The Sword Saint’s Second Life As a Fox Girl

2-64 In faith

2-64 In faith

Erin didn’t know when it happened but as she turned around, everything had turned into one single white space that spanned for a distance way past the limits of her sight’s reach.

A sense of unease swooped over her.

“Aedan?” she called out. “Aedan, where are you?” Everywhere she turned, everywhere she looked, it was white. Even shadows existed beneath the sole of her feet. She continued to call out for Aedan’s name but her calls were met with silence.

“Pipe down, foolish one. He can’t hear ya.” 

A response came.

Erin turned around and found a tall pale man in a three-piece suit, sitting on an elegant chair, with a small round table in front of him. He was stirring a cup of tea as he responded to Erin’ cries. His raven-black hair was neatly combed and swept back.

Erin’s hands went for her sabre but only now did she realize she was unarmed. She glanced over her shoulders and saw no tails behind her. She pulled a few strands of her hair to her eyes and saw they were still of a bluish silver. She looked down and saw a pair of lumps dangling in front of his sight. She wasn’t in her former body but somehow, her tails were missing.

“Why don’t you have a seat first? She’ll be here shortly,” the pale man said as he added a few cubes of sugar into his tea.

“Who are you?” Erin asked. “Who will be here shortly?”

The man looked up from his tea and stared at Erin. “Haven’t you been here before?”

At those words, those memories came back. Erin frowned. “Who are you?” she asked. This time, it was with conviction.

“You can call me Zack.”

“Zack?” Erin raised an eyebrow. “Do all gods have weird names?”

“I like this name, Zack. It’s not my real name but it’s the only one I’ll give.”

Erin’s interest in his name had already moved on. She was already glancing around. “Where’s Nyx?” she asked.

“She’ll be here shortly. She’s handling the affairs of her other Apostles at the moment.”

“Her other Apostles?”

“She didn’t tell you?”

Erin stared with a narrowed gaze.

“She didn’t tell you what kind of god she is at all?”

Erin didn’t offer a response but her expression told Zack plenty.

“Typical of Nyx. She always does have a flair for dramas and mysteries.”

“You still haven’t answered my question, Zack. Who are you?”

Zack chuckled. “You are indeed different than most. You’re probably the first mortal who is so demanding with a Divine.”

“Answer the fucking question, Zack.”

The smile on the pale man disappeared. “Now you are overstepping, mortal. I allow your impertinence the first time but there won’t be a second time.”

“I’m so scared right now. I’m shaking in my boots,” Erin retorted monotonously.

Zack rose from his seat, veins popping on his forehead. “Perhaps I should remind you of the difference in the levels of our existence.”

“You’re a guest, Zack,” said a voice from somewhere. “And a guest shouldn’t be rude. Perhaps you remind yourself of that.”

Erin and Zack turned their heads in the direction of the voice. The voice came from an orb of light, floating and gently swaying in the middle of the air. Seeing who it was, Zack sat back down.

“Nyx,” Erin chewed her name.

“Erin, it’s nice to see you again.”

“Such audacity,” Zack remarked. “To stand instead of kneeling in front of one’s Divine Guardian.”

Erin looked at Zack with a frown before giving Nyx the same gaze.

“Ignore his words, Erin. I’m a very generous goddess.”

“Sure...” Erin rolled her eyes. “Why am I here?”

“To reward you, of course,” Nyx said with a cheerful tone.

Erin flinched.

“Oi, that reaction of yours hurts, you know?”

“You took away my dongle and gave me a twat. Forgive me for being dubious.”

“You let him talk to you like this, Nyx?” Zack asked.

“I rather have my Apostles speak their mind than spouting words they don’t mean. But enough of that, we are discussing Erin’s reward here.”

“What reward? What have I exactly done to warrant a reward?”

“Your victory over Ba’al, of course,” Nyx said. “You defeated an Apostle of another Divine.”

“You didn’t tell me I would be rewarded for defeating an Apostle.”

Nyx tittered. “Wouldn’t have made any difference, don’t you agree? You wouldn’t have believed me if I told you then now would you?”

Erin clicked her tongue and indignance steered her gaze away.

“This person here is Zack, he is the Divine Guardian of Ba’al or in mortal terms, Ba’al’s patron god.”

Erin’s eyes immediately shot towards Zack. Anger spread over her face.

“What’s with the hate?” Zack questioned obliviously.

“Your Apostle tormented a dear loved one of mine,” Erin said with her voice raised. “And he was building an army. On your orders, I presume.”

“Whatever my Apostles have schemed together, I am not involved. As long as it isn't a scheme against me, I do not interfere.”

“You expect me to believe the words of a person whose intentions are shrouded in mysteries?”

The Divine’s brow creased. “If it wasn’t for the rules among us Divines, I would have crushed you right here and now.”

“I don’t expect any less of you,” Erin retorted with a grin.

Nyx burst out laughing. “See this, Zack. Isn’t it great to have a fearless Apostle like her?”

“Stupidity is easily mistaken for courage or fearlessness.”

“Alright, enough of this.” Despite being a mere orb of light, Nyx made a sound that resembled a clap of hands. “We all have our duty to return to. Erin, per the agreement among us Divines, I hereby  grant you any wish you oh-so desire as long as the wish does not borderline absurdity.”

“Borderline absurdity? What does that include?” Erin asked.

“You cannot wish for a Divine’s death,” Zack said.

“Then I have nothing to wish for,” Erin jabbed.

Nyx stifled a laugh. “My dear Erin, I know you have desires. You only need to ask and I shall grant them. This is only a just reward. The price has already been paid.”

“Can I ask to be left alone by the other Apostles?”

“If that’s your wish, it would only be limited to my Apostles,” Zack pointed out. “The others will still come for you.”

“The return of my strength and power in my prime?”

“That’s not possible,” Nyx answered.

“You won’t allow it?”

“You misunderstood me, Erin. The System would not allow it.”


“Not even the Divines know the reason. We’re not the creators. We’re just the concurrent caretakers of this world. We are not omnipotent, as many tend to believe.”

“You sure you should be telling me this?”

“You earned it, Erin.”

“Quit stalling now, mortal. Say ya damn wish already.”

Erin was hesitant. It wasn’t as if she had no wish to be fulfilled but rather, it was how the wish would be granted. The first thing that came to her mind was Celia’s wellbeing and safety. She wanted to make such a wish but she didn’t trust Nyx enough to wish for that. By wishing that, it might even give Nyx a greater hold over her. Erin also desired power but she was dubious of what kind of condition Nyx would instil. So to say, she didn’t trust Nyx enough to wish for anything.

“How about this,” said Nyx, suddenly. “You can hold this wish off until you are sure of your desire. See it as a favour, if you will.”

Erin was relieved but she didn’t show it. “Very well,” she said. She was just glad she wasn’t forced to make the wish now.

“I don’t believe this,” Zack said. “You mortals are always so quick on saying yer wishes; power, wealth, girls or men, to bring a loved one back to life… but you, you are different… What’s wrong with you? How do you have no greed?”

“I beg to differ, your eminence,” Erin retorted. “I do have greed. But I already have everything anyone could ever ask for; love, respect, power. Even if I want more, I use my own hands to get more.”

“Isn’t she just the loveliest Apostle any God could ever ask for?” Nyx said with a giggle following at the end.

“Are we finished here now?” Erin asked.

“Ah, not quite. Zack still has a few things to say. Don’t you, Zack?”

Zack grumbled.

“His Apostle had done the unspeakable and he’s here to apologize in the stead of Ba’al.”

“What unspeakable things?”

“Demon summoning,” Nyx said and Erin felt a chill going down her spine.

Erin raised her brows. “Are you being serious?” she asked in complete disbelief. “Out of everything he has done. Desecrating the dead and more, those are allowed but not Demon summoning?”

“Demons, at their core, are beings of malice and destruction. They have no other desire than to propagate and consume everything in their path. Imagine if a Demon managed to get a hold of divinity, even if it’s only a small amount. You can’t fathom how devastating the outcome would be. Let this also be a warning for you, Erin.”

“For me?”

“I will allow every single one of your whims but should you invoke assistance from the Demons, I will not be lenient.”

“I will never,” Erin said, shooting Nyx a resolute glare.

“Now Zack, if you will.”

Zack gulped down his tea in one breath and rose from his chair. He approached Erin and splayed open his palm as if expecting Erin to take his hand.

“On behalf of my emissary, I apologized for the heresy he had committed in my name.”

“Um… what?” Erin blurted out in confusion. Out of everything Ba’al had done, she couldn’t believe the Demon invocation was the one he was chastised for. To the Divines, it was a serious crime. But to Erin, it was the least severe out of everything he had done.

“Compensation,” Zack explained but that was all he said.

“Your hand?”

Zack looked confused by Erin’s reply and turned to Nyx.

“This is her first time. She doesn’t know what your gesture meant,” Nyx said.

“And you didn’t mention this to me because?”

Nyx bobbed up and down as if she had just shrugged. “I forgot,” was her excuse.

Zack looked to be on the verge of exploding into a fit of rage but after a heave, his facial expression softened. He turned back to Erin. “Mortal, touch my palm.”

“What will happen if I touch your palm?” Erin asked.

“Something that will benefit you in your ventures,” Nyx answered.

“Enough with your doubts and suspicions, mortal. You will regret this if you pass on this chance.”

Erin sent a glimpse towards Nyx’s way, who nodded, or at least that was how Erin interpreted her gesture of swaying up and down. Gathering her courage, Erin touched the palm of Zack with two of her fingers. At that moment, information and power surged into her. She stumbled back as if someone had yanked the leash on her.

“W-what the fuck was that?!” Erin glared at Zack. “What did you just do to me?”

“Congratulations, Erin,” Nyx said. “You now possess the affinity for dark magic.”

The crease on her brow deepened. “Why would I need that affinity for?”

“My work here is done, Nyx. I paid my dues. I will be taking my leave,” 

“Wait a minute, you—”

Turning a deaf ear to Erin’s words, Zack disappeared the moment after.

Erin drew her glare to the only person she could seek an explanation from.

“As I have said, Erin. This could help you.”

“Help me how?”

“Having the affinity for dark magic means that you are now unhindered by the presence of miasma. You will no longer feel like you’re swimming in a sea of trash in the presence of miasma. Also, creatures of miasma origin, like Undeads, would not show hostility towards you unless you strike first.” 

“Hmm,” Erin murmured dubiously.

“Another very good example is that your Mana Harvest would now be able to absorb miasma and convert it into Mana. Isn’t this extremely beneficial?”

Erin narrowed her gaze. “Beneficial? What do you think I would look like to others if I absorbed dark essence as Mana?”

“I’m sure your circle of friends would understand. As for others, unless they have the means to perceive miasma, they would never have the slightest notion. Besides, dark magic isn’t forbidden by the Divines.”

Erin heard something strange and she raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t forbidden?” she repeated.

“It’s just unsavoury but you won't be condemned by the Divines for using them. You will be admonished by your fellow people though. Somehow, they treat dark magic on the same wavelength as Demonic invocations.”

“They’re not the same?”

“Not even close to being the same. Dark magic, despite its ominous nature, does nothing to the balance of the world. Unlike Demons.”

To the gods’ eyes, there was a difference, a huge difference, But to mortals, such as Erin, they were just as evil as one another but Erin didn’t feel like arguing. She just wanted to be done with Nyx and return to the present.

“Fine. If what you said is true, then I have no qualms but just don’t expect me to use any dark magic.”

“Looking forward to that.”

“Now, if that’s everything, I would like to return to reality.”

“We’re not done yet, Erin.”

“There’s more!?” Erin screamed in her mind.

“It’s time that I introduce the others to you.”

“Others? What others?” Erin had a premonition.

“Why your fellow brothers and sisters in faith, of course.”

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