The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 265: A Brother’s Expectation

Chapter 265: A Brother’s Expectation

In the sky above the Imperial Capital, the Griffon Knights and the Dragon Knights are engaging in an aerial battle.

The Griffon Knights are on the dominating side.

With Elna down below, the castle is almost completely sealed. To get out, they have no choice but to dispatch the Dragon Knights since they can fly out of the castle without relying on the land route. Although they managed to dispatch several Dragon Knights, every time they did, Elna always found an opening and cut a few of them down, making their number steadily decreasing.

Another reason that the Griffon Knights are at advantage is that Leo is doing quite well against Prince William in a one on one combat.

With only a few days on top of a griffon, you managed to match me! You truly are a terrifying prince!

William tries to get behind Leo but Leo skillfully steers Noir and tries to get behind him instead.

Griffons have a higher ability than flying dragons but the red flying dragon William is riding is a special one that has an ability close to that of a griffon.

Thats why one could say that theres not much difference between their rides. And thats exactly why William strongly felt that he had to kill Leo here.

If he can already do this when he is not that used to aerial warfare yet, he might become untouchable on the battlefield in the future.

However, even with his best effort, William still couldnt finish Leo off.

Then how about this!!

William descends and charges at Leo from underneath.

On the other hand, Leo doesnt have a countermeasure against such an attack. This is an attack that he has never seen before. Moreover, with the speed that even faster than that of a horse, it cant be helped that he cant do anything about it.

Thats why William expected this attack to hit. This time he was sure that he can deal some damage.

However, Leo managed to barely parry the spear William thrust at him.


William grinds his teeth again.

William has already outmaneuvered Leo many times already. There is a big difference between them since William has many years of aerial combat experience under his belt.

However, Leo always managed to parry his attack.

His role is to stall William to make it easier for the other Griffon Knights to move.

Its obvious that he would lose to William in terms of movement. Thinking that all he needs to do is to not get incapacitate, Leo managed to parry Williams blow because his mind was focusing on defense.

However, that alone wouldnt make William struggling as he is right now.

William, whose attack got parried, took a distance and tried to regain his posture but Leo immediately launched an attack at him from underneath.

It was the same technique William just used on him.

William ascends at the same speed as Leo and moves sideways at the timing of his attack.

Seeing that, Leo smiles.

I see. So thats how you avoid it.

Seeing Leo smiling as he learned his move, the image of his and Als smile when he jumped off the castle overlapped in Williams mind.

The way they smile is different.

However, both of their smiles possess the same intensity. Their smiles instill a sense of indescribable fear in him.

So this is the rumored Black Twin Princes huh.

It is not unusual for someone to absorb their opponents technique in the middle of combat but for someone to immediately be able to use the technique at a practical level against their opponent and even learn how their opponent avoids it is something that William couldnt do.

If Leo can perfectly imitate him then eventually the one in danger will be William.

The Empires Black Twin Princes. There is no doubt in his mind that they are both capable. However, what he must truly be vigilant against is their mentality.

The elder brother casually deceives others before jumping off the castle with a smile while the younger brother carefreely starts studying his opponents technique during battle. Both of them are abnormal. Describing it as them only being brave wont cut it.

While being impressed, William adjusts his grip on the spear.

He has to quickly defeat him and support his men on the ground.

Now is the only chance to defeat him as he only started to absorb his techniques.

Prince Leonard, you are strong. I will admit that.

Im honored, Prince William.

It would be great if we could meet each other somewhere other than a battlefield. We would be able to respectably meet each other that way.

Its not too late. You can still correct your mistake.

It is already too late. Can you truly forgive the United Kingdom? After we caused such damage to the Empire, it is impossible for us to be forgiven with no strings attached. We have already reached the point of no return.

It wont do to give up before we can even begin to negotiate. The current Empire has many enemies. We would be glad to have the United Kingdom on our side.

You siblings are truly good with your words. Butthe people who suffered from this incident will not be convinced with that. They will ask for something appropriate in return. They will surely ask for either my fathers or my brothers head. If they can be appeased with my head alone then I will willingly offer my head to them. But that wont be enough. Thats why I cant stop now. I will defeat you and Saint Leticia then take down the Emperor. That is the only thing I can do now.

Saying so, William hold up his spear.

In response, Leo also readied his sword.

Then I only have to stop you by force. I will not let you kill anyone. I wont let you do as you please in the sky of the Empire.

The silence lasts only a moment.

Both of them assault each other with tremendous momentum.

Their clash continues to repeat.

The battle above the Imperial Capital was still undecided.


Just a little more, Your Highness!


Alois and Rupert broke through the enemys encirclement and are approaching the east gate.

They are only accompanied by Aloiss knights.

Mitsubas group were waiting before the encirclement with the Imperial Knights guarding them.

Why did they split up?

That was because Lize had launched an assault on the enemys encirclement and the enemys attention has turned to her.

Judging that they should be able to get past them with a small group, he told Mitsubas group to hide in a nearby abandoned house. In case the enemys line collapsed, the Imperial Knights were instructed to follow them as they would try to break through the enemy with his small group first.

As Alois read, the enemies that were having their hands full dealing with Lizes assault couldnt respond to Aloiss attack.

Their group easily broke through and headed to the east gate where the Emperor was supposed to be.


HALT! Who are you!

Viscount Alois von Simmel! I have brought His Highness Rupert!

Alois, who was stopped by the knight, declared so in a loud voice.

Then, a voice was heard from behind the knight.

Is that true! Rupert! You are safe!


When Emperor Johannes spotted Rupert, he immediately rushed to him.

He then checks for any injuries and tightly hugged him.

You did well coming all this way! Good boy!

The moment he heard those words, tears spilled from Ruperts eyes.

Many people thought that he cried because hes finally safe but that was wrong.

Rupert separated from Johannes and kneeled down before him.

..please forgive me..I am a fool

Whats wrong? What happened?

On the way here..I abandoned Christas aneue and Trau-aniue..

Your Majesty! His Highness has a reason for this!

Alois hurriedly tries to explain but Johannes interrupts him with his hand.

He then gently put his hand on Ruperts head.

Dont say that you abandoned them. I can see how painful it was for you from those tears.

I.I was only a decoy.Arnold-aniue entrusted me with a fake jewelbut I was told to treat it as the real one..that I have to run away no matter what.but..even when he told me to run, what worth does someone who can only run away have..even though I also belong to the Imperial familyI couldnt do anything

When his country is facing a crisis, he couldnt do anything meaningful nor could he help his family.

Why am I so weak? Why am I such a coward?

If only I was stronger.

Only regrets exist in Ruperts mind.

However, hearing Rupert, Johannes slowly reaches for the bag hung on Ruperts while muttering It cant be..

He then opens the bag and reaches for the content inside.

There were two jewels inside.

Seeing that, Johannes slowly stands up.

Rupert. I have to revise your evaluation.


Im being punished.

Rupert thought.

Naturally. Only punishment would suit someone who abandoned their own brother and sister.

That was Ruperts thought.

I treated you like a father would earlier but right now I must speak to you as the Emperor of this nation. [You did well running away from them, Prince Rupert.these are the real jewels.]


Arnold gave you the real thing. To deceive your enemy, first, deceive your ally. That plan is certainly like him. He probably believes that you will definitely be able to run away. No matter how difficult or painful it is, he believes that you will fulfill your duty and you answered his trust. Splendid work.

Saying so, he firmly grabbed Ruperts shoulders.

Dont look down on yourself! You can be proud! You have fulfilled the responsibilities of the Imperial Family! You have lived up to your brothers expectations! You are truly my son!


Dont say it! You have no need to say anything! Alois! You did well protecting my son! When this is over, I shall reward both of you with a medal! This achievement is worthy of that!

Johannes also proceeds to praise Alois.

On the other hand, Alois quietly shook his head.

Your Majesty. Since the Rainbow Celestial Jewels are already here, let us hurry. Your Majesty should leave the Imperial Capital while His Highness Arnold is buying time for us.

Umuit seems I have to give Arnold a medal too huh. He will probably hate that though.

Your Majesty. Beyond the enemy encirclement, Mitsuba-sama and Gianna-sama are waiting for us with the Imperial Knights. Would you please send reinforcements her way?

What? So both of them were safe? As expected of you Alois. Great job.

With that said, Johannes assigned soldiers to retrieve them.

Hearing that, Alois asked for one more thing.

Also-please allow me to borrow a few horses.

What? Where are you planning to go?

I will head out to assist His Highness Arnold and Her Highness Christa, Your Majesty.

You dont have to worry about those two. Lizelotte already went out to pick them up herself.

Yes. my strength will not make any difference but I must go. I am His Highness Ruperts knight after all.

Alois stands up.

He then speaks to Rupert.

I will go to them in your place, Your Highness.

AloisUn! Take care of Aneue for me!

Your wish is my command.

Saying so, Alois straddles on the horse Johannes prepared.

He then heads through the opening in the enemys encirclement that Lize created before it closes.

Seeing him off, Johannes smiled at Rupert.

You have a good knight.


After that, the Emperors party left the Imperial Capital through the east gate.

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