The Sun - Lord of Mysteries (fanfiction)

Chapter 72: Voyager

Chapter 72: Voyager

Northern Continent, Trier

Lilith looked at Aucuses, her gaze drawn unconsciously to his smile, before averting to the sun.

"Did you actually create a sun for the engine?" Lilith asked, quite intrigued, as she walked towards him.

"Yes," Aucuses confirmed, turning to look at the sun.

With his head held high, he began to explain. "The reality of astral world is an amalgamation of authorities and symbols."

"Even we are perplexed as to how some contradictory authorities can coexist without causing reality to collapse. To travel there, this much is absolutely necessary."

However, he already had a guess, which he did not tell her; it should be the authority of God Almighty that holds everything together.

The astral world is not what one might expect; it is not just a vast expanse of space.

It's more, so much more, full of mysteries and wonder that, if known, could drive most minds insane. This, however, does not reduce his curiosity and desire to explore the vast and infinite cosmos.

But, for the time being, however, all of his plans are to roam within the barrier, as he is not a fool to dare venture outside the barrier. He is certain that the mother goddess of depravity will be overjoyed, when "She" sees him outside the barrier.

Now, the astral world can be extremely bizarre; at times, it may appear to be no different than outer space, similar to his previous reality, while at others, everything may appear similar to an abstract painting. These changes are also frequently switchs, often without an order at that.

In the light of this, he concluded that the essence of reality in the astral world is completely different from his previous reality or even most other universes described in fiction.

What is different? It is the abstractness of the entire reality.

It is also extremely dangerous, so much so that anyone lower than an angel cannot enter the astral world, as they would be immediately corrupted by the authorities, which are ever-present throughout the entire astral world. This also means that most raw materials on Earth would be corroded and corrupted as well, if they entered the astral world.

Overall, the Astral world is a fascinating place, at least for him.

To be able to travel to such a location, he redesigned the entire steam engine and ship itself, which he purchased from artisan, to support stellar power.

It took him some time, though, because he was so inexperienced with machinery and technology that he didn't know where to begin. And, he really messed up on his first try and nearly caused a world-ending disaster.

Nonetheless, he didn't give up. In his second attempt, he used the authority of knowledge to comb through his previous life memories, collecting all the knowledge-related to the spaceship and Dyson sphere.

Don't get him wrong: he wasn't a scientist or a tech geek. It didn't really matter as his authority of knowledge would increase his IQ and his brain computing power to a level, that would leave even the most brilliant minds of mankind in the dust.

So there he was, processing the information and knowledge he had obtained from his memories, which were just the most basic theories and models, and then he began.

Though he must say, the entire process was eye-opening; it was like being high on drugs; everything seemed different, the world and people, and one may be able to witness things from a completely different perspective in that state.

He was in a similar state; he sensed endless knowledge and information surrounding him; there were laws, concepts, and authorities; it was a culmination of everything that was, is, and will be.

It was the "Truth".

Even though the "Truth" appeared to have presented everything to him, he did not dare to try to comprehend it all, knowing that even he, a literal god, would face a fate worse than death if he did.

In this dangerous state, he began to deduce the rest of it, using his memories as a foundation.

He is now finally close to success after spending a long time in the ocean of mathematical formulas.

He also gave the engine the name Stellar Engine. Simple, but most appropriate.

Aucuses looked at the engine, his eyes were filled with a myriad of emotions.He's almost there, and even getting this far and building it from the ground up made him feel somewhat surreal.

"I had no idea you liked to travel so much..." Lilith spoke up when she noticed the excitement in his eyes. She could see that Aucuses' excitement was not solely due to the engine, and she had seen him simply travelling around in the previous five years.

"For me, travel is a way to be free and unconstrained from my worries and concerns." Aucuses remarked, looking at her. It was also one of his anchors.

Then he inquired. "How about you?"

Lilith said quietly. "I never gave it much thought before..."

She really couldn't understand his elation. She has authority over "Earth," so she can appear in most places on Earth almost instantly if she so desires. As a result, the concept of travel has always been completely meaningless to her.

"How about right now?" Aucuses invited. "Are you sure you want to go on a journey to the sea of stars?" He said this while spreading his hands wide.

"Don't get me wrong, we'll only be travelling with the barrier; I don't have a death wish like some." He immediately clarified.

"I know, Aucuses. I will join the journey," Lilith said with a smile. She wasn't opposed to trying something new.

Aucuses' smile brightened at that.

"Now, about the knowledge emperor characteristics and the alliance." Lilith brought up the important topic.

"We can talk about it later, since you're coming anyway." With a wave of his hands, Aucuses dismissed it. "At that point, we'll have plenty of time."

Lilith didn't press any further and instead asked about something that she found before.

"Do you have to take them to barrier like this? You could just tell them."

With a chuckle, Aucuses said. "Hearing and seeing can leave an entirely different impression. It would be better if they could see what lies beyond the barrier with their own eyes."

"They will feel hopeless and crushed, Aucuses," Lilith sighed.

"Indeed." Aucuses acknowledged, but he didn't bother to explain himself further.

Lilith sighed when she heard this. She thought the Aucuses' method of teaching and doing things were really strange. However, she did not question his actions.

"Did you finish it?" Instead, she asked, changing the subject and pointing to the engine.

"Almost done." Aucuses replied. "Only the final test remains, which begins now..." He finished.


A sound echoed from the projection in front of him, which displayed data from the entire engine.

When Aucuses saw this, he waved his hands, and the metal cylinder containing the sun completely closed itself, sealing the sun inside.

Then he pressed the start icon on the hologram, causing the room to shake and the engine to roar, as the entire round cylinder with the sun inside emitted the blazing light.

The scattered holograms hovered around him, and Aucuses' purple iris gazed at the holograms, analysing the information that could collapse even the most brilliant minds in an instant.

He also entered data, as his fingers moved across the holograms at breakneck speed, leaving afterimages.

Lilith stood close to him, watching the projections pass by with interest.

Suddenly, her pupils constricted around metal cylinder.

"Aucuses, the star is gradually collapsing." Lilith warned quickly, her face solemn. "If you keep going, you will cause a singularity."

With her words, the entire engine shook violently, and the infinite energy of the sun began to condense into a single point at the centre of the cylinder, erupting in a dreadful aura that spread from the engine to outside, alarming everyone.

Lilith raised her wooden staff, intending to use her power to destroy the sun at a moment's notice, if something went wrong.

Seeing this, Aucuses pressed his hand against the cylinder.

The infinite energy gathered at a single point began to pour out of the cylinder and into the tubes, charging the engine with stellar fuel capable of lasting many lifetimes.

The chaotic energy that should have wreaked havoc was as docile as a lamb under his absolute control.


The holographic projections around him glowed green, indicating the success of his first invention.

Aucuses sat recklessly on the floor, removing his greasy glows and tossing them aside. He breathed a sigh of relief as he gazed at the engine, which was glowing in stellar luminescence.

"Finally.." He spoke, as his shoulders felt light. "This deserves a huge celebration,"

He can't wait to drink a cold glass of wine while gazing at the infinite cosmos.

"It's phenomenal." Lilith said, her red eyes shimmering as she looked at the engine. She calculated that the amount of energy contained within the sun in the cylinder would be sufficient to power the entire human civilization for a long time.

"Obviously." Aucuses smirked at her.

"But you're also taking huge risks, Aucuses." Lilith retorted, looking down at his sitting figure. "You almost caused a singularity to form."

"One may never be successful in life if he does not take some risks." Aucuses said, shaking his head.

Lilith remained silent, her lips pursed, her gaze averted from him.

"Do you want wine before we depart?" Aucuses inquired, ignoring her expression. He rose from the wooden ground and brushed his dress clean.

"I'd be delighted to." Lilith sighed in defeat. She had no idea why she was so adamant about this. It was so unlike her, who was apathetic about most things.

"Come on." Aucuses smiled as he approached the door, and Lilith followed behind him.

They proceeded down the long corridor, where he shut the heavy wooden door behind them. They then proceeded to the boat's common cabin.


"What happened, Milord?"

"Is everything alright?"

"And, milord, what was the dreadful aura?"

When he pushed open the door to the cabin, he was immediately bombarded with questions from his angels.

"Everything is fine." Aucuses appeased them, while Lilith emerged from behind him, her gaze fixed on Lucas and Diana.

Aucuses' gaze was drawn to the necks of Lucas and Diana, which were riddled with bite marks; hickey. His gaze also wandered over their clumsy dresses as well.

For a brief moment, the entire cabin fell silent as an awkward atmosphere pervaded the space. While Blaise does his best not to laugh.

Diana and Lucas finally noticed this. Their face turned bright red with embarrassment.

They did try to clean themselves up before coming here, but they were also in a hurry because they felt a dreadful aura that almost made them believe they would lose their lives at any moment. This caused them to stop the act in midway, gather themselves, and rush here immediately.

They wanted to come with excuses, despite knowing it was pointless.

"You don't need to make up any excuses." Aucuses said to them with a knowing smile. His words and smile only added to the awkwardness.

He didn't, however, continue to tease them. "Go clean yourself up."

They both stormed out of the room, after bowing to him and Lilith.

"Blaise." Aucuses looked at Blaise, who had finally calmed down. "Go ahead and raise the anchor. We will begin our journey soon."

"Also, bring a bottle of wine with glasses to the helm after doing that," He instructed.

Blaise nodded and went right to work. He didn't want to take much, as there is another god beside his lord.

Aucuses and Lilith were left alone as he walked away.

"Your angels are fascinating." Lilith said as she looked at him.

Aucuses smiled, but instead of responding to her words, he said. "Come on, it's almost time."

After a few moments, they arrived at the helm with a clear view of the ship, and they even saw Blaise raise the iron anchor from the sea.

The ship was made of gleaming and polished wood. They were now present at the helm. Their right hand side was port and their right hand side was starboard, and on the figurehead was the emblem of the Eternal Blazing Sun; the sun surrounded by lines of light.

Lilith watched with interest as Aucuses pressed a button near the steering wheel.

The entire ship began to shake as tiny doors under and on the side of the hull opened, revealing massive thrusters.

A surge of stellar energy emitted from the thrusters beneath the hull, causing the entire ship to slowly levitate from the water.

"Let's begin." Aucuses declared, his eyes bright with excitement. Then, he pushed the lever on his side.

The entire ship trembled heavily and it began to ascend the sky at a rapid pace, with thrusters emitting huge stellar force, leaving a trail of smoke, causing all the citizens of Trier to look up to the sky in shock.

After reaching the clouds, Aucuses let go of the lever, slowing their ascent and catching the wheel to the left.

"What is the name of the ship?" Lilith finally asked. She was still standing near him, seemingly unaffected by the sudden takeoff.

'Name...' Aucuses thought for a moment. "Voyager. It is Voyager."

(Image here)

With his words, Voyager left the white clouds and headed for the infinite cosmos.

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