The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 254: The Dragon Prince

Chapter 254: The Dragon Prince

Going back a little in time.

Traus group that entered the passage before Finne was the first to pass through the enemys encirclement.

This is thanks to Wendy. With her illusion, Traus group easily managed to elude the enemys eyes and sneak past their encirclement.

After that, they proceed to head to the east gate.

However, there was one miscalculation.

Considering the burden casting the illusion will have on Wendy, Trau chose to have her use an illusion to divert the soldiers attention instead of turning themselves invisible. In other words, they could not elude the eyes in the sky.

Once we cross the main street the east gate should be a little up ahead. There will be a siege there but we will act as a decoy for you.

Please head to the east gate together with Her Highness Christa, Your Highness.

I will leave it to you two.

Trau agreed to the Raiffeisen brothers proposal.

A vassals duty is to make a sacrifice for the Imperial Family. Trau doesnt take that for granted but he understands that right now this is their only option.

It is easy for him to raise a complaint here but if he does that, he will end up unable to protect what he must.

It would be different if he has the power to protect someone without giving up anything but Trau doesnt think that he has such power.

Everyone, it is just a little longer. Can you do your best until then?


Rita too!

Im..okay too.

Christa, Rita, and Wendy answered. Only Wendy seemed a little tired. This is because she has already used her illusion many times today.

It might be dangerous to rely on her any more than this. If she loses her consciousness while using her illusion, their whereabouts will immediately be discovered. With that in mind, Trau instructed the group to cross the main street.

After observing the surrounding, they confirmed that there are no enemy soldiers around.

It seemed like the perfect timing for them to cross.

However, hearing the unique sound of the wind from the sky, they realized that it was a mistake.

Your Highness!!

Marx, the elder of the Raiffeisen brothers pulled out his sword and deflected the spear that was thrown at Trau.


His order was immediate.

The guards immediately get into a defensive position around Traus group.

In the meantime, the Dragon Knights slowly descend from the sky.

So the Raiffeisen brothers could detect us from the sound alone huhit seems you havent lost your edge.

Said the man straddled on a red dragon.

Reddish blonde hair and magenta(Reddish-Purple) eyes.

Although he has a neat and tidy face, he is a mysterious man that possesses a sense of wildness to him.

The name of this man is William van Drummond.

The second prince of the United Kingdom with the moniker of the Dragon Prince.

The Dragon Prince of the United Kingdom huhI heard that the Dragon Knights have a very strict code of chivalry but it seems that it is nothing much given that you have participated in a cowardly rebellion like this.

Thats a harsh word but we can not refute that. I shall accept it. Yes, I am a coward. However, this is also for my homeland. Was it not for your homeland that you, who lost your lord and left the battlefield behind, are here right now?

We have returned to serve His Highness Traugott. We did not come here for the sake of the Empire. This is our loyalty.

William squints his eyes at Manuels words.

He then unsheathed the sword on his waist.

How envious. I am glad that you were blessed with good vassals. Prince Traugott.

I completely agree with you on that. They are wasted on me. So, Prince William. Will you add my head to the list of your military achievements?

Please dont be so modest, Prince. As the direct younger brother of the Crown Prince, you have quite a special position. Even now, you are acting outside the castle with your escorts. Perhaps you brought something of value out with you? For example, the Rainbow Celestial Jewel that was entrusted with the Imperial Knight Commander.

William said so and looked at the bag hanging on Traus waist.

Originally, William and his Dragon Knights were supposed to wait at the castle as he thought that the rebellion was Gordons responsibility to manage.

It was Williams father, the King of the United Kingdom, who chose to support Gordon. William himself was against it. He personally came to the Empire because of his friendship with Gordon but William wished for Gordon to take the throne without resorting to a rebellion.

It would be a different story if the current Emperor had a clear fault in his rule but there was no such thing in Johanness reign. This rebellion only serves the army. The absence of war was good for the people and is the result of the Empires excellent diplomacy.

The backlash is inevitable if Gordon chooses to use the military to force them to accept his rule.

The nobles will not accept him as their emperor and the other candidates will start their own rebellion in the regions that support them if that happens, the Empire will be locked into a state of large scale civil war.

That would be the result that not only the United Kingdom but the Dominion also desired.

The Empire that reigns over the central part of the continent has been an immovable mountain for foreign countries that wish to expand their territory for many years. It is not that rare for their invasion to be repelled and their countries got counter invaded instead.

However, William did not like such a method. The peoples hearts will not go with them when they take territory from a disturbed country. It would be like taking on a huge liability.

Their grudge would probably remain for hundreds of years. Moreover, if they take the entirety of the Empire, they will be in conflict with other countries and further wars will be born.

The continent will enter a warring era. William suggested a wait-and-see approach to his father but he was dismissed and his father decided to join Gordon.

His idea was that the United Kingdom is an island country. They are in a location where they could observe the situation on the mainland without getting involved.

Williams idea has not changed even now. He still thinks that participating in this rebellion was a stupid idea.

However, even if he thinks that way, it has already been done. Right now, William thinks that it is his job to turn this rebellion into something good.

Thats why Gordons rebellion must succeed.

For that reason, William was monitoring the situation from the sky when he received the information that the Imperial Knight Commander was guarding the Rainbow Celestial Jewel at the throne room. He thought that there must be some kind of escape route they can use to sneak out of there.

At first glance, Gordon seemed to have an overwhelming advantage. However, it is still possible for the Celestial Sphere with only three Rainbow Celestial Jewels to be destroyed by the holy sword.

If they cant get their hand on the fourth one, the rebellion might end in failure. It is not too late to defeat the Emperor after they secure the fourth jewel.

Thus what they should aim at is the fourth Rainbow Celestial Jewel.

That is why William, who accurately gauged the situation to be so, appeared in front of Traus group.

I have no idea what you are talking about?

I do not mind if you wish to play dumb. I only need to see for myself.

Saying so, William ordered his subordinates to attack Traus group.

The Dragon Knights are powerful.

Albeit small, a dragon is still a dragon. It has a power that no ordinary soldiers can compete with.

Even if Traus escort is composed of the Crown Princes aides, that was inevitable.

While having to mind the Dragon Knights sword and spear, they have to be wary of the dragons fangs and claws.

They are locked in a stalemate. However, that is exactly what William wanted.

As expected of the Wings of the Crown Prince. Even though you have been away from the frontline, it seems that you are still my match.

I dont want to hear that from a person who can deal with both of us at the same time while being so calm like that.

William directly engages with the Raiffeisen brothers but he managed to deal with them without taking a single step back.

Seeing that, Trau thinks that his moniker of the Dragon Prince is not an exaggeration.

However, that impression soon turned into caution.

That was because William has a small smile on his face.

Trau, who felt a sense of crisis from his smile, looked up at the sky.

You have a good instinct, Prince.


Looking up at the sky, several more Dragon Knights have arrived and are descending toward them.

Delayed assault. William was aiming for the moment when Traus escorts were distracted and his defense weakened.

The descending Dragon Knights aim at Trau with a throwing spear.

Three spears were thrown.

Two were deflected by Trau but all he could do to the third one was to deviate its trajectory.


The spear pierced the left side of his stomach.

Trau frowns in pain.

However, he does not collapse. He knows that he cant fall now.

The bag he was hanging on his waist flew away from him from the attack.

Trau keeps his eyes on the bag that fell on the road.

Seeing that he prioritizes the bag over his own wellbeing, William was convinced.

Take that bag! Its the jewel!

In response to Williams voice, the Dragon Knights immediately moved.

The escorts tried to block their way.

Their formation collapsed and the battle has turned to chaos.

Meanwhile, they heard a despair-inducing sound.

The sound of the cavalry.

Trau turned his eyes to the direction of the sound.

Gordon appeared from the back alley with a cavalry unit that seems to be his escort.

This is bad!

Trau shouted and headed for the bag.

As he ran, a Dragon Knight attacked him.

His shoulder was pierced.

The Dragon Knights eyes then turned to the bag.

However, that was a fatal mistake.


With his shoulder still pierced, Trau swings his sword with his other arm and cuts down the Dragon Knight.

He managed to reach the bag, but the pain from his wounds caused his consciousness to dull and he ended up on his knee.

While regretting that he had been neglecting his training, Trau ordered his legs to move.

However, his legs do not move. During that time the enemies are closing in on him.

He has to take the bag.

In front of Trau who reached his hand for the bag, someone picked it up.

The hand was a familiar small hand.

Leave it to me..!


It was Christa who picked up the bag.

The Dragon Knights tried to stab Christa with their spears but Rita repels them.

Run to the street! Cu-chan!


Once she reaches the narrow street where houses are lined up on both sides, the Dragon Knights will not be able to move freely.

Gordons group is also on horseback. If a small child runs away from them using the narrow street, he will not be able to chase after her properly.

Her judgment was not wrong.

Thats why William ordered his men with the loudest voice since he arrived.


While everyone was aiming for Christa, Rupert who received Gordons glare was stiffened.

What should I do.

To confront him or to run.

He knows which one he is supposed to do but his leg did not move.

Rupert had chosen to confront Gordon even though it is something that he shouldnt do the most.

Rupert himself knew that he was wrong.

Still, his body doesnt move as he wishes. His heart was frozen by fear.

For Rupert, his older siblings were a symbol of fear. Among them, he was especially scared of Gordon.

However, the voice of Alois who stood next to him woke him up.

Your Highness! Your Highness! I am with you! It will be okay!


Alois grabs Rupert whose face has gone pale. His hand was terribly cold.

That was how much cornered Rupert felt.

However, he has to make his decision.

Whether to help them or run away.

Gordon was standing between Rupert and Christa.

If Rupert moved to rescue her, he would surely get in his way.

Your Highness, your order please!

My order..

Rupert was prompted by Alois and looked behind Gordon. He saw Christa being chased by the enemies.

He thought that he had to help. At least, he wanted to send Alois to her.

However, if he does that, Rupert will be stuck.

As long as there is a siege around the east gate, he needs to have enough force to break through it.

If he helps, he can not get to the east gate.

However, what he has is a decoy. As long as what Christa is carrying is the real jewel, he must protect her.


The moment he muttered so.

Als words floated in his mind.

Even if someone is in danger right in front of you, you mustnt help them you know?

If you come back to help them you will reveal that you are holding the dummy.

If he rushes to their aid, the enemy forces will concentrate on them.

If it is his duty to get away then he mustnt help them.

It takes courage to run away.

Rupert now fully understands Finnes words.

He doesnt want to abandon them. He wants to help them.

He never thought that sealing those feelings away would be so painful.

However, Rupert clenched his teeth and made his decision while shedding tears.

We are running away..we have to attract the attention of those cavalries.

Your Highness.I understand!

Alois covers Rupert as they cross the main street and head to the east gate.

Seeing that, Gordon mockingly smiled at them.

Hmph, what a coward. To think that such a fool is my younger brother. He makes me sick.

Should we let them go, Your Highness?

Chase after them just in case. Theres no way that such a fool was entrusted with the real jewel. My bet is on Traugott. I will head to join that side.

As you command. CHASE THEM!

The cavalry chases after Ruperts group.

Gordon who stayed back then slowly headed toward Traus group.

After all, he could see that William had already captured Christa.

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