The Sun - Lord of Mysteries (fanfiction)

Chapter 103: The Choice of Amanises

Chapter 103: The Choice of Amanises

Spirit World.

Amanises was holding a wisp of ethereal darkness in her left index finger.

She also held the crimson moon in her other hand, which was aligned right above the wisp of darkness.

The crimson moon was illusory, allowing her to see through the celestial body and gaze into the wisp of darkness.

She was using all of her authority to peer through the mysterious wisp in her hand.

The wisp was also coated in her authority, restricting it from acting on the surroundings.

Time ticked on. Amanises stayed unmoving in her place, her gaze still fixed on the wisp.

Suddenly, her eyes shimmered before her gaze became deep and piercing into the wisp through the crimson moon.


The wisp exploded. A surge of darkness erupted from it, like a tsunami devouring reality itself in its path.


A part of the spiritual world rumbled under the aura.

However, it quickly calmed down under the quick action of Amanises.

Amanises closed her eyes as dark blood began to pour down from them. Ignoring this, she immediately took a cup embedded with the dark gems.

At the same time, she raised one of her hands, holding the crimson moon high up, letting the moon fly from her hold. The crimson moon began to expand while shedding its moonlight on the surging darkness.

The crimson moonlight materialized in the form of a veil. It began to intercept and cover the surging dark tsunami within it.

Amanises floated away from the darkness. She raised her cup in her hand and willed the crimson moonlight.

The dark tsunami trashed against the veil, causing it to dim and become illusory, as though it might disappear at any moment. But, under the control of Amanises, it managed to remain stable.

The veil completely enclosed the darkness. It began to shrink and move towards the cup held by Amanises. When it reached right above the opening of the cup, it was the size of a pebble.

Amanises' hands trembled, as beads of sweat fell down from her face. Ignoring the seething pain, she took out a lid and pressed it on the opening of the dark cup with the pebble in it, effectively sealing it.

Amanises let out a weak sigh, her figure bleak, as though all her strength had been drained for the seal.

She looked at the cup with a grim expression. Finally, she looked up and around one last time before returning to her kingdom.

In tenebrous heaven, after ten minutes, Amanises laid in her bed. Her eyes closed and her hands went over her forehead. She had taken off the veil that was covering her face.

Her chest rose and fell steadily, as though she had already fallen asleep. However, her mind was wandering towards the events that happened today.

'River of Eternal Darkness' She thought, her heart troubled.

No, troubled would be an understatement. She was anxious, perturbed, dismayed and worried. It had been a long time since she felt such an emotion. It is all due to an event that happened today.

She was right.

Salinger got his hands on the tributary of the river of eternal darkness. She is sure now, after doing that dangerous prying into the wisp of darkness. The wisp originated from the primordial river. The prying also took a heavy toll on her. But, it didn't matter much, as she finally confirmed her guesses.

The confirmation, though, escalated the entire situation to another level, as it involves a sefirot. She knew something terrible was going to happen with the combination of Primordial River and Salinger.

If she didn't stop this, she knew she would die in the hands of Salinger. Maybe her fate will be even worse, considering how much Salinger hates her.

Amanises used her authority to calm her emotions. She still has time. Salinger shouldn't be able to suppress the primordial will in river. Until then, she has time.

Ancient Sun God told her that the primordial river had already managed to escape a part of the seal and flowed out. Ancient Goddess of Death, Gregace was the first to come into contact with it. She built her underworld around the river, using it as the foundation.

After her fall, the ancient underworld was inherited by Salinger, who was pushed to the edge by Amanises. So, he made a desperate choice and inherited the underworld rather than building his own.

Now, here she is facing the consequences of her own actions. Amanises got up from her bed, sighing. She waved her hand. With a whoosh, a cup of coffee appeared and floated in front of her.

She drank it. Her emotions calmed down. Drinking coffee is one of the habits that she still hasn't let go, despite the ever-changing times. It helps to calm her emotions and become clear-headed.

Her thoughts wandered again, as she took sips of coffee from the cup.

To deal with Salinger. She needs Allies. She alone is not enough to bring down Salinger.

Allies are not what she lacks. Leodero and Herabergan would surely join her side if she revealed a bit about the grave situation.

She frowned at that thought. Her frown deepened more as an image of a man flashed through her mind, as she thought about allies.

Aucuses. The image depicts Aucuses.

Amanises purses her lips, thinking about him. To be honest, she felt complex whenever she thinks about Aucuses.

Aucuses was an enigma to her. However, he wasn't always like that to her.

She and Aucuses go way back. They meet in the 2nd epoch, during the dark era.

Aucuses was the first to follow Ancient Sun God. He was also the first angel under Ancient Sun God.

She met Aucuses when he had just become an angel. Her first impression of him was too narcissistic and arrogant for his good. From his look at that time, she knew that he also didn't like her at all.

They didn't have much interaction, despite crossing paths with each other many times. It was due to their first impression, though the actual reason was the chaos of that era. They had too much on their plates already. They could care less about socializing.

Then, the 2nd epoch ended. Ancient Sun God ruled the world. She and the gods had no choice but to submit and acknowledge his rule.

In the new era, Aucuses and Amanises met again under the arrangement of the Ancient Sun God. Aucuses was assigned to her temporarily. He was asked by the creator to work under her for a period of 200 years. It may have seemed to be just a simple assignment on the outside, but she knew it was a punishment for Aucuses.

Aucuses was a menace in the third epoch. He waged war just because he could. He used the name of the creator to justify all of his atrocities. His arrogance knew no bounds.

The biggest event in the third epoch was caused by Aucuses. The war of the abyss. Aucuses declared war against Farubati. This war slowly began to affect everything and everyone, forcing other kings of angels and even her to personally enter the battlefield.

It was a terrifying war, which ended in a human victory. Farubati ran and hid in the abyss with the remnants of his race. However, victory was not without cost. Millions died. All due to a man who just decided one day that he wanted war.

Amanises honestly didn't like Aucuses. Their differences and the enmity between them were palpable enough for others to take notice. So, Ancient Sun God then decided to punish Aucuses for his reckless actions by sending him to work under her.

It didn't go as well as one would expect. Aucuses was arrogant. He wouldn't listen to anyone else's command except that of Ancient Sun God.

Their relationships deteriorated further due to this.

However, it all changed on one night, a drunken night. Aucuses somehow managed to get himself completely drunk and confronted her in a bout of anger and sadness. He subconsciously blabbered about lot of personal things.

It was there that she got to know more about Aucuses, which he was always trying to hide from others. It made her see him in a completely different light.

The next morning, Aucuses clearly remembered everything that had happened, obviously. This made their situation very awkward, as Aucuses shared a lot about his life that he never told others.

To make things better, she told him about her own story. It was unlike her to do such a thing as sharing secrets. But, on that day, she didn't know what went over her mind. She decided to tell him.

Their relationship got better. He compromised with her that he would follow her instructions only if he so wished. He did follow most of her instructions, though, in the end. They went on many expeditions to destroy the remnants of the mythical race. He even helped her to spread her faith very publicly, right under the nose of the creator. It was one of the crazy times of her life. In human terms, she and Aucuses could be considered "friends."

However, things changed. He betrayed the Creator and caused the cataclysm. In the ashes of the world, he became a god.

In the end, he changed. She knew that he was different from the Aucuses that she knew, yet similar at the same time. He had become an enigma.

With his change, the world too soon followed. She predicted, through her authority; the war for the pillar, Almighty, would not happen for the foreseeable future. Aucuses, Leodero, and Herabergan will maintain a delicate balance between each other despite their wars and battles. No side will have an absolute advantage. This will result in stability between the pathways of Almighty.

She also had a hunch that none of them had a chance to become the god almighty.

But, everything has changed now. The source of change is Aucuses. The balance had been broken by him.

When the empire collapses, the battle for the Almighty will begin. Everyone will be forced to choose sides. This was a battle that none could avoid.

She must choose a side.

Amanises had a gut feeling that this choice would affect her entire life.

It all comes down to who she will side with in the end. She needs to think and decide carefully, as she will be betting everything on her choice.

Amanises drank her coffee with an unusually serious expression, her thoughts still lingering on the choice...


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