The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 2: You are the only one fighting against the five scum!

Chapter 2: You are the only one fighting against the five scum!

Chapter 2 You just fought against the fifth scum!

Oh yes, vocal cords.

Shen Ge thought about the characteristic "silence" he had just obtained, and was ready to try out what this "characteristic" was.

As soon as I thought about it in my mind, I got the prompt that the system's "feature (silent) is on".

Characteristics "silent".


Nothing happened?


Shen Ge opened the panel and took a look and found that the mental power column was indeed decreasing by 0.5% per second, but there was no special feeling in the body.

"What the hell." Shen Ge wanted to complain, but found that he opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

Hey? Huh?

Shen Ge tried to open his mouth to speak. Although it felt the same as usual, no sound came out no matter how hard he tried.

Shen Ge thought for a moment, silently recited the closing feature in his heart, and then tried to open his mouth to speak.

Hey? Huh?

The voice has returned to normal.

The corners of Shen Ge's eyes twitched, and she was suddenly speechless.

No, this feature of "silence" means making oneself mute?

Thats useful!

No, just because you cant make a sound, it doesnt qualify you as a fourth-level weird person, right? Or should we say that the emergence of fourth-level characteristics is considered a starting rating?

The unique characteristics that exist only in the fourth level of weirdness sound very rare and powerful, but are they actually just from the novice village?

After all, it is a wild cat that is not only a bit aggressive, but can actually fight against the five scum, it is fair to say that it is a "novice monster".


At this time, an idea flashed in Shen Ge's mind, and he suddenly thought of a possibility. After turning on the "silent" feature again, he suddenly raised his foot and stepped on the ground!

no sound.

Tread again.

Still no sound.

Hey! This ability is perfect for playing hide-and-seek!

Shen Ge's eyes lit up, and he rushed excitedly to the room next door where there was a pile of building materials, found two steel pipes, returned to the stairs, and banged on the guardrail!

Dong Dong, Cang! Boom, clang!

Shen Ge beat the beat in his heart and kept tapping on the railing.


No matter how he knocked, whether it was light or hard, fast or slow, the steel pipe hit the railing, but there was not even the slightest sound.

Shen Ge started to try various things, knocking on the wall, knocking on the railings, and knocking on the door. There were several dents in the wooden door, but there was still no sound.

Shen Ge took out his mobile phone and wanted to start a recording to try. This "silence" was just that he couldn't hear the sound but there was still sound when he tapped it, or something else.

Who would have thought that when I was browsing a short video in the car, the short video screen would pop up directly after unlocking it.

This womans name is Xiaomei

Looking at the subtitles of the movie commentary on the screen, but no sound came out, Shen Ge pressed the volume button and the volume increased from 4 to 5.

In other words, there is no silence.

Shen Ge turned the volume of her mobile phone to the maximum, and the movie commentary continued. The subtitles appeared on the screen, but no sound was heard.

Shen Ge thought for a moment and put his phone on the ground. The moment his hand left the phone, the voice of the movie commentary on the phone rang out - "... Xiaomei met her new boyfriend Da Zhuang, and the two were about to call him. Friends, lets travel to Crystal Lake, a resort with stunning scenery.

Shen Ge picked up the phone again, but there was no sound again.

After trying it several times, Shen Ge already had a rough answer in mind, so he turned on the recording on his phone and knocked on the wooden door with a steel pipe as planned.

After recording a piece of sound, then turn on the playback of the recording and take your hands away from the phone. But this time, there was no sound coming from the phone.

...As long as it is related to oneself, it will be silent. If you get a gun, you wont even need a silencer!"

Shen Ge was summarizing the effect of "silence" when he raised his eyes and noticed the wooden door in front of him.

He made dents on the side of the wooden door. He also poked more than a dozen holes with steel pipes on the door panel, and a large piece was hollowed out in the middle.

Hey guys, the 3,000 yuan is gone for this test.

Although Shen Ge felt a little pained, he had figured out the effect of the characteristic. Then, he was ready to try other functions of the system.

The first is "mission". For a senior game player, "mission" is especially important. This is a section that can provide players with a lot of rewards!

Crisis mission: You are currently in a level 4 strange lair. There are a large number of low-level strange things wandering around here under the influence of level 4 strangeness, which is very dangerous! With your current rating, it is absolutely impossible for you to be these strange opponents. Please cherish your life and escape from the area immediately!

Time limit: 30 minutes

Reward: 30 system points.

Daily tasks: There are signs of the birth of the eighth-level strangeness in Rong City. Although the Dongcheng District where you are is temporarily safe, there is no guarantee that it will not be swallowed up by the strange realm tomorrow. Seize the time to search for enough supplies for seven days and escape from the strange and rampant Dongcheng District!

Reward: 50 system points, random F-level supplies x1

Two missions, a limited-time crisis mission and an ordinary daily mission. It's just that Shen Ge always felt that these two tasks were strange, but for the moment he couldn't say what was strange about them.

The area with strange hauntings on Level 4 Shen Ge glanced sideways at the room next door where he had just met the black cat, and had a guess in his mind.

So he quickly went downstairs and left the villa.

The crisis mission "Escape from the Level 4 Strange Lair" has been completed, and the current time is 57 seconds.

The host successfully escapes from the very dangerous level 4 strange lair, possessing both wisdom and bravery, and invincible bravery, and is rewarded with double system points - 60.

After the prompt ends, the "System Points" column in the panel has changed from 0 to 60.

Shen Ge: ...If the system wants to give me double the reward, it can be given directly. There is really no need to find such a far-fetched "reason".

Shen Ge couldn't help but look back at this single-family villa, which was "the symbol of the rich in Dongcheng District". He couldn't figure out what was dangerous here?

This system always gave him a strange and inexplicable feeling.

At this time, Shen Ge suddenly thought of the prompt in the system mission "This place is affected by level 4 weirdness and there are a lot of low-level weirdness wandering around", so he returned to the villa and found the steel pipes used to test the silence, room by room. Search the past.



When I walked to the room at the end of the second floor, as soon as I opened the door, there was a meowing sound in the room, two tabby cats and one white cat.

When the three cats saw Shen Ge, the "uninvited guest", they immediately arched their bodies, raised their tails in an attacking posture, and stared at Shen Ge fiercely.

Why is there so much hostility? There are many wild cats in the community where Shen Ge lives, but he has never seen one as hostile to humans as the ones in front of him.

Shen Ge took the steel pipe and slammed it on the shelf next to him. There was a loud "cang" sound, which scared the three wild cats and jumped to the balcony.

Shen Ge chased to the balcony and saw that three wild cats had jumped into the green belt.

The host used the attribute of fighting against the five scum to bravely fight three terrifying first-order weirdos, and successfully scared them away. His courage is amazing! Reward system points x5.

Because Shen Ge has been designing in the office all year round, Shen Ge lacks exercise and has very average physical fitness. In addition, he had a serious illness some time ago and rested at home for more than a week, so it is normal for various attributes to be lower than the "standard attributes". But the evaluation of the system and the five scums is somewhat heart-wrenching.

You are the only one fighting against the five scum!

Thats what I call...a spiritual expert!

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