The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 257: Blau Mowe Story – Second Part

Chapter 257: Blau Mowe Story – Second Part

As she stood in front of the gathered adventurers, Finne took a deep breath.

There are about a hundred adventurers inside the guild right now. There are still many more adventurers inside the Imperial Capital but they are currently guarding the other civilian shelters.

However, most of the adventurers that are currently here are the core members of the Imperial Capital branch. Their ranks are high and they are quite influential.

If she can persuade them, the others will follow.

The problem here is that these people are genuine adventurers.

Adventurers. Thank you for giving me the chance to speak to you all. I am Finne von Kleinert, you all might know me by the name of the Blau Mowe. As you may already know, a rebellion has occurred inside the Imperial Capital. The one who is leading this rebellion is the Third Prince, Gordon Lakes Adler, and his followers, the extremists of the Imperial army.

After she explained to them the details of the situation, Finne looked at the faces of the adventurers.

They all have a difficult expression on their faces.

Finne understood their feelings well. These people love freedom and always live as they please but each one has their own way and belief of being an adventurer.

Many may call them wild and violent and that is not necessarily wrong. These people are indeed wild and violent.

Still, Finne believes in them.

After all, the person whom Finne trusts the most believes in them.

I have come before you all to ask for your help. The Imperial Capital is in great turmoil. I am not here to ask you to assist His Majesty the Emperor. I simply want to ask you to be the one who protects the citizens. Doing so might make you an enemy of His Highness Gordon. I understand well that in the likely case where His Highness Gordon ascends the throne, it will bring great trouble to everyone here. Even sowould you please stand up for the people of the Imperial Capital?

The adventurers look at Finne. 

These people hate injustice. They became an adventurer because they hated lying to themselves or because they hate the idea of obeying others.

To them, Gordons method is the very thing that they hate.


Hey, Finne-sama. I have a question, may I?

Asked a slightly scary looking brown-haired man.

It was Gai, Ritas master, and Als childhood friend.

What is it, Gai-san.

We adventurers are not that educated you see. We do not know much about politics but we do understand that a rebellion is bad. Still, even if the top of this country changes to someone else, we adventurers couldnt care less about that. A nation does not interfere with the guilds business and the guild doesnt interfere with how a country is run. Its the job of the nobles and knights to protect the country. Our job is only to protect the people. That should have been the established rule. If a country falls into crisis, it should be the responsibility of the nobles and the knights to deal with it, right? So you see, even if you asked for our help, theres nothing we can dobesides, where and what are those nobles doing right now?

Being pierced with his words, Finne was silent.

There are many nobles inside the Imperial Capital. Even though a few of them possess enough strength to stand against Gordon, rarely any of them joined the fight.

They might be unable to move due to the curse on the arena but that was only at first.

If they can get out of the arena, their strength should have returned already. However, she doesnt see any nobles making their move at all.

Surely, Gai and the adventurers here know what they are doing.

Thats why Finne couldnt say anything.

There were a lot of nobles that fled to the shelters and acted like they own the place you know. There were some that even pushed the children and old people to save themselves too. Well, we did beat those guys up but spare us from wiping their asses for them. All of us here only get stronger for the sake of subduing monsters after all.

I admit that there were many corrupted nobles. Its true that there are many nobles who cant understand what it means to be noble and going around boasting their privilege. However, please do not judge all of us nobles after you have only seen a part of us. Among us, there are those that put their lives on the line to fight for this country. Humans have both the good and the bad. Please do not look only at our negative side.

I know. I understand that there are other nobles like you too. Even I know a lot of good ones myself. Even so, we cant move. In our eyes, the Emperor and that Third Prince are the same after all.

Gai said so and turned his eyes away from Finne.

Every adventurer also averts their eyes from her.

Seeing that, a dark shadow casts on Finnes heart.


The same? They are completely different(Desuwa)! You people should have your eyes check(Desuwa)!?


Wh, What? Who is that weirdly talking woman

I am not weird(Desuwa)! You people are the weird ones(Desuwa)! the Emperor and that Third Prince are the same? Are you all stupid (Desuno)!?

Stupid!? Wha!

Whats wrong with calling stupid people stupid(Desuno)!? Comparing that Prince who started a rebellion in a festival where VIPs from all over the continent gathered and the Emperor who could escape at any time but chose not to is beyond rude(Desuwa)! If the Second Prince can get here then the Emperor should be able to escape by himself with a small number of escorts too(Desuwa)! He didnt do it because he knows that the people will suffer if he does that(Desuwa)! How can you not understand even that(Desuno)!?

If Eric can come here then the Emperor should be able to do the same.

That way, it would have been possible to forcibly involve the adventurers here.

The adventurers do not allow the soldiers in the vicinity of the guild. If the Emperor lures them here, he can force a situation where the two groups collide.

He has enough power to move anywhere he wants but the more he moves, the wider the battle will spread. That way, the damage to the citizens will increase.

Between the Third Prince that couldnt care less about the people and the Emperor who doesnt want his people to get hurt, its clear how different they are(Desuwa)! The fact that the Emperor didnt forcibly involve you all in this fight is naturally because he does recognize all of you as the people that he must protect(Desuwa)!

Even if thats the case! Theres no reason for us to help right! To maintain the security for the civilians we would have to fight the soldiers! We might be able to secure some areas and evacuate the civilians there but we will have to deal with a large number of soldiers! No matter how many lives we have it wont be enough!

If you are afraid to die then you should have said so from the start(Desuwa)! You coward!


Gais cheeks cramped up at Mias words.

The patience of other adventurers also seems to be at its limit with Mias attitude.

However, against those adventurers, Mia slowly pointed her finger at the castle.

Over that castle crawling with rebel soldiers, a prince is staying there, fighting for you all. The prince you all ridiculed as the Dull Prince is doing everything he can to protect this country in that castle you know.

Al is.!? No way! Is that true!?

Yes, its true

That idiot..!

Gai said as he stared at the castle.

If it was Al, he thought that he would have detected the danger early on and escaped already. At the very least, the Al that Gai knows would do that. Al wasnt the kind of person that would let himself get caught in a dangerous situation.

The only possibility of that happening is when his family is in danger.

He knows that Al will never be motivated to do anything except in such cases.

It is not just Prince Arnold(Desuwa!) Prince Rupert who is only ten years old offered to become a decoy himself even while knowing the danger! And not only them, many people in the castle are also willing to do what they can(Desuwa)! You people may think that its only natural for the Imperial Family to give their lives for this country but thats not how the royalty of other countries are(Desuwa)! Do you know how blessed this country is!

To Mia who has seen the royal family and nobles of the Dominion, she cant recognize that the Imperial Family of the Empire is the same as those people.

They thought that its obvious that they should prioritize themselves first. Most of the royalty and nobles of the Dominion think that their country exists for themselves. She could rarely find any nobles like Finne or Alois back in the Dominion.

The royalty and nobles of the Dominion are people that can willingly give up on their citizens.

If that was not the case, Mia wouldnt have chosen to become the chivalrous thief. If the royalty and nobles of the Dominion have even one-tenth of the sense of responsibility the Imperial Family of the Empire has toward their people then she wouldnt have chosen this path.

To Mia, the attitude of the Adventurers here is something that she couldnt stand.

If the country is in turmoil, the adventurers will also get affected. However, the adventurers in this country are not in a panic because of the common sense that no matter which prince or princess ascends the throne, they will at least do the minimum for them.

That was how it used to be so it should be like that in the future as well. That naive thinking can be seen after observing the adventurers here.

I can assure you all here(Desuwa)! If you do not stand on the Emperors side right now, you all will definitely regret it!!

Mia declared so.

The adventurers started to hesitate a little.

It was an opportunity.

While thanking Mia for turning the tide in her favor, Finne starts to address the adventurers again.

His Highness Gordon has acquired cooperation from the United Kingdom, the Dominion, and the Kingdom for this rebellion. After becoming the emperor, he intends to use them to suppress the princes and princesses who dont recognize his rule. However, no country will ask nothing in return for their help. There will definitely be war. In war, this land will be ruined, a large number of monsters will run rampant and the people will suffer. If its an adventurers job to subjugate monsters then is it not your job to prevent such things?


The adventurers including Gai are silent.

They are hesitating and start to consider it.

Finne judges that now is the time to wrap things up.

His Highness Gordon doesnt care about the people. Seeing this rebellion, that much is clear. The Emperor who does not wish to get his people involved will not try to rely on the adventurers. It is said that the fact that there are few monsters in the Empire is due to the Empires funding to the guild so that it can maintain a certain number of adventurers here. What would happen if that is gone? Adventurers will go elsewhere in search of work. Many adventurers might be fine with that. But what about the adventurers that have a family here? If you receive a request without being able to fill in the necessary amount of manpower, the mortality rate of the adventurers here will surely increase.

The Empire is quite friendly to its adventurers.

Generations after generations, the emperor never looked down on the adventurers. To have a successful rule, it is necessary to have the adventurers around to subdue the monsters. For the People. That was the ideal that all adventurers share and it is something that all emperors value.

However, Gordon is not interested in having a successful reign.

Gordon, who always prioritizes war, will not put importance on the adventurers.

Finne explains that to them.

Still, they didnt respond.

One more push, just one more push.

When she thought so.

A push came in a surprising way.

[[Imperial Marshal Lizelotte. Can you hear me? If you can hear this then give up the Emperor to us immediately. Otherwise, Christa will be executed.]]

By using the voice amplifier magic tool, Gordons words were heard throughout the Imperial Capital.

For a moment, a chill ran down Finnes back.

It was only an instant but the adventurers in front of her let out their killing intent.

They slowly stared at the castle.

How old was Princess Christa?

I heard that shes around twelve years old.

He tried to execute a child huh.dont screw with me.

That bastard, does he have no love for his family at all?

The adventurers began to raise their complaints about Gordon.

Then one of them asked the receptionist who was standing behind Finne.

If it is only maintaining security then we can do it right?

Yes. His Highness Eric has already discussed this with the headquarters. If it is only at the level of maintaining the security to protect the citizens then they will not count this as the guild interfering with the Empires business. But..


They do not allow Silver to take action.

Ha! Thats all? The guilds higher-ups never learn huh. Like hell, that guy would stay silent and obey the guilds order. He will show up if it becomes necessary. Anyway.

I think so as well. Then, is it okay to conclude that the Imperial Capital Branch will take on the request of maintaining the capital security? Everyone?

Yeah, we will take the east side of the middle layer.

I hate the gut of those soldiers who walk around like they own the place anyway. This is good.

I didnt like that prince from the start. I want to punch him in the face.

I agree on that one. Should we raid the castle after we finish securing the area?

Finne breathed out when she saw the adventurers started talking about themselves.

These people are adventurers.

It is exactly because they are adventurers that they can honestly voice out about what they dont like.

To them, Gordon has crossed the line. Al okay?

I dont know. But as long as Al-sama is in the castle, he will never abandon Her Highness Christa.

Well, if its Al then he will never abandon her.

Gai said so as he scratched his head.

As an old friend of Al, Gai knew that Leo and Elna were outside the Imperial Capital.

Thats why he was surprised that Al is pushing himself like this.

.It would be nice if he doesnt go too crazy with this.

While thinking that he would surely push himself, Gai muttered so.

Al will always do something unthinkable when someone important to him is involved.

Stay safe.

Muttering so, Gai looked up at the sky.

The sun was dazzlingly high.

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