The Sword Saint’s Second Life As a Fox Girl

3-34 Stalker

3-34 Stalker

“This is so tediously dreadful,” Lucas complained as he sighed. It was now some time afternoon. He had been standing guard at the gate since dawn.

“There's no such thing as tediously dreadful, you dunce. And what’s so dreadful about this?” his friend asked. “We’re being paid to just stand around. At most, we just question anyone who looks remotely suspicious. This is a bargain.”

“Do you not know about what happened to the previous guards?”

“I know what happened to them. A Demon killed them right where we are standing. It sent the whole town into a panic. Thank god there was a Fae in town. Not only is she skilled, but she’s also quite a looker too I heard. She’s more beautiful than those highborn ladies.”

“Oren, what happens if another Demon just shows up or something equally bad happens?”

Oren scoffed. “What are the odds of that happening?”

“Have you not heard about what’s happening recently? Monsters have been acting strange lately. Just a few days ago, Quinteburgh was attacked by a horde of monsters.”

“The town pulled through, didn’t it?”

“Yes, they did but that’s because the merchants from the caravans were there. They provided them with weapons and their own soldiers. If a monster horde came at us, we would be dead.”

Oren sighed. “You’re always looking at the other side of the bright side.”

“Thanks to that, we survived so far. And I haven’t even heard a thank you from you yet.”

“Oh, please. Like you’re the reason we survived so far. In your dreams, Luke.”

“You ungrateful—” Lucas paused and cast his gaze to the road stretching from the gate. Clouds of dust were approaching them. In front of the clouds, there was a rider coming at them at a very high speed.

“Is that a girl? She seems to be in a hurry,” Oren said.

“Doesn’t matter. We need to stop her.” Lucas stood in the middle of the gate. “Halt! Show your papers and state your purpose!”

But the girl didn’t slow down.

“Damn it,” Lucas cursed. “She’s not slowing down.”

“Luke, you may want to get out of the way. You are going to get crushed.”

“To hell with that. What sort of guards will we be if we shirked away?”

“A non-suicidal guard. Luke, get the fuck out of the way!”

Lucas stood his ground and brandished his spear at the approaching female rider.

“Ah, fuck it!” Oren groaned and tackled his friend out of the way.

The rider did not so much as slow down and dashed past the gate, heading into the town.

“Oren, what the fuck!? We can’t just let her enter!”

“Luke, you were about to be trampled! You—” The sight behind his friend cause Oren to turn rigid. “D-Demon...”

“What?” Lucas immediately turned around after hearing his friend’s mumble. And sure enough, a monster that could only be described as a Demon was running on fours towards the town. “Oh my god...” he gasped. “Oren! Sound the alarm!”

And the two guards quickly ran into the town to alert the residents but not before closing the gate, despite knowing full well of the futility in the action.


A sword of lightning and Spirits slowly manifested into Erin’s hands but before it could fully form into a complete shape, everything came crumbling apart. Lightning spilt from her hands and Spirits were blown away, though the Spirits quickly reconvened around Erin.

Erin sighed. “What the fuck...” Disappointment tinged her voice.

“That’s the… fifth time, isn't it?” Lyra asked.

“You don’t need to keep count,” Erin grumbled and resumed her work. It had felt so close to obtaining the result she wanted but the final piece of the puzzle just couldn’t fall into place no matter how she tried to fit in. She knew what kind of magic she wanted. She knew how to create it. But she just couldn’t find out what was stopping her magic from forming. Mystic Blade came naturally to her when she was in a plight. She had a clear picture of what she desired. Just like that, combining her other Magic Arts together, Mystic Blade was created. She tried following that same process but the results did not end up like Mystic Blade. Something was definitely missing but she just couldn’t find out what. The impasse she found herself in was frustrating, to say the least.

Despite this, Erin tried again and again but the results were always the same. Sweat had started drenching through her robes.

“You should rest, Erin. You wouldn’t get any better like this. You do look cute though.”

Erin shot her lover a glare. “Don’t start. Do you find my failures amusing?”

Lyra tittered. “I just find it adorable. You were always looking so perfect. You always somehow get over an obstacle that was seemingly impossible for you. Seeing you blundering about right now is really… endearing, especially the cute sounds you made two attempts ago when the sword fell apart.”

“This is serious, Lyra.”

“I’m serious too, Erin.” Lyra scooched over to Erin’s side. “I’m just saying it’s alright to fail. You’re not alone anymore, remember that. Share your troubles with us.”

“I don’t even know how to share my troubles, especially this one.”

Lyra began playing with Erin’s hair. “That’s not what I mean, dear.”

Erin’s shoulders shook.

“Oh? What was that? Did you just jump?”

“...No,” Erin denied.

“Really, dear?”

And Erin quivered again with her ears standing straight.

Lyra chuckled. “You loved being called that, don’t you, dear?”

Erin forced herself not to move but the wagging of her tails and the twitching of her ears gave her away.

“See, you’re just adorable, my sweet Erin.”

“Enough, Lyra!” Erin swatted Lyra’s hand away from her hair. “I can’t focus like this.”

“I’m just trying to cheer you up, Erin. You were so engrossed with your failure and your expression was… disheartening to look at. I don’t want to see you so disappointed with yourself.”

Lyra’s words stung her heart. Erin realized how much she had been worrying Lyra and Siv, though Siv wasn’t the best at displaying her emotions. Nevertheless, she wasn’t travelling alone anymore. What she did and how she acted, every one of her actions would also affect her companions. This was something she had trouble remembering.

“I’m sorry,” Erin said. “I just want to get stronger faster so I can protect the two of you when the time comes.”

“I will appreciate it if you don’t underestimate us, mistress,” Siv said without glancing back as she was handling the reins.

“We can get stronger together, Erin. This isn’t a burden you should be holding alone. Trust us more, Erin. Who knows, maybe we will be as strong as you someday, or even stronger.”

Erin chuckled. “I like that idea but it's easier said than done. I have been through hell and forth to attain the skills I have today.”

“Nothing is certain, that’s what I believe. But we certainly won’t become stronger if we keep hiding behind your shadow.”

Erin smiled wryly. “That’s true,” she muttered.

“Mistress,” Siv called.

Her sullen tone told Lyra enough of what to expect.

“I know,” Erin replied. “Our stalker friend is finally showing themself.”

“They’re coming to us?” Lyra asked.

Erin nodded. “Be on your guard.”

Siv stopped the wagon and they all entered their stances to receive their untimely guest. After a minute passed, a horse could be seen galloping towards them from a distance. The rider wasn’t slowing as they got near and near Erin and the rest.

“They seem to be in a hurry,” Siv said. “I can smell their anxiety… There’s fear too.”

The rider, donned in a black cloak, came to an immediate stop in front of them. From this range, Erin could hear the rider’s heavy breathing and she found out the rider was a she. The rider descended from her horses and quickly walked up to them but she stopped just shy away from being in Erin’s sword reach.

The rider uncovered the hood covering her face, revealing her identity to the three. The rider was wearing glasses with a silver frame. She had brown hair that reached her shoulders. Her face was plain and couldn’t be said to be a beauty of any sort. Contrary to her plain face, her attires were elegant and sumptuous.

Siv didn’t recognize the face. Lyra had only a bell ringing in her memories. However, Erin instantly knew who she was.

“Miss Olivia,” Erin gasped.

Siv raised an eyebrow. “Olivia? The Seer the guild in Quinteburgh always consult?”

Lyra’s face brightened. “So that’s why you look so familiar. And you are the one that has been stalking us?”

Olivia kneeled before them. “I bear you all no ill-will. It was under the commands of my lord that I have been following your movements.”

Erin narrowed her gaze. The sharp change in Olivia’s demeanour was a huge surprise. “Who are you? Is your name even Olivia?”

“It is my name. My full name is Olivia Harlyx. I’m part of a bloodline that worships the Dragon God.”

“That’s not possible,” Siv said. “The Dragon God is dead. There has been no Dragon God since. The seat had been vacant for the last centuries.”

“You are correct. There is currently no Dragon God but we still adhere to his commandments.”

“I am not following this,” Erin said.

Lyra raised her hand. “Me too.”

“That’s not important right now, Lady Erynthea. I have come bearing grave news.”

“...Speak,” Erin commanded.

“A Demon is heading your way, as we speak.”

“I know that already,” Erin retorted. “It’s coming for vengeance.”

“It’s not the same Demon, Lady Erynthea. It’s not Rayor.”

Erin glared dubiously at Olivia. “You know his name… How do you know his name?”

“Milady, that’s not important. I will answer your questions later but right now, we need to prepare for the Demon. This one is even more dangerous than Rayor.”

“You expect me to just take your word for it?”

“Milady, the Demons that had come after you and will come after you, they are all sent by Marduk. You have to believe me.”

“Marduk...” Siv gasped. “He has Demons as his henchmen?”

“They are not full-fledged Demons. They are halfbreeds and they used to be humans. Marduk had found a way to turn humans into Demons. These halfbreeds aren’t as strong as full-fledged Demons but they are also less vulnerable to the known weaknesses of Demons. That is Marduk’s intention.”

Erin’s glare didn’t waver. “You know a lot...”

“I do, which is why you must trust me, Lady Erynthea.”

“...Fine. Let’s say I trust you for now. What can you tell me about this Demon?”

“Milady, we can talk as we ride. There’s no time to be standing around—”

“Tell me, now,” Erin demanded, coldly.

Olivia kept glancing behind her as she spoke and Erin’s request had just made her even more nervous about their dire circumstances. She also knew they wouldn’t be going anywhere if she didn’t tell Erin what she wanted to know. “Very wel...” she said with a shivering tone. “This Demon was also a human and it’s someone you knew.”


“Velkan Corvas...”

Siv and Lyra gasped.

“Velkan… His friends in the Covenant helped him break out of prison?”

“It wasn’t with his consensus. One of Marduk’s lieutenants snuck his way into the dungeon and turned Velkan into a Demon. Velkan was then inculcated with the idea that you’re responsible for his sister’s death.”

“I am the cause of his sister’s death. It was my endorsement that she put herself out there.”

“Regardless, Velkan is now a Demon. Unlike Rayor, he became a Demon that would not see any reason and just mindlessly hunted you down. He will not stop until he kills you himself.”

“Who’s this lieutenant you spoke of?” Siv asked.

“He goes by the name Varus,” Olivia answered. “He’s a Seraphim.”

As Siv was the only one who had the most knowledge of this world among the three, Siv was about to explain what a Seraphim was when she heard Erin speak.

“He’s an angel?” Erin asked.

“Angel?” Olivia repeated Erin’s guess. “No, he’s not but Seraphims had been confused for Angels in the past as they have wings on their back and they live on floating islands. Much like the Dragon-kin, they are a secluded and reserved race. Seraphims are known for their quick growths in levels, making them a race as esteemed as the Faerie-kin and the Dragon-kin.”

Erin groaned as she buried her face in her palm. “This just keeps getting worse and worse.”

“Milady, I don’t mean to rush but we really need to move now. Otherwise, the Demon will find us. It might even be crossing Valenolk now.”

Erin widened her eyes in realization. “And you didn’t care to mention this sooner? We need to go back to help them.”

“That won’t be necessary, milady. Velkan’s mark is you. It only wants you. It would only hurt those who get in his way. As long as they don’t try to fight him, the town will be safe. If you return to town, you will only make it worse for them. The best course of action would be to run as far away as possible.”

“No,” Erin said.


“I will not run. This is a Demon, halfbreed or not. I can’t let it run around. I won’t be able to sleep well at night imagining the destruction it could bring, knowing that I could stop it if I didn’t run.”

“But you can’t stop him. Velkan’s level is lower than Rayor’s but it doesn’t make him less dangerous. In fact, it is the opposite.”

“Doesn’t matter, Olivia. I’m staying. Velkan wants me. No one else should suffer for me,” Erin said. She got off the wagon and drew her sword. “Siv, Lyra, you’re with me?”

“Of course, mistress.” Siv nodded and readied the twin swords that she merged into a double-bladed spear.

“With pleasure, Erin.”

Erin turned to Olivia. “What about you? You can run if you wish.”

Olivia sighed. “My lord has ordered me to assist your whims. And that is what I shall do.”

“What can you do?”

“I’m good with Water Magic and I’m an alchemist. I have various kinds of potions with me. Corrosives and explosives, for example.”

Erin chuckled inwardly. “The more the merrier, as they say. Welcome to the party, Olivia.”

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