The System for Mentoring Villain Bosses

Chapter 88: Come Home With Me (2)

Chapter 88: Come Home With Me (2)

You Pinyu was surprised: “Jie Jie, we finally found you. To look for you, Dad even especially put down his work to fly to the capital…”

Su Tian raised her head at this. You Pinyu stood between a couple, a middle-aged man and woman, holding one in each hand, looking clearly like a family of three on vacation.

Su Tian raised her eyebrows when she saw You Pinyu’s outfit. The girl’s dress was somewhat familiar. If Su Tian remembered correctly, You Pinyan was wearing the same brands of clothes when they first met. Even the style was somewhat similar.

You Zanfeng coughed, before saying solemnly: “Pinyan, still not coming over?”

The disgust on You Pinyan’s face disappeared, becoming a look of indifference, as she said lazily: “You’re kidding, you came to find me? To me, it looks like a family of three came out on vacation.”

Encountering You Pinyan in this sort of place, You Zanfeng felt somewhat guilty. But, when he thought about it, he originally was here to look for You Pinyan. He just brought You Pinyu and her mother around along the way. With this rationalization, he straightened up.

You Pinyan had mercilessly burst his bubble and he was unable to hold back his emotions on her face, saying angrily: “What kind of crap are you saying?! At such a young age, ignoring the housekeeping, ignoring your parents, ignoring your sister, and running away from home. Do you know how worried you made me, your grandfather, your step-mother, and your sister?!”

Zhao Ning said from the side, “Xiao Yan, Auntie was also very worried, since you left, I couldn’t sleep well at night…”

When You Pinyan heard grandfather, her thorns softened slightly, before standing up again when You Pinyu spoke.

“Oh right, Jie Jie, if you don’t like me touching your things, I’ll never touch them again.”

As she said this, You Pinyan took off the bracelet on her hand, walking quickly in front of her.

“This is the bracelet Dad bought for me, it’s the exact same as the one you threw away…”

You Pinyu reached out, looking as if she wanted to hold You Pinyan’s hand and put it on her.


You Pinyan reacted very strongly, knocking off You Pinyu’s bracelet with a wave of her hand.

With a clang, the bracelet worth hundreds of thousands fell onto the stone edge of the pool, bounced twice, and rolled into the pool water.

A starfish wasn’t able to avoid it in time and was struck dizzy. It retreated, sticking to the bottom of the pool.

The action over at this end finally attracted the attention of the surrounding crowd. The laughter and liveliness slowly quieted down, as everyone turned to watch the sudden family confrontation.

You Zanfeng’s face was bright red as he angrily said: “You Pinyan, is this how you treat your little sister?!”

You Pinyan laughed coldly, sneering: “My mom only gave birth to me, where did I get a little sister from?”

She was very emotional and her voice got sharper and sharper, “Don’t say we’re both surnamed You, that we both have your blood flowing through us. It makes me sick!”

You Zanfeng was also trembling with anger, pointing at her: “Good, good, good. I can’t control you anymore. If you have the ability, never come back, scram out of here for me!”

You Pinyan’s blood surged and lost her sense of reason. She just wanted to draw the line with these disgusting people. Just when good words reached her mouth and she was about to blurt them out, her trembling hand was suddenly covered in warmth.

Then, a girl’s soft and gentle voice followed, “Xiao Yan.”

You Pinyan cleared her head, gritting her teeth as she held back her harsh words.

Su Tian bent down and picked up the bracelet from the petting pool. She wiped off the water stains and handed it to You Pinyu, who was standing silently off to the side.

“Your bracelet.”

You Pinyu froze for a moment, before she raised her head to see a gentle smile.

Su Tian: “You don’t want it anymore?”

She smiled and continued: “If it’s the bracelet your dad bought for you, of course it belongs to you. If Xiao Yan wants one too, she can just ask her dad for one. She doesn’t need to take yours, right?”

Before, the onlookers had thought that You Pinyan was too much, but when they heard this, some people finally reacted. Right, if you looked at the family, they were clearly very wealthy. They wouldn’t go as far as to buy the older sister a bracelet and not buy one for the little sister.

If the family had money, why take the older sister’s things? Wouldn’t it be okay if they just bought another one? Now that the conflict has exploded, what was the point in buying it?”

But if they thought a little deeper…

Onlookers who came a bit later didn’t know what happened and pulled someone beside them to ask: “What’s going on?”

People who understood clearly what happened didn’t say much, only sighing: “If there’s a stepmother, there’ll also be a stepfather. This child is so pitiful…”

You Pinyun opened and closed her mouth, throat dry as she said: “I didn’t mean to take Jie Jie’s things. I just liked it when I saw it, and wanted to try it…”

Su Tian smiled and didn’t speak, putting the bracelet into her palm.

By now, You Pinyan had already calmed down and pulled Su Tian back, saying with a cold face: “Tian Tian, don’t bother with her. She’s just like her mom, always acting.”

You Pinyu was so wronged her eyes turned red.

Zhao Ning also couldn’t take it anymore. She pulled You Pinyu back and leaned against You Zanfeng, quietly crying.

You Zanfeng was embarrassed by the surrounding talk of “stepmother and stepfather,” “daughter of a mistress,” and asked with a sullen face: “Are you coming back with me or not?”

You Pinyan: “You make a will. All your inheritance will be given to me — I’ll come back then.”

Su Tian forcibly held her calm, holding back her laughter.

This little missy was really very special, always full of surprises.

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