane. I don't have time to care about you for the time being. As for your request... I'll see then. If I’m in a good mood, I can go on a business trip.”

 After saying that, Shen Ge opened the door and walked out.

  Fenghua Youcai squatted on the ground with her clothes on her back and bit her lip until it turned white. Sakura used to be a powerful country in the world, but she didn't expect that her survival now depends on the "mood" of others.

In any case, the order given to Fenghua Youcai from above was for her to do everything possible to get in touch with Shen Ge and try to get him to join forces with the organization.

 To save the country, the power of the first pair of spies in the Great Celestial Dynasty is indispensable!

Fenghua Youcai suddenly made up her mind at this moment, put on the clothes Shen Ge threw to her and followed out, facing the space where she was standing at the entrance of the corridor. The other party was also stunned when he saw her. The stewardess took a look at the red marks on Fenghua Youcai's neck and the change of clothes. She couldn't help but mutter in her heart that she was playing really hard, and then a smile appeared on her face: "Ma'am, can I help you with anything?" ?"

Fenghua Youcai glanced at Shen Ge's empty seat and asked, "Did you see where the gentleman sitting in that seat went?"

“He seems to have gone to economy class.” the flight attendant said.

 Fenghua Youcai nodded and immediately followed.

At this moment, the plane seemed to encounter strong airflow and became turbulent. The flight attendants immediately asked the passengers to sit down and fasten their seat belts.

 There was an abnormal noise coming from the luggage compartment on the lower floor, which attracted the attention of the staff.

Two staff members were ordered to check whether the ropes binding the luggage were loose. As soon as they stepped into the luggage compartment, they found that they were shivering as if they had walked into a cold storage.

  A staff member pressed the switch at the door, and the lights in the luggage compartment made a "pop-pop" sound. After they were all turned on, the luggage compartment was illuminated.

“Old Zhao, do you feel it’s cold here?” asked the staff member who turned on the lights.

Lao Zhao rubbed his arms and nodded: "Yes, why is it so cold... Could it be that the air-conditioning system is broken? You are here, let's check it by the way. Lao Wang, you go check the luggage belt, I will check the air-conditioning system . Don’t find out there is a problem with the air-conditioning system after you go back and ask us to make another trip.”

 “That’s fine.” Lao Wang nodded.

The two walked into the luggage compartment, one on the left and the other on the right. Lao Zhao went directly to the air-conditioning system in the corner, opened the locked metal door and began to check the circuit.

“Strange, no problem, then why is it so cold here?” Lao Zhao muttered, turning to look in the direction of Lao Wang.

However, the strange thing is that he had clearly seen Lao Wang walking into the luggage compartment compartment before, but now he did not see his back, and did not even hear any movement.

 “Old Wang?”

 “Old Wang!”

Lao Zhao tried calling a few times, but there was no response at all.



At this time, a suitcase under the shelf in the corner of the luggage compartment made a muffled sound, as if there was something alive in the box.

"Is that you, Lao Wang?" Lao Zhao walked in the direction of the sound. As soon as he stepped into the compartment where the luggage was stored, suddenly there was a "sizzling" sound of electricity above his head.

Immediately afterwards, the light in the luggage compartment flickered a few times, then went out with a "pop". The entire luggage compartment was pitch black, and a faint "dong-dong-dong" crash could be heard.

“Lao Wang?” Lao Zhao tentatively moved forward while touching the shelf. He suddenly remembered that he had a flashlight among the tools he brought with him. He quickly reached for his waist, found the flashlight and lit it up, and then continued to move forward.

He quickly walked to the box that made the strange noise. However, as he got closer to the suitcase, the "dong dong dong" banging sound became louder and louder, as if something alive was trying to break free from the box.

 Lao Zhao took a flashlight to look at it and found that it was an ordinary black suitcase with no "lock" and just an ordinary zipper.

Lao Zhao pulled the suitcase out of the shelf and found that it was quite heavy. However, he thought that there should be no "pets" being transported on this plane, so he plucked up the courage to pull the zipper.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Lao Zhao pulled out a small crack in the suitcase, there was a sudden "chila" sound and he continued to pull it open, as if the things inside had opened the zipper of their own accord.


The black suitcase was opened to both sides. The suitcase hit the floor with a dull thud, but when Old Zhao saw what was in the suitcase clearly, he was shocked and froze.

  The "thing" in the suitcase was none other than the missing Lao Wang, but at this time he was no longer a complete person, but like a doll, which was violently crumpled into a ball and stuffed into the suitcase.

As the suitcase was opened, Lao Wang was kneaded, deformed and sprayed with blood immediately flowing out of the suitcase. His hands and feet were paralyzed on the suitcase, and his head hung on the edge of the suitcase at a weird twisted angle, with white eyes. "Looking up" at Lao Zhao.

At this time, Lao Zhao had no time to think about why Lao Wang was suddenly stuffed into a suitcase, and why he became like this. There was only fear in his mind.




At this time, a strange sound of bones being crushed came from Lao Wang's body, and his neck, which had been twisted into a twist, was rotated and stretched like rubber. As the neck stretched, the The already dead head was also pushed up.

When Lao Wang's head was pushed to a height similar to that of Lao Zhao, it suddenly separated with a "pop" and turned into a terrifying **** mouth. Lao Zhao was bitten off by this fleshy mouth before he could react. head.


Old Zhao's headless corpse fell straight to the ground. At this moment, a black octopus tentacle stretched out from the shadow of the shelf on the left, rolled up Lao Zhao's body, and dragged it into the shelf.

 Dong, dong dong!

After a while, there was another strange banging sound in the dark luggage compartment, first one or two, then more than a dozen, it seemed that the entire luggage compartment was making this sound!

As the abnormal noise in the luggage compartment became louder and louder, the turbulence of the plane became more and more violent. With a burst of lightning and thunder in the sky, a large group of things could be faintly seen through the lightning in the luggage compartment, as densely packed as worms. squirming and crawling towards the upper level of the plane!

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