The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 35: The Silver Haired Vampire

Chapter 35: The Silver Haired Vampire

As its name implies, the Ajin company is a firm run by demi-human.

All of their members are demi-human. Although it tends to attract attention because of that, due to the variety of their members, the quality of their work is much greater than other firms.

Luggage carrying jobs are assigned to physically strong demi-human. Deliver work for those who are quick on their feet. Harvesting work for those who possess a great sense of smell.

Each of these demi-human has their own specialized field in which they can perform better than humans. If they were to be put into the right field of work, it was natural that they would be able to produce better results.

Doing so, this great company gradually expanded its influence starting from the eastern side of the continent and now they have set up a branch inside the imperial capital. Furthermore, this company is being led by a mysterious vampire who never shows her face in public.

That is the Ajin Company.

Lynfia and Finne are heading to that imperial capital branch.

They just finished setting up the branch office and were about to begin their business here but that incident in the east suddenly happened. Thats why they didnt open it in the end, theres no signboard at their office either. Their leader is a vampire and the Emperor just got attacked by one. The Empire has become more sensitive toward them as demi-humans. I think it was a wise decision on their part.

Is that really the case? I dont think that they should be bothered by that since they didnt do anything wrong. It doesnt like they were the ones who attacked the Emperor right?

There wouldnt be a problem if everyone can think like Finne-sama but there are not only nice people such as yourself in this world. Many people dont see the assailants as individuals but they are viewing them as demi-humans as a whole. Of course, with their prejudice attached.

Lynfia thought of that as Finnes virtue.

She wasnt just an onlooker, she was one of the victims of the incident. Still, she held no prejudice toward vampires or other demi-human races.

Its the evidence that she doesnt judge a person by their titles or races. Since she views the assailants as individuals, she doesnt link them with something or someone else to place her animosity toward.

However, Lynfia thought that Finne should know that her way of thinking is unique.

Thats why she wants to remind Finne who seems to be oblivious about that fact.

Finne-sama. Humans are creatures with their own thoughts. You do understand that, correct?

Yes, of course.

Then you should understand that there are cases that your thoughts on things are not the same as others as well. I dont have any particular opinion about the demi-humans but if you said what you did to a person who held prejudice toward the demi-humans, it might be taken that you are an advocate for the demi-human. That will be a disadvantage for you and for your faction as well. If you think of the princes then you should be careful when you want to voice your personal thoughts like that.

Th, thats right..that is certainly true. It was my mistake..

Seeing the shrinking Finne, Lynfia felt like she did something bad. However, Lynfia still wont do anything to comfort her.

Since Al asked her to take care of Finne in exchange for saving her village, Lynfia felt that she has a responsibility toward Finne.

As an adventurer, she has to work to get her reward.

At least she has to protect the faction and make Finne take credit for something. She cant ask for a reward if she couldnt at least do that.

Moreover, Al had already hired Abels party to protect the village for her.

Any amount of work would be overshadowed by the sum of money he already paid.

As Silver, Al possesses an enormous amount of money so he just paid it without a second thought but as a prince, that amount of money would be quite hard to pull out so easily.

That was what stimulated Lynfias sense of responsibility.

Your opponent this time is a representative of a big company. If you make a careless statement, it is highly likely that you will be coaxed into something by them. Please be careful.

Ye, Yes!

Lynfia nodded as she saw Finnes face tense up.

At the same time, the carriage stopped.

They have arrived at Ajin Companys imperial capital branch office.

The branch office that is located in the prime location of the Imperial capital was quiet.

There was almost no one around.

Entering the office, they met a blonde elf who seems to be the secretary of the representative, she acts as a guide to show their way inside the office.

No one says a word.

They kept following the secretary inside the big office building and stopped in front of a red door.

The representative is waiting for you inside. Please enter.


Saying so, the secretary opens the door.

The two entered the room but there was no one inside.

By the time they noticed, the secretary had already backed away and left the room.

Did we come to the wrong room?

I dont think that the guide would make such a mistake. Its a common thing to do to let the other party wait so lets sit down and wait for her.

Lynfia calmly urges Finne to sit down on the sofa.

After a little hesitation, Finne starts brewing tea using the tools on the table.

Do you want some as well, Lynfia-san?

Im acting as your escort right now so please dont mind me. I will trouble you again once we get back.

Is that so.drinking tea alone is no fun though

Looking lonely, Finne drinks her tea alone.

Behind Finne, a hand suddenly reached out from Lynfias side.

Although taken by surprise, Lynfia managed to catch it before it reached Finne.


Arara, thats a shame. I wanted to enjoy the feeling of the Blau Mowe but its fine, the escort is also a cute one after all.

Saying so, the person who suddenly appeared next to Lynfia used the gap from when Lynfia protected Finne to circle around her back and began to fondle her boobs with both hands from behind.


Yup, a little unsatisfactory I guess? But there is still room for growth! Hang in there!


Lynfia who committed a blunder tried to draw her magic sword but Finne stopped her.

Lynfia-san. Please bear with it.


Its a pleasure to meet you. Im Finne von Kleinert. I assumed that you are the representative of the Ajin Company, correct? And please release my escort. If you insist to play around more than this I dont mind going back right now though?

Ahaha, dont make such a scary face. This is just a simple skinship you know, skinship. Thats right, I am the representative of this company.

Said the silver-haired woman with a cramped smile.

She has wavy semi-short hair and purplish-red pupils.

She has an adult atmosphere but she has a very young appearance. She looks like she is in her late teens to the early twenties however, you cant predict a vampires age by their appearance so Finne stopped thinking about it.

The woman has the characteristic white skin and beauty of the vampires. Her appearance shouldnt be considered inferior even when compared to Finne. If you have a hundred men as judges, the vote would be split in half.

That silver-haired woman showed a cheerful smile that exuded a friendly atmosphere and headed to her desk.

She sat on the desk, crossed her legs and looked straight at Lynfia and Finne.

I am the representative of the Ajin Company, Yuriya. You might already know this but Im a vampire. I love cute girls and money as well. What I enjoy is feeling up a cute girl and making money. Nice to meet you!.

Seeing the too frank a self-introduction of Yuriya, Lynfia instantly realized her mistake.

This might be the place that she shouldnt bring the peerless beauty like Finne to.

However, Finne, the person in question calmly accepted Yuriyas self-introduction.

I like cute women as well, Yuriya-san.

Oh! To think that we are on the same wavelength, we might really get along, Finne.

Finne doesnt get work up by suddenly being called without any honorifics so Lynfia couldnt do anything but she unusually finds it hard to cope up with her instead.

Seeing such Lynfia, Yuriya smiles.

Dont be so nervous. We will have a proper business talk alright. If you can bring me a profit then I can give you a gift in return. You want us to be your ally in the succession war, correct? Lets start the negotiation then.

Saying so, Yuriya dominates the negotiation field.

Seeing that, Lynfia started regretting her decision again.

Yuriya is not just a simple merchant. Perhaps she has lived even longer than Finne or Lynfias grandparents, she has gone through hundreds of merchants battles while being shackled down by a label of being a demi-human to develop the Ajin company from a small-time business to a large company it is today.

She thought that she would be able to carry the negotiation to their advantage but from Yuriyas appearance, shes like the word composure incarnated. She has completely taken the flow of this negotiation.

Now, what should I do?

When Lynfia thought so.

Albeit too quickly, Finne played their strongest card.

The bargaining chip is me. I will give you the right to use me so in return please lend us your power.

Lynfia was stunned by a sudden All-in but whats more important was that Yuriya was taken by surprise.

However, she quickly recovered and showed a fearless smile.

If you give me that right then I might make you do something unbecoming of a lady of the duke house you know?

Please feel free to do so.

Replied, an immediate answer.

It was now Yuriyas turn to be pressured by Finnes smile.

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