The Sword Saint’s Second Life As a Fox Girl

3-68 After grace (R-18)

3-68 After grace (R-18)

“They’re still asleep… You did something, didn’t you?” Erin asked as she was reining in her breaths while basking in the afterglow. At least more than an hour had gone by as they went at it without any restraint to their voices and actions. She had made enough voice to be heard from a mile away and yet, Lyra and the rest were still sound asleep. Naturally, her suspicion went to Aedan.

“Do you think that I won’t take any precautions?” Aedan said with a roguish smile. He was gently playing with Erin’s hair as she lay in his arms as they huddled their bodies together on the field under the melancholic moon that was slowly fading into the horizon.

“No, I-I didn’t think that way,” she retorted with a slight stutter. Since they had cast their restraint aside, Aedan was merciless with her as he pounded her from behind. The blame couldn’t be put solely on him as Erin herself did nothing but further fuelled his hefty desires with vulgar speeches. Now, she was suffering the consequences. Her rear was a tad red and her hips were incredibly sore. She could easily make all this aching go away with a spell but in a way, she rather enjoyed the feeling. The aches and receding pleasure of the afterglow was part of the experience after all. “But I did think, and wonder, did you know we were going to fuck since you had put down the precaution beforehand?”

“Yes, I knew. Or rather, I believe we were going to melt ourselves into one with the heat of our love and passion. After all, you looked extremely disappointed when I got out of the hot spring.”

“So, you knew I was going to find a nice and quiet place when everyone’s asleep and touch myself?”

Aedan nodded.

“Such a crafty bastard, you are.”

“Shouldn’t you be getting used to that part of me by now?”

“I can get used to a lot of parts of you, even the biggest,” she said, glimpsing down there ever so briefly, “but never that side of you.”

“You wound me, sweetheart.”

Erin squirmed in his arms. “As if you can be so easily wounded, darling.”

“Dear me, you’re picking up my bad quirks.”

“Like hell, I am.” She lightly kicked his foot but she made herself wince. “Ah, damn… You really were merciless with me. Don’t you know how to treat a lady?” She rubbed her hips, trying to soothe her pain.

“Do you want me to treat you like a lady?” he asked.

“Of course, not,” she huffed. “How are you fine after all that? You couldn’t have used magic.”

“I have been through worse and I should be asking you the opposite. How are you not fine? Surely a fight is harsher and many times more severe, no?”

“A battle is different. The expenditures and injuries accumulated in the pleasure of the flesh had its own charms and disbenefits.”

“You can just heal yourself, can’t you?”

“I don’t want that…” she mumbled in response. “Sometimes… it’s good to feel the pain of the battle. It helps to retain the experience and in imprinting the lessons into your mind.”

“I see… So, you don’t want to forget this moment.” His hand moved from her hair to her face, caressing her cheek.

“Why would I ever want to forget this?” she asked, clasping her hand on his hand that was caressing her cheek. “You were amazing and… considerate, despite how ruthless you were at times. I think I would like to have a different sample.”

Aedan raised an eyebrow with a frown.

Erin broke into laughter. “I’m joking, Aedan.” She continued laughing. “Your expression shifted so quickly. Does it bother you that much that I will be sleeping with other men?”

“It does,” Aedan answered with a straight face.

“Well, I don’t think you need to worry about that. I still find the touch of other men sensually revolting but if it’s you—” she brushed his hand and stroked down his arm, “I don’t find it revolting at all. Curious, isn’t it?”

“Indeed, it is. More than curious, I am exhilarated to know that I’m so special in your eyes.”

Erin chuckled. “Am I the same in your eyes?” she asked, smiling.

“I’m afraid you would be disappointed with the truth.”

“I wouldn’t,” she said. The smile did not leave her face. “I know I wouldn’t be the same in your eyes. You have lived for a long time and I’m sure you had or have someone irreplaceable in your heart. I won’t be obtrusive.”

Aedan’s lips curled into a bright smile. “This,” he said. “This is what I find so lovely about you. This side of you… it came so naturally…”

“Just this side of me?”

“Of course, this is just one of the many sides that I love about you. Gosh, you’re even playing coy with me now?”

“Can’t let you run that tongue of yours uninhibited. I’m not going to just coil up in your palm or embrace.”

“I don’t expect you to. Feel free to struggle and resist as much as you want. It only makes it more fun.”

“Is this how you were before you retired?”

“I was more than what you are seeing right now. Even more ruthless and merciless.”

Erin shuddered upon hearing that. Just thinking of the prospect itself was giving her an indescribable feeling of pleasure.

“You’re still raring to go?” Aedan asked, surprised at her rousing scent that had just receded a few minutes ago.

“I couldn’t help it. Siv was more intense than you. Lyra was more passionate. And we have only done it four times. It’s not enough for me. Also, my Lust had yet to subside.” She flipped over and got herself on top of him, riding his hips.

Aedan tittered. “You really are the Apostle of Lust. I don’t think your Divine Guardian had chosen the wrong individual.”

“Don’t talk about her,” she said, squeezing his cheeks between her hands. “You are with me now. Think only of me.” Her eyes glowed with a cyan hue for a brief second.

Aedan felt something was reaching into his head and unshackling all of the chains that were binding his reasoning. As soon as the chains were loosened, his reasoning ran wild. He reached up and grabbed her bountiful pair of mounds, eliciting an ecstatic moan from her. “Remember,” he said, panting. “You wanted this. Don’t blame me when you can’t walk the next day.”

Erin simpered amorously. “I would like to see you try.”

With that exchange, the two melted into an embrace with the heat of their lust, love, passion, vexation, and everything else they could pour into the forge of coitus to fuel their copulation that lasted until dawn. The precaution Aedan set in place had lost all its effectiveness hours before dawn. Needless to say, a jaded mood befell the group on the next day. Olivia was the sole exception as she was the only one who slept through all those noises.


The door to the massive library of ancient texts and crucial records of history was flung open with a punch. A man with blonde combed hair strode in with heavy steps towards a masked man sitting on a lean-back armchair beside a shelf. The masked man had a book in hand and a cup of tea on a small round table by his side. His mask was lifted a little to allow himself to enjoy the tea.

“Things didn’t go well, I presumed?” muttered the masked man without offering the blonde man a glance as he continued devouring the contents of the book.

“You presumed correct, Marduk,” the blonde man retorted with a snort. He grabbed a chair from a nearby table and sat down just beside Marduk. “You knew this would be the result?”

“Of course, my dear Varus.” Marduk chuckled. “I have never believed they would succeed in capturing the Fox-kin, not even Elliot. But on the off-chance that they did, good for them and me. Spare us the troubles. Alas, things went just as I expected.”

Varus crossed his arms. “Then why send them at all?”

“To stall her.”

“Stall her? For what?”

“We’re moving our bases of operations.”

“You were serious about that?”

“Quite serious, Varus. So, pack up your things. We’ll be leaving tomorrow.”

“Why? I didn’t think you would give up, sir”

Marduk sighed and closed the book he was reading. He set it aside on the round table as he fitted the mask back into position. “I still have every intention to deal with her but just not while I’m here. Do you not know what will happen to the land a Fae dies on?”

“Everyone knows that story well, sir.”

“It’s no story, Varus.” He turned his gaze to Varus. “It’s a fact. A lot of people know it’s a fact but only a few truly grasp the severity of that fact. If I am going to deal with her, I need to be far away from here before I even start anything. Understood?”

“Loud and clear, sir,” Varus nodded, snickering. He was lightly reprimanding himself in his heart for doubting his employer just now. “May I know what you have planned for her, sir?”

“You may not, Varus.”

“You don’t trust me, sir?”

“It has nothing to do with trust. The plan is long and complicated. It will do you no good to know anything about it. And if you’re half as smart as I believed you are, you will be able to figure it out yourself eventually.”

Varus scoffed. “I suppose I would, eventually speaking. So, what now? I’ll just be packing my bags in the meantime?”

“And if you can help it, try not to raise any troubles or draw any attention. The relocation cannot be completely concealed from the public. We do not want any extra eyes on us right now. Do you understand?”

“I sure do. What about Rex though?”

“He’s your problem. Make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid.”

Varus scowled in disbelief. “Since when is he my problem?”

“Since I decided so, Varus.”

Varus chuckled. He rose from his chair with a scornful smirk. “With all due respect, sir, how are you so confident that I won’t just crush you into a pulp right here and now?”

“We’re going there again, really?”

“Unlike before, I have more money than I could ever spend now. Even if I kill you, I will still be rich and who’s going to come after me? Rex? Dusk? Even if you had some sort of precaution set in place after your death, I doubt it would matter much to someone like me. So, humour me, where does your confidence stem from?”

Marduk met Varus’ gaze behind his expressionless mask. “Because I am your shield. Granted, you’re worth more than the entire army of a small nation. However, you’re just one person and you are far from being the strongest individual in the world. Without me, you would be dead eventually at the hands of the incessant challenges you would be receiving without me as your employer.”

“Oh, truly? Maybe I’ll try my luck.”

“Feel free to do just that.” Marduk stood up from his armchair. “Now, if you have nothing else to report, make yourself scarce.” And he walked past Varus with sure steps after patting him on the shoulder, taking the book along with him to return it to its rightful place, a small shelf under a dim pillar of light.

Varus snorted in a reluctant resignation and sat his arse back down on the chair. “I do have another thing to report. It’s regarding the vigilante group the Scarlet Blade is leading, the Venerers. They have just arrived here, in Sephrodia Valley.”

Marduk glanced over his shoulder. “You should have started with that. How long have they arrived?”

“I came as soon as I heard.”

“The Scarlet Blade, is she with the group?”

“Nope, she ain’t. It’s just her cronies. Considering that we are relocating, their timing is really impeccable. I doubt we can move without garnering their attention if they are as good as the reports say they are.”

“This is truly impeccable timing.” Marduk clenched his fist. “Who leads this party?”


“Ah, him. His combat abilities are unquestionable and he has more wits than the rumours say. Still, he’s quite a restless fellow. Just create a diversion for him, but don't make it too obvious. Do it now.”

Varus sighed and stood back up. “Of course, boss.”

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