The Surrogate Bride of the Colonel He

Chapter 78

C78 – Damn You! Bastard!

Seeing that Xu Yangyi was still seething with anger, Hee Jingyan hastily attempted to mend their relationship. He gently lifted Xu Yangyi and cajoled, “I take full responsibility. I acknowledge my wife’s mistake. Can we put this anger behind us?”

“Please, let’s not talk right now. I need some space.”

Xu Yangyi snorted once more and averted his gaze.

Oh dear! Xu Yangyi was genuinely furious this time!

Hee Jingyan wore a troubled expression. Yet, he was the one who had provoked Xu Yangyi, and he needed to own up to his actions.

“How about we both take a shower and then get some rest, my love?”

At a loss for words, Hee Jingyan could only make that suggestion.

“If you wish to rest, kindly do so independently. I won’t be your companion.”

His tone carried even more irritation than before, perhaps suspecting that Hee Jingyan was attempting to deceive him and take advantage of him once more.

“I didn’t imply anything else; I’m a true spouse.”

Hee Jingyan responded promptly and swore earnestly.

Nevertheless, Xu Yangyi harbored doubts. After all, he had fallen for Hee Jingyan’s tricks on numerous occasions.

Consequently, he glared at Hee Jingyan and demanded, “Set me down!”

Hee Jingyan promptly adopted a pitiful expression and asked, “Darling, please don’t be upset! What do you think?”

“Please lower me down immediately, and do it quickly.”

“You have full liberty with me, right? I’ll show you what a fiery temperament means.”

Xu Yangyi was resolute and had no intention of pardoning Hee Jingyan.

Hee Jingyan, not wanting Xu Yangyi to remain too upset, gently released him. He also offered a kiss, openly expressing his apology.

Xu Yangyi contemplated giving Hee Jingyan a slap but softened his heart upon realizing that Hee Jingyan acknowledged his mistake.

“No way, I can’t be soft-hearted,” he thought. “If I’m not more serious this time, I’ll undoubtedly be taken advantage of in the future.”

Xu Yangyi instantly regained his composure, refusing to be manipulated by Hee Jingyan.

Nevertheless, after he had slapped Hee Jingyan, he began to question the fairness of his actions, leaving him perplexed once more.

“My dear, is something amiss?” he inquired.

Xu Yangyi abruptly ceased his physical assault and refrained from further berating him. Conversely, Hee Jingyan began to express concern.

“He’s alright. He’s perfectly fine.”

Despite the severe mistreatment he had subjected him to, Hee Jingyan still cared for him. Was there something amiss with his judgment?

Yet, even as he pondered this, a smile unconsciously crept onto his face.

In that moment, Xu Yangyi remained oblivious to his own emotional state.

“How about you hit me, wife? If you hit me, then your heart will feel better, and I’ll feel better too.”

Hee Jingyan pulled Xu Yangyi’s hand and let him hit his own face.

Xu Yangyi had seen many requests for rewards, but this was the first time he saw one asking for a beating.

“I said, I’m bullying you, why aren’t you angry!”

Xu Yangyi had wanted to ask this question a long time ago, but he hadn’t found the right time to do so.

“Isn’t it perfectly justified for a husband to bully his wife?” Hee Jingyan smiled back, looking at Xu Yangyi, who didn’t seem like he was fawning on him.

“So that’s how it is!” Xu Yangyi started to think about it.

Well, if he’s not upset, that’s better than anything else. Why overthink it?

Giving up, Xu Yangyi ushered Hee Jingyan out of the bathroom.

“I’d like to take a bath. Are you still not going to leave me alone?”

“As your loving spouse, how about I help you wash your back?” Hee Jingyan immediately reverted to his mischievous self.

“Just get out of here already.”

Xu Yangyi wasn’t in the mood for playful banter with Hee Jingyan and kicked at him. However, Hee Jingyan skillfully dodged with a grin, then shamelessly extended his hands and said, “We won’t have to wait too long in the future. You take your time washing, my dear. I’ll be your guardian outside.”

Just as he was about to shut the door, Xu Yangyi threw the shampoo bottle at him and remarked, “You’re the most incorrigible scoundrel.”

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