The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 240: Each Specialized Field

Chapter 240: Each Specialized Field

Going back a little in time.

Shortly before the Celestial Sphere activated.

Finne and Mia who infiltrated the Inner Palace were surprised at a large number of soldiers they found there.

Hiding in the room, the two watch the soldiers.

There are quite a lot of them

Maybe they are planning to take control of the inner palace first? Even so, I think that this number is still strange.

Finne quietly analyzes the enemys intentions.

First, she must grasp the situation and analyze them. That is what Al always does.

The inner palace is wide. But to use this number of soldiers to take control over it is strange.

If they want to capture all the consorts inside the inner palace first they should mobilize more men. If that is the case then that shouldnt be their immediate goal.

Then what is their aim here?

If their main goal is not to take complete control over the whole inner palace then it must be somewhere smaller.

Capturing Mitsuba-sama? But that wouldnt make sense given where they are going.

The place where the soldiers are heading to, and where they are most concentrated is in the opposite direction of Mitsubas room.

From there, Finne made a deduction.

It seems that they are most likely trying to free that person.

They are trying to free someone?

The Fifth Consort Zuzan and the Second Princess Zandra. They need someone with the imperial familys blood to activate the Celestial Sphere. From His Highness Gordons personality, he isnt the type that would directly command his men here at the castle. I am sure that he will directly head to confront His Majesty. In that case, they need someone of the Imperial Family to activate the Celestial Sphere inside the castle..thats why they are trying to free Her Highness Zandra. I dont think that my theory will be that far off from the truth.

She must be thinking of making her move after the Celestial Sphere is activated but if she gives Gordon her cooperation then it will be easier for her to make a move.

Finne thought so and told Mia her plan.

If their purpose is not to capture the consorts then this is our chance. Lets head to Mitsuba-samas side.

Understood. What do we do about the other consorts though?

There are five other consorts in the inner palace. From the third to seventh consorts, the fourth and the fifth are on the enemy side. Our allies are the sixth and seventh consort. The only one I cant read what she is thinking at all is the Third Consort alone.

Leaving the room they were hiding in, they headed straight to Mitsubas room.

They walked down the hallway without hiding themselves but since the soldiers went in the opposite direction, Finne thinks that they will be okay.

Above all, even if they encounter an enemy, she has Mia at her side.

She doesnt want to be too cautious and wastes precious time now. If they can join up with Mitsuba before the enemy makes their moves, the difficulty of escaping will be greatly reduced.

The Third Consortshe is the mother of the Second Prince right?

Yes, since she is the mother of the prince Al-sama is most on guard against, I am sure that she will do something.

Erics mother.

There was no doubt that she is the person worthy of paying their utmost attention to.

It is either that she take advantage of this situation and do something or taking the initiative to escape first.

While under the impression that she will surely make a move, she couldnt grasp what she will do accurately.

If its Al-sama, he would be able to predict what she would do..

Finne-sama is already amazing! I was completely clueless about those things after all!

Amazing, me? Then I think it is because I have a great role model. Before I came to the Imperial Capital, I was not good at using my head after all. Right now I am still no good though.

Everything Finne does is an imitation of Al.

Being the closest person to him, Finne looked at Al and followed his example. However, there is also a limit.

The amount of experience they have is different. Al, who has played tricks on others since he was a child, used his head in various areas while Finne only lived quietly inside her territory.

No matter how closely she observed him, she can not perfectly imitate Al.

It was impossible for Finne to analyze the enemys aim so accurately like him.

However, Finne didnt think that it was something that she should be depressed over.

It is something like an added-value. Naturally, it is better that she can do it but even if she cant, nothing will change.

People have their own specialized field. The current Finne understands that.

I am not good at thinking too! I always think that it would be easier for me if I could use my head more you know!

Humans are lacking as living beings. It is because we are not perfect that we have our strengths and weaknesses. But that is okay. People are together to compensate for each other after all.

That was the reason Al chose to support Leo.

If it is in the nature of the people to compensate for each other then a person who inspires helps from others is suitable to be a ruler.

An emperor doesnt have to be perfect. He can rely on people around him.

As long as there are people who wish to support or help him then thats enough.

Thats Als way of thinking and the reason why he wants Leo to be an emperor.

However, the two are twins.

They are on the opposite ends of the spectrum but their characters are very similar.

Both Leo and Al have the qualities that inspire people to support them.

Leo inspires others by showing how he is always aiming for a new height while Al, despite his lackings, inspires others by showing how he does his best.

Thats how they attract the people around them.

People around Leo try to push him further, while people around Al try to pull him up. Which one people want to support will be up to their preference.

However, there is a decisive difference between the two.

Whether they are willing to become an emperor or not. That is the first and foremost condition to become an emperor.

Leo chose to become an emperor while Al chose to support Leo.

If there is something different in this dynamic then there must be an opposite world line. Even so, this sibling would support each other.

However, in this world, Al chose to be the one who supported his brother.

If so then it is her role to support Al at his side, Finne thought.


Thats whyI dont think that someone who relies on no one but themselves can become an emperor. Will you help me? Mia-san.

It is already too late for that. I have already pledged this bow to you after all.

Hearing Mias answer, Finne smiled.

Then, Mia quietly whispered to Finne.

Please go ahead first. I will finish this soon.

Saying so, Mia took out her bow and turned back.

It seems that the soldiers have already arrived behind them.

Finne leaves the soldiers to Mia and hurries to Mitsubas room.

Once she arrived, Finne rushed into Mitsubas room.

Mitsuba-sama! Are you safe!?

Finne-san!? Run!

Inside the room, Gianna was also together with Mitsuba.

However, there were not only the two that were inside the room.

They were maids who took up arms and Imperial Guards of the inner palace, she couldnt tell enemies from allies.

Some of the maids and guards are protecting Mitsuba and Gianna while others try to kill them.

The room looked like a battlefield.

The enemy already dispatched their forces.

If they take their time here, the soldiers will soon catch up with them.

She needs to hurry.

When Finne thought so, one of the female guards noticed Finne and rushes at her

Its the Blau Mowe! Catch her!


Mitsubas voice echoed in the room.

However, Finne does nothing to the hand that reached out to grab her.

She knew that it would be useless no matter how she resisted.

And-it is also because she knew that it wasnt necessary.

I leave this to you. Mia-san.

Leave it to me!

Mia appeared from behind Finne and kicked the guard who tried to grab Finne away.

The kick sent the female guard crashing into the opposite wall.

Witnessing that, all attention was directed toward Mia for a moment.

You all look the same so its hard to tell. If you are on Finne-samas side then throw down your weapon. If you dont I will blow you all away!

Mia gives a warning and holds up her weapon.

Strong magic power was emitted from the bow.

Mitsuba, who felt the danger right away, immediately issued an order.


In response to her command, the maids and the guards who were protecting Mitsuba and Gianna immediately dropped their weapons and rushed to Mitsubas side.

The remaining enemy maids and guards pointed their weapons at Mia but they didnt have any chance to use them.

Have you ever seen a scattering arrow?

Mia said so and fired a magic arrow that gave off a dazzling light.

It scattered into countless arrows and blew all the enemies to the wall, incapacitated them.

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