The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 260: The Strongest Childhood Friend and the Best Younger Brother

Chapter 260: The Strongest Childhood Friend and the Best Younger Brother

Lets hear your terms, Prince Arnold.

As expected of the Dragon Prince. You are quite reasonable.

After holding back the angry Gordon and Zandra, William started negotiating with me.

So I tell him my terms.

I only have one condition. Allow the Emperor to withdraw from the capital. Lower the Celestial Sphere and let us out.

Dont.FUCK WITH ME!!!!!

Gordon is enraged.

Even after he cornered Father to such an extent, I told him to let him go. Obviously, he would get angry.

The Rainbow Celestial Jewel is needed to defeat the Emperor but if he lets the Emperor escapes to obtain it, he would be putting the cart before the horse.


I cant allow everyone to withdraw from the capital. Theres no guarantee that you will keep your word after all.

Right. I just wanted to say it once. Alright then, how far are you willing to compromise?

I playfully asked William.

As a rule of thumb for negotiations, I will not expressly say what I want. The condition must come from the other side.

Thats why I told them the condition that they will never agree with. Now, they have the initiative to present theirs.

If they dont establish the minimum line of compromise then the talk can not proceed and we will only waste our time here instead.

And thats fine as well.

.at the very least, I want you alone to stay. After you used your brothers and sisters as decoys, you will not say that you are not willing to become a hostage yourself right?

You poked where it hurts huh. Well, thats fine. I can stay but everyone else must be allowed outside the Imperial Capital.

That term is unacceptable.

Oh my, if you keep denying my demands like this then theres no point to this negotiation, no?

Then perhaps it would be better for you to lower your demand a little.

While holding back Gordon and Zandra from exploding on me, he does a good job maintaining his calm while negotiating with me like this.

Normally, the two would already flare up and the negotiation would already be over.

Despite being a prince, he has ridden on his dragon and fought on the battlefield himself. The mental strength he possesses is quite something.

Very well, lets see how much we can compromise then. What kind of condition would you find acceptable?

Only the Emperor and the Prime Minister will be allowed to withdraw.

Surely, you jest. After you let those two out, you are going to strengthen the Celestial Sphere and kill all other members of the Imperial Family left inside right. Besides, after you get Father away from his close aides, you are planning to kill him anyway, no?

Unfortunately, our side wants to win too after all.

William smiles.

I also smile in response.

What a shame. If he is not on Gordons side, we might be able to reach an understanding with the United Kingdom through this prince.

When I thought so, Gordon speaks to me as if he cant hold his anger in anymore.

Arnold.if you want to keep your life then hand the jewel to me right now!

Its because I want to keep my life that I cant give it to you though.

Okay, we will leave this place. You can hand the jewel to Prince William after that.

Please dont make me laugh. Its written on your face that you are planning to shoot your magic at me from a distance.

I immediately refused Zandras attempt at compromise with a smile.

Zandra clicks her tongue and glares at me. 

So she was planning to do that after all huh. She sure is easy to understand.

Gordon, Princess Zandra, please step back. I will negotiate with him alone.

I hate the very idea of negotiation! Why do I have to be at the mercy of the likes of Arnold? I will never accept this!!

Maybe it is because I have the Rainbow Celestial Jewel?

Dont mess with me! You have no power over me! You think you can negotiate with me because you have the jewel!? Dont make me laugh! Leonard already took all your good points whatsoever away the moment you were born! You Dull Prince! You cant do anything by yourself, dont you dare speak to me like that when you are the laughing stock of the whole Empire!!

Saying so, Gordon unsheathed his sword.

Christa tightened her grip on my arm.

However, I didnt lose my composure and look straight back at Gordon.

So? You want to cut me down? What will you do afterward? It should be difficult to defeat Father without the jewel. The Brave or Elna might arrive before you can defeat him, no? Once they are here, the one who will be at a disadvantage here is you.

GordonPrince Arnold is right. Put away your sword.

Dont order me around! Negotiations are only something a coward would do! Its just the trick that the weak use to stall the strong! All you can do is stall for time! You fool have nothing! Hows that!? Can you deny it!?

No, I wont deny that. Rather, were you trying to provoke me? You want me to get angry and duel you, Aniue? Please dont say something so stupid. I have been ridiculed by everyone in the Empire for half my life already you know? Why should I care what you say about me now?

You..! It makes me sick to think that I am blood-related to someone like you! You disgrace of the Imperial Family!!

I am still much better than a rebel though.

I have no intention to fold. After all, I am convinced of my absolute superiority.

Gordon started shouting because he doesnt like that. However, no matter how loud he is, theres nothing he can do.

He should leave this to William but he cant do even that. He has no self-control and he cant leave something he cant deal with to others.

This reaction is what I expected from Gordon who can see nothing but his own power. Hes always trying to solve everything on his own.

Shut up! I can just choke the life out of you now you know!?

Feel free to do it if you think you can. Prince William will probably stop you anyway.

In the end, you cant do anything without relying on others! You really know how to make yourself pathetic huh. Both you and Rupert, why do I have to be in the same family with you trashes!? He was a pathetic coward who didnt even have the courage to stand up to me! Just what value do you two have!? The Imperial Family represents absolute strength! Why do I have to share it with you weaklings!?

I seeso Rupert chose to run huh.

Yeah, thats right! He ran away! When Christa was about to be caught, he ran away even though he had the strength to help her! Theres no one that is more of a coward than him!

The feelings he had when he decided to run will probably never understand that.

How painful it would feel to run away even though you have the power to help someone dear to you.

In that situation, running away would be much more difficult than confronting his enemy. Considering the criticism he will receive, its obvious that confronting his enemy face to face is better.

After all, most people think that it is more courageous to confront your enemy. Escaping is an option only available to cowards. Something that a coward would do, it is easy to think like that.

However, Im sure that Rupert didnt run away because he was a coward.

He mustered up his courage and ran away.

Why should I care! I dont want to know what a coward like that feels! I have no interest in people who have nothing like you! I am the strong, I am the ruler! Im different from weaklings like you!

Hmph.I am special, I am different from others. Im tired of hearing you say that. Because you inherit a great bloodline? Because you have more ability than others? If those things can decide everything then this continent would already be under the SS-rank adventurers rule already.

Shut up! They are not fit to lead people! I have the right position and the right power! I am different from the likes of you! I am absolute! The fact that the soldiers chose to follow me is evidence enough! My path is righteous! The weak should just obey the strong! Just realize that you are a weakling and obey me!!

This is getting ridiculous. Its useless talking to you. You and I will never understand each other. I will not recognize someone who cant recognize others as an emperor. And thats not just me. Many people share that feeling as well.

If they refuse to obey me then I will simply crush them! The weak will never win against the strong!

I see..let me confirm then, you think of me and Rupert as the weak right?

Thats what I am saying!

Then if we win here, your ideal will shatter. I am looking forward to it. Just what kind of excuse you will come up with to justify your strength I wonder.


I take a step back.

We were originally standing before the edge of the square.

If we take one more step back, we will fall.

Scared, Christa hugged me.

Christa, do you trust me?

I always believe in you.

I seeGordon-aniue, no, Gordon. You said that I have nothing right. That might be true. I am the Dull Prince who has nothing. But from my point of view, you are the one who has nothing. You do not have the strongest thing in this world.

Theres nothing better than your own power!

No, there is. Humans can not live alone. We all have different strengths,  weaknesses, and personalities. Those things make up an individual. If I lack something then I can keep on living by having others make up for me. Thats why we created a society, a country, something that can unite us. Power is needed to create those. You need the power to create connections between people. Thats the [Bonds]. Thats why I will deny you. Even if I have nothingI have something that will never lose to others. Remember this. I have the strongest childhood friendand the best younger brother.

Saying so, I stepped off.

I felt like my body floated for a moment, and then I began to fall.

During that time, a thunderous sound echoes from the outside.

A torrent of light wrapped around the entire Celestial Sphere and shattered like glass.

Then from beyond the sphere.

A black griffon is diving down toward us with the backdrop of the bright sun that had risen high in the sky.

Sorry but, I will push all the troublesome things to my brother now.

Saying so, grinned and stretched out my right hand to Leo who is approaching us at a tremendous speed.

The Strongest Childhood Friend and the Best Younger Brother

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