The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 54: The Second and The Fifth Consort

Chapter 54: The Second and The Fifth Consort

A marriage proposal for the First Princess?

Yeah, Its so troublesome.

When I returned to my room, Finne greeted me with sweets and tea.

I heave out a huge sigh as I pinch up one of the snacks.

I have never met her before but I have heard some rumors. The Princess General who has made many military achievements on various battlefields. Her fame has even reached other countries, some even say that she is the Empires strongest as well.

Thats not an exaggeration you know. In fact, five years ago, Sokals invasion was stopped because she was guarding the eastern border at the time. She fundamentally reformed the border defenses and made them stronger than ever.

Shes an amazing person, isnt she. Whats she like as a person?

Finne asked as she poured tea into the empty cup.

While thanking her, I sip the tea and think about my elder sisters personality.


If I have to use one word to describe her then it would be a soldier I guess?

S, Soldier?

Yeah, a soldier. Not a knight but a soldier. She is the embodiment of that word.

I cant imagine what shes like at all.

I think you will see when you actually met her. Shes not a knight like Elna you know. Shes a soldier. Her lover is the battlefield. She doesnt have any beautiful ideal like a one on one battle either. Shes fine with anything as long as she can win. She is very thorough about that. When our eldest brother, the Crown Prince died, she even declared that she would not join the succession war. She said that she would serve as a marshal to whoever becomes the emperor.

Thanks to that many military officers turned to support Gordon instead.

For the military officers who want to make a military achievement, they would want an emperor who has a deep connection with the army. Their only options are her or Gordon.

If she had participated in the succession war then Gordon would already have joined side with her by now.

The military shouldnt get involved in politics. They should only be concerned about protecting the country. She thinks that is the right mindset for a soldier and actually puts it into practice.

Somehow I think that she is different from the rumors I the story, she sounds more like a gorgeous person though..

Shes gorgeous alright. Shes a tall blond beauty. She can turn quite a few heads just by standing still. The atmosphere around her is completely different but she is quite similar to you, you know.

Eh.T, Thank you very much.

For some reason, Finnes face turned red and she turns her face down

When I was wondering what is happening, Sebas suddenly appeared.

Finne-sama is being bashful because you described your sister as gorgeous and tell Finne-sama that shes similar to her you know. It is like you directly say that Finne-sama is gorgeous after all.

You should already be used to something like that right? Is it embarrassing or something?

Y, Yes! Of courseit depends on the person who says it though

Is that so. I dont understand such a feeling at all.

While Finne was still being bashful about that, Sebas handed me a document.

Sebas had looked into the person who proposes to my elder sister in advance. As expected, my father wouldnt accept such a proposal from some strange person. Still, if it is the type that my sister hates then she might even be angry at me too.

Even so, there is nothing strange as far as I can see.

Well, of course, he did propose to my sister after all.

Since he proposed marriage to my sister, he must be quite bold huh, this person.

Thats true. She is the famous undefeated princess general who looked exactly like the second consort after all. The Emperor seems to be pleased with him as well.

The second consort. Isnt that Her Highness Christas.

They have the same mother. The second consort was a beauty with golden hair as well. I remember that she was a gentle person who was kind to everyone.

I guess thats why Father took a liking to you, Finne. Since my elder sister grew up to be the opposite of the second consort, you are exactly what my father wanted her to be like. If we line both of you up and ask a person, who is the daughter of the second consort, anyone will definitely choose Finne after all.

Is that so? I am very honored.

Is she really?

Finne gives me a wide smile.

I guess such an obedient part of her really scored high with father huh.

Well, since shes like that my father is so worried that she couldnt become a bride you know. Shes the eldest sister so when he brings a marriage proposal to Zandra, she can make an excuse that our eldest sister still hasnt married yet too.

In the first place, the Emperor doesnt like the fifth consort so he wouldnt be that concerned about Zandra-samas marriage as well.

His Majesty doesnt like her? I have heard that His Majesty loves all of his consorts equally though?

Finne tilts her head at Sebass words.

Hmm, is it a good idea to talk about something like this with Finne.

As I wondered so, my eyes met with Sebass and he silently gave me a nod.

I see. So he talked about that to make me tell her everything huh.

Well, if thats what he thinks then I dont have any objection.

On the surface, they are on good terms. He doesnt discriminate against their kids either. But theres a certain rumor going around about the Fifth Consort.

A certain rumor?

Its a rumor that the Fifth Consort assassinated the Second Consort.

A consort assassinating one another..?

Its not something unusual for the inner palace. Especially in important turning points like a succession war or when they gave birth to a child. At that time the Crown Prince was still alive, and Christa was just born. Even though she was loved by the Emperor, the Second Consort only has daughters so she doesnt have that important of a position. She was not someone who would be targetted in an assassination.

Then why is there such a rumor?

Yes. thats the point.

The consort who shouldnt be the target of assassination suddenly passed away.

The investigation was conducted but the cause of death is still unknown.

Because of that, the most suspicious person was the Fifth Consort.

Since the Second and the Fifth Consorts were young and had been often compared because both of them is a daughter of a duke. However, unlike the Second Consort whose Father married out of love, the Fifth Consort was someone he married through a political marriage. Both of them gave birth to a daughter but the Second Consort was the one who gave birth first. Comparing their daughters reputation, the Second Consorts is still better. Zandra has been excellent since she was a child but her personality is still a problem after all. Because of that ill will and that unilateral rivalry between them, that kind of rumor started to go around.

Is that the source of the rumor? She assassinated her because of jealousy?

I dont know. At that time the Fifth Consort had a clear alibi. When the Second Consort passed away the Fifth Consort was together with the Empress. She cant kill her, directly at least. Moreover, the investigation did not find anything that could lead to murder. Still, the Fifth Princess is suspected because she is the one who taught Zandra magic.

She is Her Highness Zandras mentor?

The magic I use is ancient magic. In other words, its a magic that can not be handed down to others. Modern magic, on the other hand, is the magic that is commonly used across the world. Among those modern magics, Zandra specializes in forbidden magic, a magic that was forbidden by our predecessors who spread modern magic to the world.

Well, there are all sorts of forbidden magic.

While some question why they had forbidden such magic, there are also people who say that those magic should be forbidden.

Zandra has studied those forbidden magics. Her contributions to the research of forbidden magic were recognized by many mages throughout the Empire.

From the mages point of view, Zandra is someone that they are extremely grateful for as she has solved many of the mysteries surrounding forbidden magic. There is more magic that can be learned and there are all sorts of forbidden magic that can be utilized. Moreover, most of those magic is powerful.

And the first person who started this movement is none other than Zandras mother, the Fifth Consort.

Zandra has been appealing that forbidden magic can be used for good but no matter how anyone thinks about it, theres no doubt that the process she has to learn such forbidden magic is dangerous. Naturally, Zandras mother, the Fifth Consort is the same. The rumor started because people doubt that there might be some spell in the forbidden magic that can be used to curse someone to death.

Does a spell like that really exist?

I dont know. I cant use anything besides ancient magic too. Well, if we look for one then we might actually find it. A curse that even the Emperors investigation couldnt find a trace of. Its not strange for something like that to exist among the forbidden magic and the ones who can discover such magic are only the Fifth Consort or Zandra who have gathered books and grimoires on forbidden magic from all across the continent.

Butif there was such magic then..

Yeah, anyone can be assassinated. Thats why she has been under suspicion. But, three years ago, the Crown Prince died. The investigation was conducted and there was no evidence of assassination. Its just like the Second Consort case..Since then, Father has always been suspicious of the Fifth Consort. Since officially there is no evidence, he couldnt stop Zandra from studying the forbidden magic as well.

Another reason for not banning Zandras research was also because it was successful.

Many of the magic that Zandra has released from being forbidden magic has been introduced to the military as military magic and has contributed to the development of new magic weapons.

As long as there is still a magical superpower like the Sokal empire, we cant afford to stop the research on that or all of our excellent mages will flow out to Sokal.

Father probably has a dilemma about this. Personally, he surely wants to put a stop on it immediately. Well, he is such a great emperor because he doesnt let personal feelings interfere with his decision though.

A person who has a grudge against the Second Consort which was the person who shouldnt be anyone target for assassination and can perform that assassination without leaving behind any evidence. Thats the reason why she is the suspect right?

Thats right. But it is still just a speculation. There is no evidence. When the Crown Prince died, both the Fifth Consort and Zandra were inside the Imperial Capital while the Crown Prince was on the front line. No matter what, it is still too much of a stretch. Even among ancient magic, there is probably no curse that can be used from such a far distance. Still, it was enough ground to make people start doubting them.

Zandras mothers house is in the south.

It is the place that Leo has to conduct his investigation.

A position like an inspector is perfect for Leo. He is a serious and earnest person so he will not miss any attempt to tamper the evidence no matter how minor it is.

But the southern region is the place where that woman holds strong influence.

It would be good if she doesnt try anything.

I will not be able to openly help him either.

The reason we were given separate tasks at the same time was also that Father wanted to test our personal competence as well.

I can only follow up for him from the shadow huh.

Then it will be fine, isnt it. Thats always how we do things anyway.


While having such a conversation, I smiled as I ate the delicious sweets Finne prepared for me.

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