The Sun - Lord of Mysteries (fanfiction)

Chapter 117: City of Calamity

Chapter 117: City of Calamity

"Oh, Medici." Amon sighed, his laughter dying away. "Fate always seemed to turn her back on you."

He straightened his monocle, his eyes flashing with pity.

"Pity?" Medici laughed, his laughter causing the crimson flames to blaze and swirl around them.

It became an inferno, making the surrounding space around the island as hot as magma.

The inferno rose high, connecting with the dark sky above the island, colouring it crimson.

The sea around the island also surged violently, trying to smother the rising crimson flames. The Elven King's remaining power began to act on instinct, trying to quell the crimson flames.

As the battle between water and fire continued, the situation inside the blazing pillar of fire at the edge of the island literally heated up by the moment.

Sparks of crimson fire swept over the figure of Amon, who kept glitching in his place. The fire that burned the very fabric of reality didn't seem to harm the angel of time in the least.

It was as if Amon had become an "Error" in reality, completely disregarding the damage brought by the crimson flames.

In this ocean of flames, the God of War and the God of Deceit confronted each other after almost a millennia.

"Lil' raven" Medici smiled, his menacing smile illuminated by the crimson flames. "It seems you have forgotten the time when I burned all your feathers. And, you just ran off complaining to the lord"

He raised his red sword and pointed it at the Angel of Time.

"Shall we see if you've improved from the past?" He sneered, his form transforming into countless afterimages that encircled the angel of time in all directions.

An invisible tremor erupted from his afterimages, engulfing reality in crimson flames. It was his will that "invaded" reality and "conquered" it as his own.

His will covered the glitching figure of the angel of time, erasing the "Error" in reality and forcing the angel of time to return to normal.

All of his afterimages manifested at the same time. They all thrusted their swords at the angel of time, sealing the fate of Amon.

While carrying out his plans, Medici was somewhat expecting a disruption or problem to arise. But, still, he didn't think it would be in the form of the raven in the end.

He didn't hold back, knowing that the presence of the raven would only create chaos. And, by the looks of it, the raven wasn't here for a happy reunion either.

Amon was met with a storm of sword thrusts, each capable of decimating islands. They attacked him from all sides, preventing him from escaping.

He tucked his hands behind his back and smiled calmly.

The monocle over his right eye reflected the entire ocean of flames.

Then, for a brief moment, the entire reality and phantoms of Medici glitched together before returning to normal.

Medici quickly lost control of reality, which fell into the Amon's hands.

The angel of time created a loophole in his control over reality. Then, he stole his control over reality by using that as a backdoor.

Amon was completely unharmed by the fury of sword thrusts as he was in control of reality. He destroyed all of the Medici's afterimages with a wave of his hand, leaving only the main body.

"Medici" He sighed and shook his head. "It's best if you put down your sword and stop jumping to conclusions. I'm not here to battle you. I'm only here to make you see the truth..."

When he saw his sincere yet pitying expression, Medici only felt rage bubbling within him, almost like a volcano about to erupt.

"Amon!" He snarled, his aura cataclysmic.


A streak of crimson lightning appeared and headed for Amon, disintegrating reality in its path.

Seeing his attempt at persuasion fail, Amon shrugged, turning to look back into the flames, nodding.

With his nod, the lightning and flames froze before being extinguished by a mighty force that engulfed the entire island.

Medici felt an aura, a powerful aura that reminded him of the aura of his lord. Though it wasn't as gentle as that one, it was oppressive and suffocating. It knocked him to his knees in an instant.

At the same time, numerous crimson chains appeared around him, binding him and sealing his authority. Any thoughts of resistance were also 'stolen' by Amon.

It was ironic how the tables had turned against him.

The hunter became the prey, falling obliviously into a trap.

Medici looked up at the angel of imagination, his eyes gleaming with rage and hatred.

"Why?" He roared. "Why are you stopping me?"

"Look at yourself, Medici," Adam said. "You will have your answer."

The gentle voice of Adam echoed into Medici's mind, carrying enormous power. It shattered all the influences in his mind that were tampering with his perception.

Medici peered inside himself, alarmed by the sudden change.

Then his face turned pale at the sight of his soul. His soul was covered in countless spots, dyed in a mixture of iron and blood.


He'd been corrupted by the thing he'd been betting on to use against Aucuses.

No! He might have always been corrupted by that thing. It could have been influencing all of his decisions, manipulating him....

Wait, what exactly is that thing?

Medici was stunned. However, before he could even process everything, a mutation occurred.

That 'thing' seemed to have taken notice, as the crimson spots in his soul began to emit a blinding crimson light.

"Ahhh!" Medici screamed in agony as the crimson light tore apart his soul before shooting out of his body.

Amon appeared in front of Medici. His monocle reflected the trembling figure of Medici while flashing in deep darkness with an aura of tranquillity.

Medici's screams died away as he fell asleep under the influence of darkness.

Amon then looked up at the sky, his face solemn.

The crimson light reached the sky, transforming into a phantom of a twisted city, emitting a cataclysmic light.

It was none other than the City of Calamity!

With a loud metaphysical BOOM! The island of peril seemed to tremble to its very foundations, under the influence of city of calamity.

But it wasn't just the island; a wave spread out and even deep underground, shaking the entire northern and southern continents, passing through the abyss, forsaken land of gods, and even through the barrier of ethereal grey fog at the end of the world.

The entire world, including the Western continent, was shaking to its very core.

Amon, sensing all of this, looked calmly at the city of disaster. He seemed to have anticipated this.

He turned to face Adam, who nodded gently.

Amon let out an exasperated sigh before doing something completely unexpected.

"Aucuses!" He yelled at the sky.

The air became scorching hot as Aucuses' divine gaze was cast here before any other gods.

Aucuses' divine gaze instantly narrowed at the phantom of the city of calamity.



With that snap, a phantom of golden tree appeared right next to the city of disaster. It was the golden order.

Amon turned to face the golden tree, his monocle gleaming in the illusory light.

He intended to use his power to create a loophole in the golden order that would allow Aucuses to gain complete control of the golden order, overriding the powers of the other six gods. However, it will be only temporary.

Even though he and his brother are powerful, a remnant power of serfirot is beyond them. This may give gods headaches, not to mention them.

So, they called upon Aucuses, who was only one with an actual way to deal with this. It was the golden order.

However, the order was far too powerful and complex. The loophole created by Amon will be promptly deleted by the power of the other gods in the golden order.

If Amon became the Error, he might have been able to accomplish this feat, but not now.

Adam closed his eyes and prophesied, noticing the problem.

"Aucuses temporarily took control of the Golden Order."

The golden tree shimmered as a symbol of the blazing sun appeared above it.

Immediately, the gods felt their hold on the golden order fade away.

Aucuses took complete control of the Golden Order with the assistance of the sons of creator.

Aucuses' golden order immediately acted, completely concealing this location from the prying eyes of other gods.

During this time, the city of calamity was not idle. It was attempting to break through the seal and send its power into the outside world.

Sensing the threat from the golden tree, The city of calamity wanted to act. However, the golden order shrouded the city, suppressing it.

"I shall have order."

A deep voice thundered across the sky and earth as the luminescent tree emitted a shimmer of golden light, illuminating the city of calamity. The light annihilated the concept of "Calamity" brought by sefirot.

Crack! Boom!

The phantom of a city crumbled away into the void, while some of its remanent power fell and shourded the island of peril, corrupting it.

The rumbling of the world finally stopped after 8 seconds, with no harm visible, only the world shaking on itself.


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