The Surrogate Bride of the Colonel He

Chapter 66

C66 – Game Over?

“What happened when he vanished?”

“Absolutely! Didn’t that kid just duck behind the tree?”

“While I don’t know the specifics, that kid disappeared again. His prowess is impressive.”

“No, he didn’t vanish. He’s up there.”

The others wore puzzled expressions, struggling to grasp his meaning. Soon after, they witnessed Xu Yangyi reloading and preparing to fire at Tank. However, Tank promptly reacted to the gunfire, moving preemptively. Xu Yangyi found himself in a tricky position and was compelled to leap off the tree and shoot at Tank upon landing.

Yet, Tank’s exceptional strength came to the fore as it ripped off the side sign with bare hands, deflecting Xu Yangyi’s bullets, and then it lunged toward him, wielding the signboard like a weapon.

Xu Yangyi had no time to evade, only clutching both sides of his gun and enduring the powerful blow. He was nearly torn apart.

This man’s power was overwhelming. Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth, just barely withstanding Tank’s force. If Tank attacked again in that moment, he would stand no chance.

Xu Yangyi’s arms and legs were on the brink of being crushed by Tank, yet at the critical juncture, he sprang upward, meeting the incoming sign. Observing Xu Yangyi’s slight frame seemingly about to be pounded by Tank, the soldiers felt their hearts skip a beat. Right as their fears of Xu Yangyi’s demise set in, the camera angle shifted to the back of Tank, concealing Xu Yangyi completely.

As for Xu Yangyi, in that leap, he spotted an opening to seize the signboard as it swung toward him. Swiftly executing a 360-degree turn, he employed his own momentum to leap onto the signboard. He landed gracefully before Tank, teasing the signboard, “General.” In response, Tank ceased its actions and gaped at Xu Yangyi, standing in front of it.

Due to Tank obstructing Xu Yangyi, the soldiers remained in the dark about the developments. All they observed was Tank standing still, seemingly dazed.

“Hmm? Odd? Why aren’t Tank’s attacking? Why’s it just standing there?”


“But how did that kid suddenly reach Tank’s height!”

“True, that’s strange. That kid is clearly shorter than Tank, isn’t he?”

“That kid just grinned and didn’t budge. Are they still competing?”

“Quickly, decide the victor!”

“Yes, what’s the delay for? This is the climax.”


Amidst the agitated voices of the soldiers resonating all around, urging them to keep fighting, Xu Yangyi and Tank on the screen remained motionless.

In this instant, Rosen’s pupils narrowed as he exclaimed, “Are you all blind? The match is already concluded.” Clenching his fists, he stared at the stationary Tank on the screen, unable to react in the slightest.

Then, an internal curse escaped Rosen’s thoughts, his demeanor reflecting his strong unwillingness to accept the outcome.

However, the soldiers were perplexed by Rosen’s declaration of ‘conclusion’, as they hadn’t perceived any signs of it, and consequently began shouting once more.

“What do you mean ‘concluded’? Isn’t this the end of the competition?”

“Exactly! Why did it end so abruptly like this?”

“Did something really transpire?”

“Unbelievable!” Weren’t we merely spectators?”

“You’re right! I didn’t witness anything.”

“Isn’t Tank just standing on there foolishly?”


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