The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 83: The Headless Demon

Chapter 83: The Headless Demon

Around the time when adventurers were gathering at the imperial capital guild and Silver was about to open the transfer gate.

Suddenly, a messenger from the castle entered the guild.

Why, if it isnt His Highness the Second Prince. How can we help you today?

We are having a meeting about the Southern Incident at the castle. Your transfer magic is a valuable asset to us so we want you to wait a little longer.

When he finished saying that, Eric unexpectedly lowered his head.

Unlike me, normally a royalty would never lower their head to anyone. that is the kind of position we have.

Plenty of time has already passed. If you still cant determine your course of action, what guarantees that you can quickly make up your mind this time?

I already proposed gathering all the troops near the imperial capital to guard the castle so that we can dispatch our imperial knights. That proposal will probably pass soon.

Hou? Dont you have to worry about which one of you is going to take the credit first?

With that said, I think that his solution was quite realistic.

If the Imperial Knights cant be dispatched due to the castle security concern then they can just call on the army to substitute for them.

Although they may not be as powerful as the Imperial Knight, the army will be enough to ensure the castle protection.

I have recommended Gordon to lead the Imperial Knights so the process shouldnt take that long.

Thats strange. When the problem occurred in another country you guys want to compete with each other to take the credit but when it is your own country you are willing to hand it to your little brother huh?

I am a royalty and the Minister of Foreign Affair of the Empire. I might be able to ignore other countrys problem but when it is a problem of my own country, the power struggle is a secondary concern to me. What I prioritize first will always be the Empire.

Saying so, Eric stares straight at me.

Its not a bad proposal.

It would be encouraging if the Imperial Knights can join us as well.

It may be a good idea to wait for them. If I am going to put the power struggle as my secondary concern too that is.

If I am being stubborn and refuse him here, this incident might strain the relationship between the upper echelon of the Empire and the adventurers as well.

When I was wavering, I heard a clear sound from somewhere far away.

I dont know where it comes from but strangely I felt that Lynfia was the one who made it and that she is in grave danger.

Lynfia is seeking help. I have no evidence of that but I was convinced. That clear sound was what transmitted that to me.

Butsome of them might have to sacrifice their lives in the time we wait. While the Empire is perfecting its preparation, there are people who will be sacrificed to buy you time. What are you going to do for those people?

I will do everything I can.

Then I cant accept your proposal. Adventurers are not knights or soldiers. We are there to save the people who your government doesnt notice and those who were abandoned by it. Leave. We are adventurers. We will not take orders from anyone. We will do what we always do.

This countrys fate is at stake you know. Dont you think that we should guarantee the highest chance of success?

We do not know what will happen to the country. What we always prioritize first is the people. Return and tell the Emperor, Silver will take care of this incident.

Do you think that such selfishness will be allowed?

SS rank adventurers are those are allowed such selfishness. And dont look down on us too much. Adventurers of the Empire are many times stronger than you royalties think.

Saying so, I turned back and created a huge transfer gate inside the adventurer guild.

Now, its time to make some money. Follow me.

I stepped inside and said so.

With that parting word, I transferred away.

The moment I stepped out of the transfer gate.

The whole area was filled with monsters.

However, I saw a girl standing amidst all that.

No matter how you look at it, the situation was filled with despair. However, she silently stood there, unwavering.

She is probably thinking about her next action. Like she always does.

While smiling at such Lynfia, I blow away all the monsters in her vicinity.

This should make it easier for adventurers who will enter the transfer gate.

Are you alright? Female Adventurer.

When I approached her, Lynfia opened her eyes wide in surprise.

.Why.are you here..?

I heard there was a Raid Quest. I brought the other guys as well.

After I said that.

Adventurers from the imperial capital rushed out of the opened transfer gate behind me.

They are quite lively. From what I see, the enemys main force is skeleton monsters.

If thats the case then it would be fine to leave it to them.

If you can stand then come along as well. Its time to make money.

Yes..! Silver..!

Saying so, Lynfia stands up.

After applying healing magic on her, I and Lynfia look to the front.

What we are looking at is Leo and Aneue who are fighting their way through the monsters.


Hearing Lynfia, I looked at the sky.

A dragon with a rotten body over ten meters in width is plunging at us with tremendous speed.


Thats a monster that one would only find in a book right.

They wont let us past that easily huh.

I went up to the sky and intercepted the dragon zombie.

In the meantime, Lynfia and the adventurers from the capital are clearing a path toward Leo.

We are still inferior in number but we do have the momentum with us.

If I can suppress the high-rank monsters, they should be able to reach the city.

So thats the black sphere in question huh.

While blocking the dragon zombie that plunged in to bite me, I look at the black sphere floating above the city.

Unbelievable amount of magic power is emitting from that black sphere. However, it doesnt look like it is being used to send out an attack.

What is it being used for.


You are noisy.

The dragon zombie that plunged at me was wrapped inside a barrier and got sent flying to the ground.

Since I dropped it inside the skeletons horde, the skeletons were blown away by the impact.

Then, I thrust my right hand towards the dragon zombies that fell to the ground.

[[Pierce Bloody Lance]]

The magic was activated immediately due to the shortened chant.

A huge spear made of blood emerged from the magic circle and accelerated toward the dragon zombie that was still trapped inside the barrier.

The moment it hit, the barrier was broken and the bloody spear pierced the dragon zombie.


The spear of blood emits high temperature and melts the dragons rotten body.

The skeletons around it also melted away from the heat as well.

However, their total number of casualties was very small.

To get rid of this many skeletons, I would have no choice but to chant the spell and shoot a big one at them.

When I was having that thought, I felt a huge amount of magic power swelled up so I looked toward its source.

It was the black sphere.

A man is floating in front of it.

However, the man is holding his head on his side.


Dullahans are AAA rank undead monsters but the magic power being emitted by that man is on a whole different level.

He may look like a headless human but despite that similar feature, he is not a dullahan.

Deciding so, I tried to launch an attack at him before he moved but he suddenly moved to the front of Leo and the others.


Clicking my tongue, I transferred in front of Leo and Aneue and protected them from the sword brandishing from that headless man.


The multi-layers barrier I deployed was destroyed.

The power behind that attack. He is definitely not a Dullahan.

I dont remember asking for help you know? Masked Adventurer.

I cant let the enemy take the head of our commander. So bear with it, Sir Marshal.

Stared at by my sister, cold sweat started to break out behind my mask.

It will be okay.

This mask is one of Gramps prized magic items.

Voice and smell are one thing but this mask can also change the impression I left on others. Even a close family member like her wouldnt be able to notice that its me.

Despite her displeased tone, Aneue knows that the opponent in front of her is dangerous so she immediately took a distance from me and started attacking another monster.

It seems she didnt notice.

On the other hand, Leo is still by my side.

Silver huh..its been a while isnt it.

You look fine. Prince Leonard.

Yeah, Im glad you came. If we are not on a battlefield I would love to sit down and talk with you though.

Thats unfortunate. Lets do that when the opportunity arises.

Leo nodded and left.

When I confirmed that he was already a distance away, I looked at the man in front of me.

He is just standing there but there is something that gives me a feeling that he is something foreign. Its not that he is headless. Something made me feel that this guy is fundamentally not a human.

The man with pitch-black eyes turned toward me and smiled.

To think that there would be a human who can defend against my attack. That gave me a surprise you know.

Finding a guy who can make such an attack is surprising for me as well.

A cocky human huh. Well, I dont mind. Its been a while since Ive been on the surface world. It wouldnt be fun if you couldnt do that much after all.

A while?

Oh, I still havent given you my name yet have I. The names Furcas. I am borrowing this body right now but I am a demon.

Saying so, Furcas smiles.

His smile may look cruel to a human but for the person himself, he probably intended to smile normally.

Hearing the word Demon, one thing came to mind.

The one that snatched away my great grandfathers body was also a demon.

At that time, it seems that the imperial knights and the Brave house were mobilized to subdue it.

Its surprising to find a resident of the Demon World like Demon. I see that you already have a vessel but there should be a summoner too right?

Technically, Demons can not exist in this world. The exception for that is to have the Demon possess a vessel prepared by the summoner.

It seems that once there was a magician who used that method to control the Demons but now there should be no one left who can summon them.

Binding a Demon to you is very hard and it costs a lot of magic power for their upkeep.

If you do it poorly, you will not be able to control it properly and the one who will be killed is yourself. One of the abolished spells in modern magic is Demon summoning.

To think that there is still someone who could do that.

I have no summoner.


I stare intently at the black sphere.

The summoner is probably in there.

Good guess. But that girl is in no condition to order me around. In other words, she is as good as doesnt exist.

But you will be troubled if shes gone right? That summoner is the one who stabilizes your existence here after all.

What about it?

I can just rescue the summoner from that black sphere. If I do that then this ridiculous amount of monster will disappear along with you correct?

Good job. Your answer was almost perfect. Certainly, there is a hole at the center of this center that connects this world with the Demon World and both those monsters and I were summoned through it. If left alone, that hole will expand more and more and monsters will keep pouring in from the Demon World. Everything is exactly as you say. Except for one thing.

Its not me that was summoned but [Us].

At that moment, an owner of tremendous magic power appeared on the spot.

When I turned around a man in a black was approaching Leo.

That guy is also a Demon!?

Thats ridiculous!

He just slipped through my detection barrier!

I tried to set up a barrier to defend Leo but before I could do that, the sword that the man swung down was intercepted by Lynfia who just caught up with them.


Are you safe, Your Highness Leonard.


Irritated that his attack was blocked, the man disappeared

His attack speed was not high so he is probably a stealth type. However, in this battlefield where allies and enemies are mixing with each other, he is a very troublesome enemy.

I tried to head to Lynfias side but Furcas blocked my way.

Dont get in my way!

Its a Demons job to mess with humans, dont you know.

While he says that, the man in black appears again behind Lynfias back and swings his sword at her.


At that time a voice suddenly echoed in my head.


The voice was infused with strong magic power and caused Furcas and the man in black to stop their movement.

This is.?

Tsk..I am retreating, Balaam.

Understood. It seems this woman is off-limit huh.

Furcas retreated back to the city and the man in black called Balaam also disappeared.

No way, that was the summoners voice?

No matter how I heard it, that was the voice of a child.



That voice just nowXinfa!?

Following Lynfias unusual disturbed gaze I look towards the city.

Furcas fell back to the black sphere.

If the owner of that voice is the summoner then,

You are familiar with that voice?

That voice belongs to Xinfashes my little sister that was kidnapped!

I see. Things are getting clearer now.

All the people that got abducted had odd eyes. It wouldnt be weird if they have in-born magic.

If she has summoning as her innate magic then it would explain the situation if the cause of this incident is that her magic has gone berserk.

Still, the scale is too big.

Your sister is probably inside that black sphere. From what I saw earlier, she probably forbade them to attack you. If we can use that to our advantage then we might be able to do something about this.

Are you going to save them.?

It will depend on you. Anyway, I need to get you to the city. Using transfer magicno, its too dangerous. They might be there waiting to ambush us. There is no choice but to escort you there on the ground.

If thats the case then we will open the way for you. We originally want to get to that black sphere from the start after all.

Leo then turns toward his aide.

Then, a knight got off his horse and urged Lynfia to take the rein.

Receiving it, Lynfia straddles the horse.


If Xinfa is there.I have to go. I am her sister after all.

You have a good reason. I will take the lead and escort you midway there. Follow me.

Perhaps responding to the word [Sister], Lize-aneue smiled and immediately rushed ahead.

With Leo following behind her, many knights and soldiers follow suit.

They used to have the vague target of getting to the city but now everyone has a clear objective of getting Lynfia to the black sphere.

SilverMy name is Lynfia. I am just an adventurer from a remote village. A normal adventurer. Xinfa is my little sister and she is a child from an immigrant village. Still..are you willing to save her with all your power?

Of course. Dont ask me such a boorish question.

Lynfia smiled a little and accelerated her horse.

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