The Sword Saint’s Second Life As a Fox Girl

3-32 Tokens of gratitude

3-32 Tokens of gratitude

“Lady Erynthea, I cannot thank you enough,” the viceroy of Valenolk, Chief Dreyfus said. “Your timely presence in my town is a blessing. This town would have been completely destroyed by that wretched Demon had it not been for you.”

Erin smiled awkwardly in return as they shook hands. From the few words she heard from the Demon, Rayor, himself, she could guess as much. She was partly the reason for Rayor’s presence in town but she wasn’t about to divulge that, not after Chief Dreyfus had invited her to his house to express his gratitude for fending off the threat. It wasn’t just the town’s viceroy but the whole town. They cheered and shouted her name after she gave them a brief introduction, though she couldn’t say anything about her being the reason Rayor found his way into town. It became even harder for her to bear when they planned to throw a feast for her tomorrow as a celebration and thanks. Ultimately, she rejected them by telling her she was in a hurry and was leaving town at the dawn of the morrow.

Currently, she was sitting across from Chief Dreyfus in the parlour room. Lyra and Siv were back at the inn as Erin didn’t fully trust the viceroy’s intention yet. If the viceroy was scheming something heinous, she would have an easier time getting out by herself.

Erin surveyed the room thoroughly as soon as she entered. She found no traps nor any traces of poison. As for security, there were only two guards in the room. The guards were wielding pikes and standing straight in the corners. A brief glance at the two told Erin enough of their prowess. She didn’t even need Appraisal to gauge their levels. They didn’t hold any ill-will towards her but they did hold a different manner of intention. She shot the two guards a glare as their gazes were stuck on waving tails and her alluring figure. The guards readjusted their gazes upon being discovered.

“I hope the tea is to your liking, milady,” the viceroy said with a cordial tone but he cast a rebuking sideways glance to his guards. “But of course, if you so wish, I could get a different one for you, milady.”

“The tea is fine, Chief Dreyfus,” Erin said, taking a sip of tea served by the viceroy. It wasn’t exactly terrible but it was nothing special either.

The viceroy’s home was nothing like what Erin had come to expect. The colours and design were dull. There was no luxurious carpet laid out in the room and no intricate painting hanging on the walls. Perhaps Valenolk was a town smaller than Green Scar and it had nothing much to offer. Their main trade was the tax from travellers who wished to go through the town. Since the town was essentially built on a lake, Erin expected the fisheries to be a thriving business but that was not the case. The viceroy told her the lake was filled with all manners of aquatic monsters. Erin heaved a breath of relief as she made the right choice of not going after Rayor.

“Thank you once again, Lady Erynthea. I sincerely thought this would be the end of Valenolk. I’m just the chief of a small town. We don’t even have soldiers that are beyond the level of twenty. You have really saved us all.”

Erin groaned inwardly as the viceroy’s praise was becoming incessant.

“Is there anything I can offer you, milady?”

“Your words of gratitude are more than enough as a token of appreciation,” Erin responded to Chief Dreyfus who had begun bowing fervently. “I did not fight the Demon to earn a reward, Chief Dreyfus. I’m merely doing what I believe is right.”

“Strong and humble, that was truly unexpected of you, milady— Ah! I meant no offence by that.”

“I am not offended, just tired. I wish to return to my room and get some rest.”

“Of course, Lady Erynthea but if I may— would you allow me the honour of accommodating you for the duration of your stay in Valenolk. It is the least I could do for your efforts.”

“That won’t be necessary, Chief Dreyfus. I have already paid for my room and it’s nighttime. I wouldn’t want to trouble your servants. After all, it will be a busy day tomorrow for everyone after the havoc the Demon had wreaked.”

“What you say is true but it does not matter, milady. Your contentment takes precedence. You are a Fae and the saviour of this town. I—”

“Enough, Chief Dreyfus,” Erin said and stood up from her chair, her tails flourishing behind.

The guards were immediately intimidated into brandishing their weapons. Their actions were valiant but foolish, and their hands were trembling.

“You idiots!” Chief Dreyfus screamed. “What are you two thinking!? Lower your weapons now!”

The two guards hesitated but eventually lowered their weapons, though their hands were still gripping tightly to their pikes.

“I am truly sorry for this, Lady Erynthea. It’s just that… their levels are too low and they simply felt daunted by your slightest movement. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive them.”

“There’s no need for that. They are simply doing their job by defending their master. They should be praised instead for their bravery. It is I who should be apologizing for my actions. That said, if my contentment takes precedence, then you will let me be on my way. I thank you for your hospitality but as I said, I would like to get some rest now. Evening, Chief Dreyfus.” And Erin walked out of the room without waiting for a reply from the viceroy.

There was no one to escort Erin out. She knew the way and everyone was still in awe and fear of her presence to move. Though not many knew the significance of the number tails a Fox-kin possessed, the viceroy did. From the first moment he laid his eyes on Erin, he had been in disbelief of the number of her tails. It was simply unbelievable as Fae was already a rare sight, much less a Fox-kin with more than three tails.

Chief Dreyfus slumped to his knees after he heard Erin leave his house and the door closed behind her. He heaved a heavy breath. He then glared at the two guards.

“I will ask again, what were the two of you thinking!?” he demanded with a stern tone. “Do you two have the slightest idea of what would happen if she took offence to your actions? Do you!?”

“W-we’re sorry, sir… It’s just… it is as you said, we couldn’t help it. There has to be at least more than twenty levels of difference between our levels. We—”

“Enough,” he cut the guard’s explanation off. “We’re fortunate that this one isn’t easily offended. Bless her heart. It would be worse than the Demon if she’s angry.”

“I-it would, sir?” one of the guards asked, timidly.

“If we garner the ire of a Fae, a five-tailed Fox-kin at that, this land would wilt and monsters will swarm this place like moths flying towards a light.”

“T-that is indeed terrible… sir.”

“Which is why the two of you are going to apologize to her personally first thing in the morning tomorrow. Bring the finest wine we have in the cellar.”


“We can’t risk a Fae having a poor opinion of our town. But if she had a good one, our town would surely prosper.” The viceroy’s demeanour changed as he expressed his proposal to his two guards. He had gone from shouting to now laughing at his own “brilliant” idea.

The two guards could do nothing but obey their master’s whims.


The dawn came in the blink of an eye to Erin. After her fight with the Demon, she was exhausted to the brim. He won the fight with only a few light scratches but the energy it took to think and dodge the Demon’s attacks was no less insignificant than receiving heavy injuries. She had fallen into a deep sleep after returning to her room but not before she exchanged a few words with Hank, the bartender.

Apparently, the revelation of her true race caused quite a commotion last night with the owner cum bartender of the tavern. The owner had returned her money as thanks for repelling the Demon but Erin insisted that it was not necessary. In the end, they settled it with half of what Erin had paid. She didn’t want to argue any further and accepted the compromise. In the room, she found Siv had already drifted into sleep and Lyra was waiting for her with a pouting face. Erin understood why she put on such a face. They were in the middle of their passionate embrace when the Demon had boorishly interrupted their moment. And now, Erin had expended all of her lust using Mystic Blade and she was tired after the fight.

The sun was still peeking out of the horizon as Erin was preparing the horses and loading up her possessions and the supplies needed for the journey. It was very early in the morning but most people were already out of their bed and preparing to start their day. This was the life they led as the common folks. They couldn’t afford to stay in bed. They didn’t even know of such luxury. This was why Erin was already surrounded by the townsfolk, all of who were eager to show their gratitude to Erin by offering a variety of items, from simple trinkets to ornated weapons. She had thought she could at least leave town before the whole town was awake but they were all awake way before she was.

In the end, she sighed in resignation and received the town’s gratitude while smiling warmly at every turn. As if the townsfolk weren’t enough, the two guards from the viceroy’s mansion came and gifted her a very expensive bottle of wine. Judging by the whispers and gasps from the gallery, Erin understood this bottle of wine was truly special. Even Siv was encouraging her to keep it even though she won’t be drinking it. She eventually accepted it when Siv told her she could use the wine as a bribe in the future. By the end of it, an hour had already passed and it was the longest amount of time that Erin had kept a smile on her face without dropping. She groaned as she rubbed her sore cheeks.

“Imagine all the gold we could earn from selling all of these,” Lyra muttered as she saw the pile of gifts from the townsfolk on their cart.

Siv nudged her with her elbow. “These are not yours to sell and why are you even thinking about selling them. These things could prove to be useful in our journey and the future.”

“I know they could be useful but how are we going to bring all of this with us? Erin, what do you think?”

“What do I think?” Erin sighed as she loaded the last of her things. “Nothing has changed.”

“What do you mean by that?” Lyra asked.

“This is how it was in my past life too. A presence to be revered wherever I go. It feels like I'm reliving the same life.”

“That’s not true, Erin.” Lyra wrapped her arms around Erin from behind. “You have us now. And you’re not alone.”

Erin smiled. “I apologized. That was very… pessimistic of me. I am really fortunate to have you two.”

Lyra chuckled. “Oh, Erin… you can be so silly sometimes. It really makes me think how you even fare in your past life.”

“With a lot of pain and suffering. Everyone is out seeking to exploit me if I show even a glimpse of my vulnerability.”

“With us around, that would never happen. Oh, and I earned a new skill last night.”

“Last night? You mean after we fended the Demon off?”

“Now I remember,” Siv exclaimed. “It was Seeker… was it?”

“Why didn’t you tell me then?” Erin asked.

“Well… you took a long time coming back and I kinda got… frustrated and you were fast asleep before I could remember.”

“Oh… sorry,” Erin apologized.

“Never mind about that now. Can you appraise me and see what the skill does?”

“Wait, you don’t know what the skill does?”

“Of course I don’t. It’s a new skill, how would I have known what it can do? Or is that not how it is?”

“That is how it is,” Siv affirmed. “It takes some time for us to figure out what a skill or ability does but it would be a different story if it was a common skill or ability like; Sword Art, Body Strengthening, Fleet Foot, and the such. But since that’s your question, mistress, may I assume that such is not the case for you?”

Erin nodded. “That is a correct assumption. The information just flows naturally into my mind whenever I learn something new.”

“That is enviable,” Siv said.

“Alright, enough about that already. Just tell me already what Seeker does,” Lyra jostled.

Giving into Lyra’s insistence and nudging, Erin cast Appraisal on her. Seeker was an Innate Skill and it was a level one. Giving a proverbial tap on “Seeker”, its description appeared in a box of texts.

Seeker - Allows the user to mark a target with one’s own Mana and track the target wherever it goes until it goes out of range. Arrows or projectiles fired by the user will always find their mark on the marked target. The range of Seeker increases with the level of the skill.

Erin whistled in delight and awe. “Lyra, my dear, you are going to like this.”

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